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Exhibitions at Higher Pictures

Higher PicturesUS

Barbara Probst

Barbara Probst

Exposure #1: N.Y.C., 545 8th Avenue, 01.07.00, 10:37 p.m. (2000)

7 Dec 2019 – 8 Feb 2020

Higher PicturesUS

Curran Hatleberg

Curran Hatleberg

Curran Hatleberg

7 May – 18 Jun 2016
Higher Pictures is pleased to present the first solo show of photographer Curran Hatleberg. Over the past ten years, Hatleberg traveled extensively across the United States, following the tradition of the American road trip, taking photographs of the places and people he encountered along the way. Without an itinerary for his journeys or an agenda for his pictures, Hatleberg feels his way; he meanders through one town to the next, relinquishing control of the experience in large part to the peop… more