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Exhibitions at Weltkulturen Museum

Weltkulturen MuseumDE

GREY IS THE NEW PINK - Moments of Ageing

GREY IS THE NEW PINK - Moments of Ageing

Momentaufnahmen des Alterns

26 Oct 2018 – 1 Sep 2019

Who is old – where and when? Can we meet the "challenge of ageing" optimistically? And what potential lies slumbering in the process of aging?

Projections for global demographic trends are forecasting an increase in the world’s older population. The process of growing older is not just important for each individual, but has implications for the social and cultural spheres. Yet each generation ages differently. And when can we actually talk of someone as "old" a… more

Weltkulturen MuseumDE


Rindenbaststoffe aus den Sammlungen des Weltkulturen Museums

1 Jun – 1 Oct 2017

Weltkulturen MuseumDE

Black Paris

Kunst und Geschichte einer schwarzen Diaspora 1906-2006

17 Mar – 4 Nov 2007