Le corps dans la collection du macLYONContemporary Art from Åland, Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, and SwedenSuperposition: equilibrium and engagementKunst aus Finnland. Miettinen Collection Women Artists from the Harn CollectionBOLSHE SVETA / MORE LIGHTNEW CINEMA AND CONTEMPORARY ARTNouveau Cinema & Art ContemporainWerke aus der Sammlung FinstralARTISTS' FILMS AND VIDEOS FROM EUROPE, THE LAST DECADEWerke aus der Sammlung Ringier100 Videos um die Welt neu zu denkenContemporary Complexities: Photography Gifts from Martin Z. MarguliesZeitgenössische Kunst aus Finnland: 12 KünstlerInnenIn and about altered statesTeil 3 der Trilogie "Multiple Räume: Seele – Park – Film"Eine Ausstellung in fünf KapitelnDirectors: María de Corral and Rosa MartínezDifferent locations, LoppemPhotographs and videos from the Helga de Alvear CollectionPhotographs and videos from the Helga de Alvear CollectionChasm-NET - Contemporary Art Exhibition
92 artists from 37 countriesPart 1: unease / relief
Part 2: self-scrutiny |