KATJA MATER AND THE FOMU COLLECTIONFeel-Good Color Photography The Challenges of Photography Augmentation, Extraction, ObjectificationTheme 4: The Archive: Collectors, critics and subversivesOn the 70th anniversary of the DGPh / Der DGPh zum 70.A Brief History of the Relationship between
Time and PhotographyImages and Objects from the Gerd Sander collectionAt the Intersection of Art and TechnologyPhotography Since Karl BlossfeldtPhotographs from the CollectionPictures from the Chrysler CollectionA travers la Collection Lola GarridoRevelatory Photographs in the Santa Barbara Museum of Art Collection The Wagstaff Collection of Photographs at the J. Paul Getty Museumun autre point de vue “photographique”Communicating Science through PhotographyA Photographic History, 1843 to the PresentThe Wagstaff Collection of Photographs at the J. Paul Getty MuseumAN EXPLORATION OF EVIDENTIAL PHOTOGRAPHY5 Years Bonn / 5 Jahre BonnWhen we share more than everscientific photography on 20th century artArt and Destruction Since 1950A Portable History of Photography.Howard Greenberg collectionPhotography of Science + Science of PhotographyPhotography and the Still Life TraditionPhotographs by Dr. Edgerton, O. Winston Link and ERICVon Stieglitz bis Man RayXIII International Festival of PHotography and Visual ArtsDer entscheidende Moment in der FotografieThe Best of Photography and Film from George Eastman HouseEinblicke in die Sammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für PhotographieA Sequence of Photographs from the Permanent Collection |