Historical Photobooks by Women, 1843–1999A Potential History of Photography in Dialogue with the MoCP CollectionNew Perspectives from 13 Women Photographers of MagnumFrom the Collection, 1845–2019New Perspectives from 13 Women Photographers of Magnum.12 women photographers of MagnumPhotography from Lee Miller to Anja Niedringhaus58th Carnegie International
Photographs from the Collection150 photographies de la collection BachelotNew Perspectives from 12 Women Photographers of MagnumPhotographs by Women Artists from Helen KornblumPhotographs from the Whitney Museum of American Art, 1940–2001THE DOCUMENTARY STYLE IN THE PER AMOR A L’ART COLLECTIONWar and American Landscape Photography since 1970From Lee Miller to Anja Niedringhaus / Von Lee Miller bis Anja NiedringhausIkonen des Bildjournalismus 1932 – 1986 20 Years of Art Collection Deutsche BörseVon Lee Miller bis Anja Niedringhaus Winner: Susan Meiselas20 Jahre Art Collection Deutsche BörseLaboratory for Photography and Theory
/ Labor für Fotografie und TheorieThessaloniki PhotoBiennale 2018A Potential History of PhotographyStaley-Wise and Magnum PhotosA CENTURY OF LEICA PHOTOGRAPHYMagnum Photos 70th AnniversaryInternational Cinema by Magnum PhotographersPhotographing War and Its Aftermath100 years Leica photographyAUGEN AUF! 100 JAHRE LEICA FOTOGRAFIEOn the Reinvention of Documentary and the Critique of Modernism100 Years Of Leica Photographyeleven Magnum photographersMagnum-Fotografien vom Spanischen Bürgerkrieg bis zum Arabischen FrühlingImages of Armed Conflict and Its AftermathErotische Fotografie des 20. JahrhundertsErotische Fotografie des 20. JahrhundertsDie Preisträger der Hasselblad FoundationSept regards de Magnum Photos pour les 20 ans de la Fondation OrangeExpositions proprosees par, Exhibitions selected by Raymond DepardonPHOTOSYNKYRIA 2006. The photographic document: Aspects & TransformationsEine Ausstellung des Goethe-Instituts in Zusammenarbeit mit MAGNUM PHOTOS1. Berlin Photography FestivalMagnum-Fotografen sehen die Welt des FußballsPhotographies de Magnum PhotosEine Ausstellung des Goethe-Instituts in Zusammenarbeit mit MAGNUM PHOTOSFoto's uit het Spaarnestad Fotoarchief11th International Month of Photography 2004selections from the Magnum Photos ArchiveImg.: Hermaphrodite with Dog, 1968. UCR/CMP University Print CollectionImg.: Vietnam Execution (1968) Eddie Adams |