Photography, Ecology, and the Contemporary LandscapePhotography, Ecology, and the Contemporary Landscape Medienkunstwerke aus der Sammlung der Nationalgalerie, der Friedrich Christian Flick Collection und LeihgabenMay You Live in Interesting TimesThe First Survey of All Photographic Works Made by Artists for Parkett since 1984A journey into photography and video collectionsDie Julia Stoschek Collection zu Gast im ZKMJulia Stoschek CollectionArchitektur im Spiegel zeitgenössischer Kunstfotografie(and also with Nina Canell)Looking at Contemporary Art through the Marcel Duchamp Prizethe works of over fifty artists mostly hailing from Central and Eastern EuropeKunst-Werke Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin Kurator: Susanne PfefferAnytime Anywhere EverthingARTISTS' FILMS AND VIDEOS FROM EUROPE, THE LAST DECADEFilm and video art 1985-2008 |