UNESCO Memory of the World95 iconic photographs to celebrate the 45th Anniversary Curated by Wilhelm SchürmannTreasures from the Solander CollectionSelections from The Photography Show Presented by AIPADGundula Schulze Eldowy & Robert Frank in New YorkPhotography in the IVAM collection after 1950Photographic Treasures of the 20th CenturyThe Eva Felten Photoraphy CollectionHistoire(s) de la photographieBy Bob van Orsouw and Christophe GuyePhotographs of Leisure in the LandscapeWorks from the Solander Collection150 photographies de la collection BachelotPhotographers Changing the Way We SeeGALERIE JOHANNES FABER IN GALERIE DAVID GUIRAUD
Photographs from the Whitney Museum of American Art, 1940–2001In Memory of Andrew Gruft (1937–2021)Obras seleccionadas de The Howard Greenberg GalleryMusic Photography from the Fifties to the PresentTHE DOCUMENTARY STYLE IN THE PER AMOR A L’ART COLLECTIONA Century of Image OverloadTrace, narrative and concept. Photography in the IVAM Collection after 1950Documentary Photographs from the Etherton Gallery Archive & Danny Lyon: Thirty Photographs, 1962 - 1980Les photographes de l’École de New York, 1935-1965The Ann Tenenbaum and Thomas H. Lee CollectionStreet Photography aus sieben JahrzehntenPhotographs from the Howard Greenberg CollectionMasterpieces from the Gilman and González-Falla collectionA History of Photography: Selections from the Museum’s Collection The First Survey of All Photographic Works Made by Artists for Parkett since 1984Robert Frank & Gundula Schulze Eldowy in New YorkCooperation with Kicken GalleryPhotographs from the Lazare CollectionPhotographs from the Lazare CollectionImages from the MAST Foundation's CollectionPhotography and Social Change in James Baldwin's AmericaPhotographic Self-Portraits from the Audrey and Sydney Irmas CollectionPhotography of the American RoadSelected Works from the 19th Century to the PresentSeven Decades of Street Photography / Street Photography aus sieben Jahrzehnten 7. Triennale der Photographie Hamburg 2018A Transformative Gift from the Hall Family FoundationWorks from the Bank of America CollectionSelections from the John Cleary Kid CollectionMeisterwerke der Fotosammlung der AlbertinaRegard sur la collection de Florence et Damien BachelotPhotography and the American Road TripNew Visions in Documentary Photography 1931 - 1976 200 photographs from the collection of the AMCAmerican Photography after the War
Works from an important private collectionHobbies, Photography and the hobby of Photography / Hobbys, Fotografie und Hobby-FotografieThe Marin Karmitz CollectionPhotographic Self-Portraits from the Audrey and Sydney Irmas CollectionPhotography and the American Road TripHighlights from the Howard Greenberg Gallery collectionHugh Edwards at the Art Institute of ChicagoImportant Vintage Photographs from a Private Collectiondedicated to photography’s relationship to the automobileFundación MAPFRE photography collection a group show curated by Christopher RauschenbergPhotography and the American Road TripThe Wagstaff Collection of Photographs at the J. Paul Getty MuseumDecennial exhibition of the Fondazione Fotografia ModenaPhotographs from the DIA CollectionPortraits from the Whitney’s CollectionAnd Suddenly this Expanse / Und plötzlich diese WeiteWerkstatt für Photographie 1976 – 1986Dans la Collection de la MEPPhotographs and Video from the National Gallery of Art and the Corcoran Gallery of ArtThe Wagstaff Collection of Photographs at the J. Paul Getty MuseumContemporary Photographs and VideoHommage à Etsuro ISHIHARAPhotography and the American Road TripPhotography from the Campaign for ArtThe Wagstaff Collection of PhotographsBritain as Revealed by International Photographers, curated by Martin Parr,AUGEN AUF! 100 Jahre Leica Fotografiecurated by Colin Westerbeck Photography Highlights from the Permanent CollectionHombre y mujer en la historia de la fotografíaDas Beste aus Zeitschriften und InternetA group exhibition that compliments the themes of Simone RosenbauerTwenty-Five Years of Photography at the National Gallery of Art - 150 masterpiecesPhotography from the CollectionA Portable History of Photography.100 JAHRE LEICA FOTOGRAFIEInternational Photographers Capture City Life 1930-1980Photographs from the W.M. Hunt Collection34 photographers and over 700 imagesA Perfume of Italy in the Collection of Frac AquitaineFrom Berenice Abbott to Alec SothVoyeurism, Surveillance, and the Camera Since 1870Selected Works from Six Decades / Beispiele aus sechs Jahrzehntencollection Sylvio PerlsteinFrom Brassaï to Cindy ShermanSTREET PHOTOGRAPHY AUS NEW YORKI Love Art 10 PhotograpgyLe paradis, ou presque - Los Angeles (1865-2008)Fotografische Meisterwerke aus der Sammlung der AlbertinaDie Preisträger der Hasselblad Foundationmaestri della fotografia del XX secoloWorks from the Hasselblad Foundation collectionWorks from the Permanent Colleciton of Three Shadows Photography Art Centretaken from the Magnum Photos Archive and a private Midwest collectionAmerican Photographs from the Collection, 1938–1958art & photography from Dada to the present day Photographs of the American Social Landscape 1930s–1970sSelections from the Joseph and Elaine Monsen Collection of PhotographyVintage and Contemporary Street Photographyinterfaces between visual arts and musicContemporary Galleries, Photography Galleries and Film and Media GalleryBilder der Fotografischen Sammlung im Museum Folkwang EssenNew Perspectives on Art and the DocumentaryInstitut Valencià d´Art ModernSelections from the Collection of Julia J. Norrell, incuding the artists: From the Collection of Leon and Michaela ConstantinerPhotography and Art 1900-1980Image et texte dans l'art actuel |