The Blue Noses , Che Guevara 30 Years After (A Revolution Goes On) , 2005 , print on fabric , 200x300 cm , Courtesy: Galerie Volker Diehl, Berlin and Guelman M. Gallery, Moscow
Blue Noses
Tsang Kin-Wah
The Fifth Seal
HE Shall Deliver You Up To Be Afflicted And Killed As HE Was (detail)
Digital video projection with sound, 13 min. 30 sec.
Tsang Kin-Wah
Pushpamala N., Lakshmi (from "Native Types" series), 2000-04, C print on metallic paper, 61 x 50.8cm, Courtesy: Nature Morte, New Delhi, Photo: Clare Arni
Pushpamala N.
Motohiko Odani, Rompers DVD 3' 2003
Motohiko Odani
Saskia Olde Wolbers, KILOWATT DYNASTY, 2000, Video, 6min., Voice over: Jean Lee, Courtesy: Maureen Paley, London
Saskia Olde Wolbers
Sherman Ong
29 min. 53 sec.
Sherman Ong
Wang Qingsong
Follow Me (Detail)
120 x 300 cm
Courtesy of the artist and the CourtYard Gallery, Beijing
Wang Qingsong
Shiga Lieko, Wedding Veil, 2007, C-Print
Lieko Shiga
Zsa Zsa Zsu, 2007, Stop-Motion Animation Video, 4 min. 54 sec.
Ho Tzu Nyen, The Bohemian Rhapsody Project, 2006, video, 6min. 52sec., DV