Private Lives, from the Bedroom to Social MediaUNESCO Memory of the World40 Jahre Museum für Photographie
Eine Ausstellung der Stiftung F.C. GundlachLa Photographie HumanisteWORKS BY ELLIOTT ERWITT & MANY OTHERSHistoire(s) de la photographieFotografie von 1860 bis 1960Twentieth Century Portrait Photography from the Bank of America CollectionPhotography, Africa, and the long 1960schild portraits by over 50 photographers from Julia Margaret Cameron to present dayLa jeune fille dans la villeHenri Cartier-Bresson avec Martin Parr150 photographies de la collection BachelotPhotographs from the Carter CollectionMagnum Photographers on CommissionA visual alphabet of industry, work and technology
Fotografien aus der
Sammlung F.C. Gundlachfrom the colonial to the contemporaryA selection from the Millot-Durrenberger CollectionThe Thomas Walther CollectionOn the 70th anniversary of the DGPh / Der DGPh zum 70.170 Years of Photography from the Møller Collection Histoires de photographiesMagnum photographers on commissionune esthétique de la photographie – Collection de la BnF
Magnum Photos and Picto 1950-2020Ikonen des Bildjournalismus 1932 – 1986A Tribute Show to The Greatest EyesDa Capa a Ghirri. Capolavori dalla Collezione BerteroLa photographie sociale et documentaire en France. 1928-1936LA VIDA URBANA EN LA FOTOGRAFÍA Y EL CINELa photographie sociale et documentaire en France et en Belgique 1928-1936Photographs from the Howard Greenberg CollectionFotografie im Zeichen der ZeitMasterpieces from the Gilman and González-Falla collectionphotography and the British seaside from the 1850s to the present.Photographs from the National Gallery of CanadaWorks from the Olbricht CollectionA Photographic Journey Inspired by her Essay: "America Day by Day"Through the Eyes of the French Humanist MovementPhotographs from the collection of the National Museum of Fine ArtsLa photographie sociale et documentaire en France. 1928-1936Soizic Audouard et Catherine Thieck ouvrent leurs tiroirs de photographiesPhotographic Self-Portraits from the Audrey and Sydney Irmas CollectionPlaten Collection / Sammlung PlatenWorks from the Bank of America CollectionCollection de la Maison Européenne de la Photographie, ParisMeisterwerke der Fotosammlung der AlbertinaRegard sur la collection de Florence et Damien BachelotThe Myth of India in Western Culture 1808-2017Between Film and PhotographyAn exhibition celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Centre PompidouA CENTURY OF LEICA PHOTOGRAPHYMagnum Photos 70th AnniversaryDa Henri Cartier-Bresson a Paolo PellegrinContre-Cultures 1969-1989Magnum Photos 70th AnniversaryDa Nadar a Gursky: il ritratto fotografico nella Collezione d’Arte UniCreditDer Rhein und die Fotografie 2016-1853Masterworks of French Photography, 1890-1950A Selection of Rare and Unique Pieces Hommage à Etsuro ISHIHARAIconic photographs from 1933 to 2007Photographing Class, Culture an Identity in Modern BritainFotografien aus der Collection Susanne von MeissPhotography in a Moment of Change100 years Leica photographyBritain as Revealed by International Photographers, curated by Martin Parr,AUGEN AUF! 100 Jahre Leica Fotografiecurated by Colin Westerbeck AUGEN AUF! 100 JAHRE LEICA FOTOGRAFIEFeaturing the Dandrew-Drapkin CollectionGifts from Michael and Michele Marvins100 Years Of Leica PhotographyContemporary Photography from the Deutsche Bank CollectionA Portable History of Photography.100 JAHRE LEICA FOTOGRAFIEcollaborative exhibition with Osborne Samuel gallery to showcase over 150 important photographs from the 19th century to the present day.An Alternative History of PhotographyThe choice of the perfect moment in the images by the great Magnum photographersThe Museum of Photography, Seoul CollectionTesoros cinematográficos de Magnum PhotosOn the Hotel in the Arts and Artists in the HotelDie Sammlung Ernst ScheideggerHoward Greenberg collectionPhotographs from the Audrey and Sydney Irmas Collectionthe Christian Bouqueret photography collectionInternational Photographers Capture City Life 1930-1980Picasso im fotografischen PortraitMasterworks of 20th Century and Contemporary PhotographyA Perfume of Italy in the Collection of Frac Aquitaine |