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Exhibitions at Galerie Rothamel Frankfurt

Galerie RothamelDE

Galerie Rothamel Frankfurt
Fahrgasse 17
60311 Frankfurt (Main)



Tue-Fri 13-18 . Sat 12-17

Hans-Christian Schink



3 Sep – 22 Oct 2011
Hans-Christian Schink - 1hHans-Christian Schink’s series of analogue, black and white photographs, titled “1h”, were created between 2003 and 2010. Taken with an exposure time of one hour, they show views of the sun – cityscapes, deserts, oceans and mountains – in twelve respective locations of the northern and the southern hemisphere. The long period of exposure and the light’s intensity causes “real solarisation”, i.e. the sun leaves a black trac… more

Galerie RothamelDE

Galerie Rothamel Frankfurt
Fahrgasse 17
60311 Frankfurt (Main)



Tue-Fri 13-18 . Sat 12-17

Erik Niedling



1 Dec 2007 – 5 Jan 2008
The Frankfurt Gallery ROTHAMEL is showing new works of the photographer, Erik Niedling from 30th November 2007 to 5th January 2008. A selection of photographs from Niedling's current series FORMATION will be presented.

The 30 images, some large-format, avail themselves of a legacy long lost until Erik Niedling rediscovered it: an archive of thousands of glass negatives from the period between the two world wars. If they were produced for order catalogues of the well established Erfurter nurser… more

Galerie RothamelDE

Galerie Rothamel Frankfurt
Fahrgasse 17
60311 Frankfurt (Main)



Tue-Fri 13-18 . Sat 12-17

Erik Niedling



2 Sep – 28 Oct 2006
Erik Niedling (*1973) dismantles the visable world and reassembles its components according to his own perspective. His photo series changes our value system. Niedling interprets the German forest as a lumber plantation. He transforms the ideal world of great- grandparents that we know from black and white photos into a vibrating beacon of light and shadow.

Erik Niedling's new series "STATUS" is about a place that promises eternity. This promise is deceptive: in the rooms, storage depots and p… more