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Exhibitions at Blanca Berlín

Blanca BerlínES

Blanca Berlín Galería
c/ Limon 28
28015 Madrid

+34 91-5429313


Mon-Sat 10:30-14:30 + 17-21

Look, Feel, Collect

Look, Feel, Collect

20 Sep – 31 Dec 2012
The exhibition Look, Feel, Collect brings three artists together: Joaquim Paiva, Miguel Soler-Roig and Toni Catany. They are both artists and collectors who have built their own vision of the world through their own eyes and though the eyes of the others. They have chosen to recognize and be recognized as the creators of artworks that inspire.

The act of collecting begins with looking, with the ability to discover qualities before our eyes. Looking means to look within, to pay attention, to ask… more