Exhibitions of Chan-Hyo Bae at PHOTO EDITION BERLIN |
PHOTO EDITION BERLINDEPHOTO EDITION BERLIN +49 (0)30-41717831 contact@photoeditionberlin.com Wed 14-18, Sat 12-16 + SOMMER GRUPPENAUSSTELLUNGFotografische Porträts und auf Fotografie basierte Werke3 Aug – 10 Sep 2014PHOTO EDITION BERLINDEPHOTO EDITION BERLIN +49 (0)30-41717831 contact@photoeditionberlin.com Wed 14-18, Sat 12-16 + Neue Editionen![]() 11 Aug – 22 Sep 2012NEW EDITIONS Yotta Kippe - Eliška Bartek - Klaus Dietrich - Nathalie Daoust - Michael H. Rohde - Antonio Panetta - Bernard Pras - Chan-Hyo Bae - Edgar Moreno - Nils Eichberg11th August - 22nd September 2012Opening Reception: Saturday, 01. September from 2-6 pmSome of the artists will be present.BERLIN ART WEEKPlanned for the second week in September, from (11 – 16 September 2012), the Berlin Art Week will provide a… PHOTO EDITION BERLINDEPHOTO EDITION BERLIN +49 (0)30-41717831 contact@photoeditionberlin.com Wed 14-18, Sat 12-16 + Die Hülle des Selbst.2 Nov – 30 Nov 2008PHOTO EDITION BERLINDEPHOTO EDITION BERLIN +49 (0)30-41717831 contact@photoeditionberlin.com Wed 14-18, Sat 12-16 + Storytelling![]() 29 Aug – 18 Oct 2008Chan-Hyo Bae has chosen the iconography of queenliness to express his own feelings of cultural estrangement. Originally from South Korea and currently living in London, England, Bae begins from very simple, common sentiments of foreignness. His works—large-format colour prints, in which he plays unidentified female British monarchs from the 13th to 19th centuries (all his works are untitled)—initially appear to be a cheeky sort of wish fulfillment.
One is readily reminded of Yasumas… |