Route 66, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1969
Vintage dye-transfer print Signed with stylus on recto 45 x 68 inches
€ 600,000
Ernst Haas: In America, Viking Press, New York, 1975, pl. 93.
Ernst Haas: A Colour Retrospective, 1952-1986, Thames & Hudson, London, 1989, p. 127
Paris Photo 2017
ERNST HAAS Route 66, Albuquerque, NM, 1969
Unique oversized vintage print of one of the most iconic photographs of all time
Richard Caldicott » Henri Cartier-Bresson » Ernst Haas » Jimmy Nelson » Floris Neusüss » Irving Penn »
Fair: 9 Nov – 12 Nov 2017
Wed 8 Nov
Paris Photo
Grand Palais - Booth A9
75008 Paris

Atlas Gallery
49 Dorset Street
W1U 7NF London
+44 (0)20-72244192
Mon-Fri 10-18 . Sat 11-17

Route 66 is offered alongside an important group of other unique vintage works by Ernst Haas from the collection of the photographer's family. In addition the gallery is showing vintage prints by Irving Penn, Henri Cartier Bresson, Floris Neususs, and Richard Caldicott and large format editioned works by Jimmy Nelson.
Ernst Haas and Route 66
Ernst Haas loved Route 66, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1969, which he took while driving through Albuquerque with his girlfriend. There was a thunderstorm and stopping the car was dangerous, but Haas had to capture the sudden light and begged her to stop the car.
His colour-drenched Route 66 draws the eye into jagged puddles of colour, re ec ons of billboards and neon. The water oozes into all of the bumps and imperfec ons in the as- phalt and re ects back the glowing neon lights of the city. Route 66, Albuquerque, takes this desert town swollen with gas sta ons and motels and gives it a newfound, rain-washed brilliance which made it Ernst Haas’ most iconic work. With its speeding cars and myriad of drive-through restaurants signs the image has become a symbol of the automobile culture and of America’s golden years.
The print was made in the mid 70’s for an exhibi on in New York, and was then hung in the photographer’s living room for decades and passed down to his family. This is the only print of Route 66 produced in this size; we are delighted to be o ering such unique vintage and oversized dye-transfer print with excep onal provenance, which appears on the market for the rst me.
A pioneer of colour photography, Ernst Haas is celebrated as one of the most in uen al photographers of the 20th century. Born in Vienna in 1921, Haas began photographing re- turning prisoners of war. Haas was one of the rst recruits to Robert Capa’s Magnum agency and joined Magnum in 1949. He moved to the United States in 1951 and began experiment- ing with Kodachrome colour lm, becoming the premier colour photographer of the 1950s, introducing hues and tones never before seen in printed colour.
In 1962 a retrospec ve of his work was the rst colour photography exhibi on held at New York’s Museum of Modern Art. The exhibi on was exclusively comprised of dye-transfer prints – Haas’ prin ng process of choice, an extremely di cult and labour intensive process which translates the richness and depth of colour produced by Kodachrome lm and Leica cameras.
His images featuring symbols of American culture, both familiar and historic, promote a sense of enduring spirit. In his shots of American street scenes, in ci es from New York to Las Vegas, he captures the play of light on wet streets, glass shop fronts and tall, mirrored buildings to almost impressionis c e ect — as in the classic Route 66, which has become one of the most celebrated images in history and an inspira on for genera ons of photogra- phers and lm-makers to follow.
About dye-transfer
The dye-transfer process, popularized by the Kodak Company, begins by making three black and white nega ves using red, green, and blue lters. These are printed in the desired for- mat on matrices (molds supplied by the manufacturer) and processed in black and white developer containing a tanner to harden the exposed gela n.
They are then rinsed in warm water to eliminate certain parts of the gela n, producing three relief matrices that are then soaked respec vely in yellow, magenta and cyan dyes.
A er each gela n relief absorbs the dye in propor on to the thickness of the gela n, the three matrices are aligned on gela n-coated paper to which their color is transferred to pro- duce a full-color image. This process allows the ar st to adjust each color separately, allow- ing for complete control of the process. The result is an extremely stable image.
Dye-transfers were largely used to prepare adver sing billboards from the 40’s to the late 70’s due its versa lity. Haas photographed many adver sing campaigns (such as Marlboro) and worked with the premiere dye-transfer labs in New York City. He used these same labs to produce large format prints for exhibi ons of his personal work.
The C-Type and Cibachromes processes did not o er the same range of color and longevity Haas was looking for, and he printed almost exclusively dye trnsfer prints. Furthermore he only printed his very best photographs as the process is extremely expensive and me consuming.

