Exhibitions at Minsheng Art Museum |
Minsheng Art MuseumCNMinsheng Art Museum +86 (0)21-62828729 info@minshengart.com Tue-Sun 10-21 Tatsuo MiyajimaBeing Coming![]() 18 May – 18 Aug 2019Shanghai Minsheng Art Museum is honoured to announce that, on May 17, 2019, the Japanese artist Tatsuo Miyajima will launch his largest solo exhibition “Tatsuo Miyajima: Being Coming”. The public can admire the representative LED installations and performance art works of each period since 1988. Furthermore, the exhibition is going to present the new-created works specific for the show, including LED installation “Time Waterfall (2019)” and performance art “Counter … more Minsheng Art MuseumCNMinsheng Art Museum +86 (0)21-62828729 info@minshengart.com Tue-Sun 10-21 Contemporary Photography in China 2009 – 20141 Sep – 15 Oct 2014Minsheng Art MuseumCNMinsheng Art Museum +86 (0)21-62828729 info@minshengart.com Tue-Sun 10-21 Thirty Years of Chinese Contemporary Art – Moving Image in China (1988-2011)![]() Bao AiLunQiu AnxiongCHEN Chieh-JenZhang DingSONG Dong… (40)CAO FeiYANG FudongYUAN Goang-MingWANG GongxinRan HuangPENG Hung-ChihZHU JiaWANG JianweiGeng JianyiHU JiemingLi JuchuanYAN LeiFeng MengboZHANG PeiliJIANG PengyiCHEN QiulinMa QiushaCHENG RanCHEN ShaohongGao ShiqiangXU TanZhou TaoZHOU TiehaiLIU Wei (*1972)HU XiangqianMIAO XiaochunZHOU XiaohuCHEN XiaoyunCUI XiuwenKAN XuanSun XunZHOU YiLIN YilinSHI YongLI YongbinTseng Yu-ChinLIANG YueXU ZhenJIANG ZhiQIU Zhijie9 Sep – 27 Nov 2011by Sue Wang Thirty Years of Chinese Contemporary Art – Moving Image in China (1988-2011) drew its curtains at Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai on September 9th, 2011. It features more than 70 works from fifty-plus important artists and represents objectively the cultural and the artistic context of this history from a Chinese academic view. The exhibition is divided into four stages to display important art pieces since the end of 1980s, systematically summarizing the development of Chines… more |