Exhibitions at Breda Photo |
Breda PhotoNL7th BredaPhoto International Photo Festival![]() 15 Sep – 30 Oct 2016From 15 September until 30 October 2016, the seventh edition of BredaPhoto International Photo Festival takes place in Breda. Over 70 outspoken photographers, Dutch and from abroad, exhibit their work outdoors and in art centers in town. BredaPhoto celebrates photography. The program consists of lectures, workshops and numerous indoor and outside exhibitions throughout the city. www.bredaphoto.nlmore Breda PhotoNLSongs From the HeartBredaPhoto international photo festivalKarin BorghoutsEelco BrandAndrew BushBert DanckaertAndrej Glusgold… (24)Alexander GronskyGregory HalpernKoen HauserTodd HidoTom HunterDebby HuysmansAn-Sofie KesteleynOla LankoWayne LawrenceJoshua LutzÓscar MonzónYoichi NagataAsako NarahashiWiesje PeelsPhotographer HalSimon RobertsStephanie RolandDelphine SchacherBryan SchutmaatAlec SothEd TempletonRein Jelle TerpstraKris VervaekeHans Wilschut11 Sep – 26 Oct 2014Breda PhotoNLBredaphoto 201016 Sep – 24 Oct 2010Breda PhotoNL60 Exhibitions: Breda Photo 200320 Sep – 19 Oct 2003Breda Photo 2003 B R E D A , T H E N E T H E R L A N D S Breda Photo 2003 is a new photofestival, to be held in Breda, in the south of the Netherlands. The festival will bring together inspiring photography from well known photographers such as James Nachtwey and Paul den Hollander, and will also be focusing on new talents. The festival has some 30 exhibitions, a photo- and photo-bookfair, films and documentaries. photo: Claudette van de Raktmore |