(photo: Bob Fagan)
Solo Exhibitions
2016 Color Brought to Life, Interna onal Photography Hall of Fame and Museum, St Louis, MO
2012 Ernst Haas: Classics, Duncan Miller Gallery, Bergamot Sta on, Santa Monica, CA Ernst Haas: Color Correc on, Christophe Guye Gallery, Zurich
2011 Recent Photography Acquisi ons, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, DC History’s Big Pictures, Monroe Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
Ernst Haas: A Photography Retrospec ve, Post war Vienna 1945–1948, Museum der Moderne, Salz-
Color Correc on, Atlas Gallery, London
Ernst Haas, Basia Embiricos Gallery and Photo 12 Gallery, Paris The Crea on, Weston Gallery, Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA
The Crea on, Portland Museum of Art, Portland, ME
2010 Exhibi on from the book Color Correc on, Arles Photo Fes val, Arles, France
2009 Ernst Haas: Color Correc on, curated by William Ewing, New York Photo Fes val, New York Force of Nature, Danese, London
2006 Ernst Haas: Total Vision, Atlas Gallery, London
Ernst Haas: Hollywood, Farmani Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2005 reCREATION: The rst color photography exhibi on at MoMA, Bruce Silverstein Gallery, New York
2002 Ernst Haas Eine Welt in Trummern (A World in Ruins), Museum Der Moderne Rupe num, Salzburg Ernst Haas: A Re-Crea on Part 1 and Part 2, Bruce Silverstein Gallery, New York
Ernst Haas Re ec ons, Maison des Arts
2001 Ernst Haas Re ec ons, Maison des Arts
Ernst Haas in Black and White, Ann Shanks Photography Gallery, She eld, MA
Ernst Haas: Color and Black and White, Ann Shanks Photography Gallery, She eld, MA
2000 Ernst Haas: New York, Soho Triad Fine Arts, New York
1999 Contour and Colour: Ernst Haas an Exhibi on of Colour Photography, Connoly’s, London, U.K. 1998 Only Time will Tell, Michael Hoppen Photography, London, U.K.
1996 Ernst Haas (1921–1986) Photographien, Neue Galerie der Stadt Linz, Austria
1994 Ernst Haas in Black and White, Etherton Gallery, Tucson, Arizona
Ernst Haas in Black and White, Kathleen Ewing Gallery, Washington, D.C. Rediscovery of a New Vision, A.O.I. Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
1993 Rediscovery of a New Vision, A.O.I. Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico Unpublished Black and White Images, A.O.I. Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
1992 American Photographs 1950–1975, Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York Ernst Haas in Black and White, Interna onal Center of Photography, New York
1987 Ernst Haas in Black and White, Interna onal Center of Photography, New York
1986 1921 Ernst Haas: 1986, Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts, Vienna Ernst Haas, Silver Visions Gallery, Newton Upper Falls, Mass. Ernst Haas Photographs, Larry Kau man Galleries, Houston
To See, To Be, Rochester Ins tute of Technology, Rochester
1985 Ernst Haas, Western States Museum of Photography, Santa Barbara 1984 St. Louis Botanical Garden
1982 Ernst Haas: Heimkehrer (Returning Soldiers), Salzburg, Galerie Fotohof 1980 The Crea on, Elayne Art Gallery, Minneapolis, Elayne Art Gallery
1978 The Crea on, Elayne Art Gallery, Minneapolis, Elayne Art Gallery In Deutschland, Photokina, Cologne
1976-1977 Ernst Haas, La Fotogalería, Madrid
1976 Ernst Haas: An American Experience, Interna onal Center of Photography, and Port Washington Pub- lic Library, New York
Ernst Haas, Space Gallery, New York
1975 Ernst Haas, Space Gallery, New York
1973 The Crea on, Kodak Gallery, London
Ernst Haas: Die Schöpfung (The Crea on), Österreichisches Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Vienna Ernst Haas (Returning Soldiers), Landesgalerie im Schloss Esterhazy, Eisenstadt
Ernst Haas: Die Schöpfung (The Crea on), Photomuseum im Munchner Stadtmuseum, Munich
1972 Ernst Haas: Die Schöpfung (The Crea on), Photokina, Cologne
Ernst Haas nach Krieg (A er the War), Museum des 20 Jahrhunderts; Kulturhaus, Kulturamt der
Stadt, Graz, Vienna and Graz
1971 The Crea on, Rizzoli Gallery, New York
1968-1971 Angkor and Bali: Two Worlds of Ernst Haas, Asia House Gallery, New York. Under the auspices of The American Federa on of Arts traveled to Grand Valley State College, Allingdale, Mich.; Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto; Stephens College, Columbia, Mo.; University of Manitoba, Canada; Kent School Kent, Conn.;University of Arkansas, Faye eville
1965 Angkor and Bali: Two Worlds of Ernst Haas, Asia House Gallery, New York. Under the auspices of The American Federa on of Arts traveled to Grand Valley State College, Allingdale, Mich.; Royal Ontario Muse- um, Toronto; Stephens College, Columbia, Mo.; University of Manitoba, Canada; Kent School Kent, Conn.; University of Arkansas, Faye eville
1964 Poetry in Color, New York, The IBM Gallery
Ernst Haas/Color Photography, Washington University, St. Louis
1963 Ernst Haas/Color Photography, Washington University, St. Louis
1962 Ernst Haas: Color Photography, sponsored by Mainichi Newspapers, Japan Ernst Haas: Color Photography, Museum of Modern Art, New York
1960 Ernst Haas, Cologne, Germany, Photokina