Exhibitions at Lempertz |
LempertzDELempertz +49 (0)221-9257290 photo@lempertz.com Mon-Fri 10-13+14-17.30, Sat 10-13 Andreas FeiningerPHOTOGRAPHS / PHOTOGRAPHIEN![]() 9 Mar – 6 Apr 2024Andreas Feininger (1906-1999), the Paris-born first of three sons of Bauhaus master Lyonel Feininger, set important milestones with his technical and artistic passion for photography, and it is thanks to his technical curiosity and precision that architecture photography enjoyed important new impulses. With his self-made cameras, Andreas Feininger achieved an unprecedented compression of space, capturing the skyscrapers of New York with the use of long focal lengths. Photography is more than the… more LempertzDEKunsthaus Lempertz +49 (0)221-9257290 photo@lempertz.com Mon-Fri 10-13+14-17.30, Sat 10-13 Sigmar PolkePhotoworks![]() 9 Apr – 21 Apr 2011POLKEIn Spring 2010 Lempertz auctioned, with great success, a representative selection of the Carl and Karin Vogel Collection, which also included photography from Sigmar Polke. Further photographic works from this artist with the same provenance will be offered for sale in our Contemporary Art auctions from Autumn 2011. Before this occurs, and this amazing collection is again dispersed, it gives us great pleasure to present, for the first and perhaps the last time, a selection of these works in… more LempertzDEKunsthaus Lempertz +49 (0)221-9257290 photo@lempertz.com Mon-Fri 10-13+14-17.30, Sat 10-13 Albrecht KunkelTransmission![]() 30 Aug – 29 Sep 2008"Der Ausgangspunkt ist immer das Bild. Mich interessiert, wie wir uns über Bilder eine Vorstellung von der Welt machen, welche Vorstellungen Bilder vermitteln und welche Mechanismen in den Bildern stecken." Albrecht Kunkel erforscht in seinen Photographien die Mechanismen und Wirkungen der bildlichen Wahrnehmung. Sein Interesse gilt dabei medial vermittelten Inhalten. Deshalb sucht er systematisch Orte auf, die paradigmatisch für die Generierung von Kultur stehen: Höhlen als Ursprung von Erke… more LempertzDEHeinz Hajek-HalkeSolo Exhibition20 Sep – 12 Oct 2002 |