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Erwin Wurm. One Minute Sculptures, 1997 - 1998
Collection FRAC Limousin
© F. Magnoux, Limoges © ADAGP


XIII International Festival of PHotography and Visual Arts

Ignasi Aballí » Ana Laura Aláez » Manu Arregui » Alvin Baltrop » Daniel Blaufuks » Bleda & Rosa » Tom Burr » Claire Chevrier » David Claerbout » Louis De Clercq » Tacita Dean » Harold Edgerton » Ceal Floyer » Francis Frith » Cristina García Rodero » Sharon Hayes » Joan Jonas » Joachim Koester » Eustachy Kossakowski » Alejandra Laviada » Annie Leibovitz » Jochen Lempert » Adriana Lestido » Helen Levitt » Tamara Lorenz » Vera Lutter » Danny Lyon » Chema Madoz » Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle » Enrique Marty » Ramón Masats » László Moholy-Nagy » Isabel Muñoz » Óscar Muñoz » Gabriel Orozco » Mabel Palacín » Nelli Palomäki » Steven Pippin » Konrad Pustola » Xavier Ribas » Gerhard Richter » Fernando Sánchez Castillo » Collier Schorr » Roman Signer » Michael Snow » Jem Southam » Clare Strand » Thomas Struth » Hiroshi Sugimoto » Gerardo Suter » William Henry Fox Talbot » Juergen Teller » Patrick Tosani » Valentin Vallhonrat » Jeff Wall » Michael Wesely » Erwin Wurm »

Exhibition: 9 Jun – 25 Jul 2010


Alameda 9
28014 Madrid


Alameda 9
28014 Madrid

+34 91-3601320


Arrangement #15, (Herrhausen), 2008. Courtesy of 303 Gallery, Nueva York y Modern Art, Londres. © Collier Schorr
Museu Colecção Berardo, Lisbon

The 13th edition of PHotoEspaña will take place from 9th June to 25th July.

There will be 69 exhibitions, 21 forming part of the Official Section, with works from 379 artists from 41 different countries Harold Edgerton, László Moholy-Nagy, Helen Levitt, Bleda y Rosa, Juergen Teller, Jeff Wall and Roman Signer are just some of the artists taking part in PHE10. The thematic section, directed by Sérgio Mah, is dedicated to Time Cine PHE will be offering a series of films with photography or photographic issues as their theme or plot line: The Cameraman, Blow-Up, The Panic Photographer or The Jetty The OpenPHoto exhibition programme in Cuenca includes projects from embassies and cultural institutes from Germany, France, Mexico, the Central European Cultural Platform, Poland, Portugal, Rumania and the United Kingdom PHE Encounters will review the state of Spanish photography, with experts and photographers such as Chema Madoz, Cristina García Rodero, Isabel Muñoz and Ramón Masats in conferences, debates and round table discussions The portfolio presentations in Madrid, Guatemala City and São Paulo received over 1,800 works by photographers from 76 countries, 60% more than in the last edition Campus PHE Great Masters and Book Publishing will offer professional photography and publishing workshops in Alcalá de Henares PHotoEspaña is organising educational programmes which bring contemporary photography closer to 600 children and young people The Festival’s public programme offers guided tours, family workshops and the Night of Photography which will be held on Friday 18th June In addition to the Ministry of Culture, the Regional Government of Madrid and the Local Council of Madrid will make PHotoEspaña 2010 is made possible by 60 public and private organisations including foundations, businesses, embassies, cultural centre and museums All the information on the 13th edition of the Festival, latest news, calls for entries for awards, interviews with artists and exclusive activities, is available at www.phe.es

Tri City Drive-In, San Bernardino, 1993 © Hiroshi Sugimoto
Shooting The Apple, 1964. Palm Press Inc. © Harold & Esther Edgerton Foundation, 2010
’Untitled’, from the ’Pier’ series by Alvin Baltrop, 1975 - 1986