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Contacts for the work of Aurore Millet

Biography of Aurore Millet

1960 Born in Flers de L´Orne – France
lives & works in Berlin
International Exhibitions

1979- 81 École Normale Supérieure de Lettres, Caen, France
1981 moves to Göttingen, Germany
1981 Studies of Literature, Linguistics & History
1983-84 Tutor at the University of Hannover,
department of romanistic, Germany
1986 MA (Literature, Linguistics and History)
at the University of Hannover, Germany
1987-1990 Studies at Avni Institute of Art/Tel Aviv and
at the Ramat-Hasharon College of Art), Israel
1991-1993 Completing studies at Art Academy of Düsseldorf, under
Prof. C. Megert
1992-1993 Tutor at the Art Academy of Düsseldorf
1993 MFA at the Art Academy of Düsseldorf
“Integration Art & Architecture”
1993-1997 lived in New York
1995-1997 “Artist in Residency” of the city of New York
(New York Cultural Affairs) in the East-Village
1997- 2001 lived & worked in Berlin
2001- 2004 lived & worked in Jerusalem
since Nov. 2004 lives & works in Berlin


1991 XCR Art prize, Munich-Berlin
1992 Citi-Insurance Art prize, Düsseldorf
1994 “Works on paper 94”, juried by Lisa Phillips, Whitney
Museum, New York, exhibition at the Migg Karr Fine Arts
Center, New York
1994 Grant of Erasmus Program, Brussels
1999 Finalist of Kunstpreis der Stadt Bonn, Prize for Rheinland
artists selected by the Kunstmuseums Bonn

Gallery Exhibitions

1993 St. Charles de Rose Galerie, Paris
1993 Löhrl Galerie, Mönchengladbach
1993 Levitan Gallery, New York
1997 & 1998 Landon Gallery, New York
1998, 1999 & 2000 Galerie Michael Schneider, Bonn
2001 Galerie Leßmann & Lenser, Frankfurt
2004, 2007 Galerie f 5, 6 / Nicole Stanner, Munich
2005 Galerie artMbassy / Chiara Marzi, Berlin
2005 Galerie Marc Robinov, Munich
2006 Galerie Confluence, Nantes
2008 Galerie Marcus Winter, Berlin
2009 Galerie Zeisler, “Bewegung, Zeichnungen” Berlin
2011 Jan-March Galerie Zeisler, “ Carnaval”, Berlin
2011 August-Nov Galerie Berlin Avantgarde, “ (e)motion” mit Corinna
Rosteck, Berlin

Exhibitions Institutions & Museums

1990 Petah Tiqwa Museum, Israel
1992 Kunst am Bau, H.B.V, Düsseldorf
1992 Competition results at the Groß-Gerau Museum
1993 38e. salon de Montrouge, Paris
1993 Centre Culturel Francais de Düsseldorf
1994 Landesmuseum Francisco Carolinum, Linz, Austria
1994 Migg Karr Fine Arts Center, New York
1997 ZDF Studios, New York
1999 Kunstpreis der Stadt Bonn, Künstlerforum, Bonn
1999 Stadt Kunst Bonn
1999 DeutschlandRadio, Köln
2000 Bonner Mai, 11 x Kunst aus Bonn, Altes Rathaus Potsdam,
organized by the Kunstmuseum und Kulturamt Bonn 2001 Jan. Lange Nacht der Museen, TU Berlin
2002 French Cultural Center, Tel Aviv & Jerusalem
2003 Beit Omanim, Artist House, Jerusalem
2003 Centre Culturel Romain Gary, Jerusalem
2004 Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center, Ramallah
2004 AL-Qattan Foundation, Ramallah
2004-5 Ziegert Bank for Art, Berlin
2006 IFA, (Institute for Foreign Relations), Berlin
2006 French Cultural Center, Jerusalem
2006 Art Court-Al Hoash, Ost-Jerusalem
2007 French Cultural Center, Gaza
2007 Berliner Korrespondenten Akademie
2008 Oct-Dec Kunsthalle Vierseithof, Luckenwalde (near
Berlin), “Bewegung” / one woman show
2009 Feb-March Artneuland, Berlin, “Art in Emergency”
2009 June Salzwerk Möhrs (by Düsseldorf)- “Positionen 09”
2009 September 1. Niederrhein Kunstbiennale
2009 December Freies Museum Berlin, Zero Project, derOrt Galerie,
Kunsthaus Tacheles, Whiteconcepts, Absence Of Art.
2011 June-Oct Vandenberg For Art, Berlin

2013 Kunsthalle Brennabor, Brandenburg

Architectural Projects

1999 Subway station Unimarkt, Bonn
1999 Public car park, “Oxford Street”, Bonn
2000 Mathematical Library of the Technical University, Berlin
2001 “Tablature” was shown during “The Night of the open
Museum”, Lange Nacht der Museen, Berlin
2003 Private indoor swimming Pool, Bonn-Bad Godesberg
2004 Wall drawings, Qattan Foundation, Ramallah
2005 Wall drawings, ArtMbassy, Gallery Chiara Marzi,
Hackescher Markt, Berlin

