Eija-Liisa Ahtila »
Fantasized Persons and Taped Conversations
Exhibition: 21 Mar – 8 Jun 2003
163-1403 Tôkyô

Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery
163-1403 Tokyo
Tue-Fri 11-19, Sat, Sun 11-20
Eija-Liisa Ahtila is a Finnish video artist who is gaining more and more international acclaim. In this first solo exhibition in Japan, the artist shows on three screens the story of one woman who can't do anything but bite her hands every time she feels anger, and another one who is tossed by a distorted space in which usually inaudible sounds become audible. The state where the line between reality and unreality gets blurred in a gradually growing effect on the psyche is cleverly expressed, for example, in strong wind blowing into a window, or a car dashing at full speed. Even if you intend to stand and watch indifferently, you'll find yourself getting totally absordbed in the surrealistic world of Eija-Liisa Ahtila's work. Murata Yuko