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Exhibitions at Galerie Almine Rech

Galerie Almine RechFR

Galerie Almine Rech
127, rue du Chevaleret
75013 Paris

+33(0)1-45 83 71 90


Tue-Sat 11h-19h

Annelies Štrba

France und die Elfen

10 Jan – 28 Feb 2004
Annelies Strbà came to video more or less by chance. The organisers of the Antechamber exhibition at London's Whitechapel Gallery wanted to commission video portraits of the participating artists. Strbà preferred to make the portrait herself, and bought a video camera to do so. In the resulting film, her first video film, MAX, 1997, she mirrors herself in her daughters. The film is set in the kitchen, where many of her photographs were also taken. Her daughters are setting the table and cleari… more

Galerie Almine RechFR

Galerie Almine Rech
127, rue du Chevaleret
75013 Paris

+33(0)1-45 83 71 90


Tue-Sat 11h-19h

Ange Leccia

Solo Exhibition

13 Sep – 31 Oct 2003
Ange Leccia
Expositions personnelles (Sélection)

Galerie Almine Rech, Paris, France (septembre-octobre).

"Ange Leccia", Les écuries de Saint-Hugues, Cluny, France (29/06 - 22/09).

Abbaye du Mont Saint Michel, France (hiver 2002-2003).

Expositions collectives (Sélection)

"La conquête de l'air ; les colonies de l'espace",

Les Abbatoirs, Toulouse (25/11 - 24/02/03).

"Art Document", Hiroshima, Japon (02/08 ú 01/10/02).

"Rencontres de la Photographie à Arles"… more

Galerie Almine RechFR

Galerie Almine Rech
127, rue du Chevaleret
75013 Paris

+33(0)1-45 83 71 90


Tue-Sat 11h-19h

Sven Pahlsson

Solo Exhibition

10 Jun – 26 Jul 2003

Born in 1965.
Lives and works in Oslo and New York.


1985-90 The National Academy of Fine Arts, Oslo
1984-85 Oland Fine Art School, Sweden
1983-84 Riddarfjeard Art School, Stockholm, Sweden

Solo exhibitions

2003 Spencer Brownstone Gallery, New York City

2002 Studio Massimo de Carlo, Milan
     Oslo Kunsthalle, Oslo, Norway
     “Art Statements”, Art 33 Basel, Basel, Switzerland
     Spencer Brownstone Gallery, New York City

2001 Spencer Brownstone… more