Exhibitions of Daniel & Geo Fuchs at Galerie Clairefontaine |
Galerie ClairefontaineLUFORCES![]() 3 May – 31 May 2014
The series “FORCES” comes from a research project that brought the artists to question the phenomenon of military and armed forces. It consists of a series of photographs of fighters in unlikely or at least improbable situations: they appear in impenetrable woods, deserts, or in urban environments, impassibly parked. The photographs are playing with the viewer’s memory, they refer to familiar elements, belonging to our reality or experienced at least through the TV or t… Galerie ClairefontaineLUlooking to learn / learning to look![]() 25 Years of Galerie Clairefontaine30 Nov 2013 – 25 Jan 2014
If you love art, meeting artists enriches your life and brings you closer to an intangible world that you yearn for, but don’t experience in your everyday life. The eternal Faustian desire to “know what holds the inner world together” lies dormant in us all and needs to be satisfied. We may not realise the dream, but we must still dream it, and each of us does so in our own way. The book and the exhibition document the quest of Luxembourgish gallerist Marita Ruiter over th… Galerie ClairefontaineLUPorträts > < SelbstporträtsKünstler im Dialog mit sich selbst26 Jun – 26 Jul 2008Galerie ClairefontaineLUPhotomeetings Luxembourg 2006 - Mass Media Manipulation![]() 19 Jun – 22 Jul 2006PHOTOMEETINGS LUXEMBOURG
workshops lectures exhibitions
June 19 - 24, 2006
information: +352 472324
subscribe to newsletter: info@photomeetings.lu
Mass Media Manipulation
Due to the role of technology in the contemporary world, the function of the image in our society has changed. Millions of images are published and diffused, and remain instantly accessible. Selectively presented and manipulated, they lose what Walter Benjamin cal… Galerie ClairefontaineLULuxemburger Porträts 2002Die thermische Aura- Wärmebildfotografie und Schwarzweißaufnahmen17 Jan – 1 Mar 2003 |