Exhibitions of Jim Naughten at Michael Hoppen Gallery |
Michael Hoppen GalleryGBMichael Hoppen Gallery +44 (0)20-73523649 gallery@michaelhoppengallery.com Mon-Fri 10-18 Mountains of Kong![]() 12 Sep – 21 Oct 2017Are the Mountains of Kong real? Jim Naughten’s adventures in a mythical land created by the Victorian imagination allow us believe that they might be…
Jim Naughten’s latest project takes the viewer back in time to a fabled place, which may or may not have ever existed. Acting as an explorer, scientist and photographer Naughten has documented a world that existed in the popular consciousness for over a hundred years.
The Mountains of Kong can be found on print… Michael Hoppen GalleryGBMichael Hoppen Gallery +44 (0)20-73523649 gallery@michaelhoppengallery.com Mon-Fri 10-18 ? THE IMAGE AS QUESTION![]() AN EXPLORATION OF EVIDENTIAL PHOTOGRAPHY28 Sep – 26 Nov 2016Part of the fascination with all photography is that the medium is firmly grounded in the documentary tradition. It has been used as a record of crime scenes, zoological specimens, lunar and space exploration, phrenology, fashion and importantly, art and science. It has been used as ‘proof’ of simple things such as family holidays and equally of atrocities taking place on the global stage. Any contemporary artist using photography has to accept the evidential language embedded in the… |