Art Videos & Installations, Documentary works

2003 – now
Videos and Installations
2003 "Not only Water, Wires", shown in the open air in Gaza
2004 "Not onlyWater,Wires" 2003, Al Qattan Foundation
/Ramallah 2004 & at Galerie f 5,6 by Nicole
Stanner/ Munich
2004-2005 & at Ziegert Bank/Berlin
2005 Creation of "Passage 1"
2005 "Passage 2", (pilot project), Galerie artMbassy, Berlin:
featured by the German TV station"DW"/Deutsche Welle-
Euromax (Cultural program)/ 8. Dec 2005
2006 /4th.Mai "Passage 2", (pilot project), IFA, Institute for Foreign
Cultural Relations, Berlin
2006 Creation of "Passage 2" on 3 panels
2007 /17th.Nov "Not only Water, Wires", 20es Instants Video Festival
International de Marseilles, France

Documentary works, (short films)
2005 Artistic Advisor for "The last Supper", 27 mn, presented at
the IMA, Institut du Monde arabe,
first prize in the category short film,
Paris Biennale, Paris- France (July 2006)
2006-2007 Direction of "The Youth behind the Wall", 12mn
Nunn Production, Germany

Corporate Collections

Goretext/Munich, Medeco/Bonn, Baker&Mckenzie/
Frankfurt, Tonger music verlag/Cologne, Citi-Insurance/
Düsseldorf, Bayerische Hypothekenbank/Munich &
Karlsruhe, Achenbach art consulting/Cologne, Gaedertz,
Vieregge, Quack, Kreile & Partner/Cologne, PKL-
Verpackungssysteme/Linnich, German-Polish Cultural
Society/Cologne, Deutsche Welle/Cologne,
Schwenke, Schütz & Partner/Berlin,
Sheraton Arabella Hotel/München
Guardini Foundation/Berlin

Press Reviews & TV Coverage

1998 “Schlaflos in New York”, Ch. zu Mecklenburg, Feuilleton, General Anzeiger
1998 “Bildträume auf Folie”, Heidrun Wirth, Bonner Rundschau
1999 “Stadtkunst statt Museumskunst”, Kai Weller, Schnüss
1999 “Leise Tropfgeräusche...”, Ch. zu Mecklenburg, Feuilleton, General Anzeiger
1999 “Bilderflut und Konsumrausch”, Heidrun Wirth, Bonner Rundschau
2000 “Berlin bleibt doch Berlin”, ein Kunstprojekt an der TU, Berliner Seiten FAZ
2001 “Inspiriert vom Zeltdach”, Art Magazine
2003 “Erinnerung an ein Schwimmbad”, Albert Swissa, Haaretz, Israel
2003 “Pleasures of paint”, Meier Ronnen, Jerusalem Post, Israel
2003 “Not only Water.... Am Strand von Gaza”, Sami Abu Salem, Al Ayyam
2003 “Der Himmel mit Stacheldrähten versehen”, Abdel Karim Samara, Al Quds
2003 “Und hinter tausend Drähten keine Welt”, Jörg Bremer, FAZ
2004 “Zäune”, Tahseen Yaqeen, Al Ayyam, published in London, Palestine
2004 Article on “Pools”, Ambiante Magazine
2005 Feature on “REMINISCENCE & PASSAGE 2”(12mn), shown on German
station “DW”/Deutsche Welle Euromax (Cultural program)/ 8. Dec 2005
2005 Photography Now issue Oct/Nov/Dec. 2005, p. 27
2006 “Realismus”, Andreas von Dühren, in Text, p.15
2007 WDR, Radio interview live with Thomas Nehls at the Berlin
Korrespondenten Akademie, Sept. 2007
2009 “Gaza im Bild”, Artneuland (NPO Gallery) Commentary on the situation in
the Middle East
2009 “Was nicht Propaganda ist”, Martin Conrads, on “Art in Emergency”
Exhibition, Taz.de, 23.02.2009
2009 “Kurz und kritisch”, Anna Pataczek, on “Art in Emergency”
Exhibition, Tagesspiegel, Berlin, 26.02.2009
2011 “Rätzelhaft schönes Spiel: Aurore Millet komponiert ihre Kunstwerke mit
neuen Techniken”, Märkische Oderzeitung,“Kunst und Museum”, 03.03.2011
2011 “Schwingende Linien”, Volkmar Draeger, Neues Deutschland,

2002 “Pools”, photographic works
2003 “Crillages-Grillages: Lines and Structures Tracing Time and Space”
2003 “Not only Water, Wires”, DVD Art Video
2004 “4 Wall drawings, 8 Poems”/Drawings installations – Poetry
2006 Andreas Van Dühren, essay on the photo “Reminiscence, Abu Dis”, published in in TEXT (volume: Realismus)
in 2008 “Reminiscence”, photography and works on paper (in preparation)
2009 “Bewegung”, photography and works on paper (in preparation)
2009 Publication of a photo taken at the wall of Abu Dis in“3000 Jahre Mauer”,ipp Philipp von Zabern Verlag
2009 “Traces & Movement”& “Bewegung” Works on paper (in preparation)

Teaching Experience
1995 (Lehrauftrag) Pratt Institute, Brooklyn New York, Dept. Fine Arts
2004 (Lehrauftrag) Najah University, Art Faculty, Nablus, Palestine
2005 (Lehrauftrag) Najah University, Art Faculty, Nablus, Palestine
2005-06 Gaza Ministry of Culture, Gaza City
Workshop with confirmed Artists of Gaza, Palestine
Ab 2009 Unterricht (AG Kunst) an der Nelson Mandela
Internationale Schule, Berlin / (Primary)
2010-2011 Unterricht (AG Kunst) an der Nelson Mandela
Internationale Schule, Berlin/(Oberstufe, 7.und 8. Klasse)

Ab Okt. 2012 Assistenz Arbeit bei Prof. W. Erdmann an der UDK, Berlin