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Contacts for the work of Johanna-Maria Fritz

Johanna-Maria Fritz


Group exhibitions of Johanna-Maria Fritz

News/Events of Johanna-Maria Fritz

photo baselCH

photo basel 2023

13 Jun – 18 Jun 2023

Biography of Johanna-Maria Fritz

Johanna-Maria Fritz (1994) studied photography at the »Ostkreuz Schule für Fotografie« in Berlin/Germany.

She is an assistant of Daniel Josefsohn, shot the cover of the music album »Atlas« by the German Indie band »Fuck Art Let´s Dance« and has been published in well-known magazines and newspapers like National Geographic, Spiegel and Die Zeit. She has exhibited worldwide in countries like Australia, France, Germany, Switzerland as well as China, Iceland, Ukraine and the US.

Johanna-Maria lives and works in Berlin.
