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Exhibitions at Galerie Alice Mogabgab

Galerie Alice MogabgabLB

Lumières . Enlightenment . الأنوار

12 Mar – 13 May 2022
Etel ADNAN, Jeanine COHEN, Houda KASSATLY, 
Malgorzata PASZKO, Clémence VAN LUNEN & Li WEI.more

Galerie Alice MogabgabLB

Houda Kassatly


De la fin de la Guerre Civile au Hirak: architecture, environnement, camps; l’héritage malmené.

28 Jan – 21 Mar 2020

Galerie Alice MogabgabLB

Roger Moukarzel

The butho

The butho

3 Oct – 25 Oct 2012
The butoh

until October 25th, 2012

Born in Beirut in 1962, Roger Moukarzel began his career as a photographer at the age of 15, amidst the Lebanese conflict. At a very young age, he became a war correspondent at the Sygma agency for a decade and a half, and later on moved to Reuters where he held the position of chief reporter to the Beirut office for another 15 years. In parallel, he established a fashion photography studio, and today his work is engrained in the field of adve… more

Galerie Alice Mogabgab

Gilbert Hage



11 May – 29 May 2004
Né au Liban en 1966

Diplômé en photographie de l'USEK, Liban
Enseigne depuis 1990 à l'USEK, Kaslik
Enseigne depuis 1994 à l'ALBA, Beyrouth

Expositions personnelles
Centre Culturel Français de Jounieh, Liban
Théâtre Maroun Naccache, Beyrouth, Liban
Galerie Noir et Blanc, Alep, Syrie
Atelier Kalapsha, Beyrouth, Liban
Galerie el Assad, Alep, Syrie
Institut Cervantès, Damas, Syrie
Galerie Le Pont, Alep, Syrie
Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie, Église C… more