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Exhibitions at Imatra Art Museum

Imatra Art MuseumFI

People in the Eastern Border Country - The first Imatra Biennale of Photographic Art

People in the Eastern Border Country - <a href=The first Imatra Biennale of Photographic Art" title="People in the Eastern Border Country - The first Imatra Biennale of Photographic Art" />

6 Jun – 29 Aug 2003
The first Imatra Biennale of Photographic Art takes us on a pictorial journey into Europe's Eastern borderlands. The Imatra region borders onto Russia, a country with which Eastern Europe has shared an economic and spiritual history stretching back for decades. All Europe however is now reaching out for economic integration.
Whilst the European Union is blurring our old political concepts of East and West, people's motives for moving around Europe are increasingly governed by economic circumstan… more