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Exhibitions at Jarvis Dooney Galerie

Jarvis DooneyDE



Mental Health & Photography

30 Jun – 2 Sep 2017
Mental illness is one of the world’s leading health challenges. Most of us will encounter mental health problems at some point in our lives; whether it be our own inner struggles or those of our family, friends or coworkers.

Despite the advances in awareness and treatment there is a persistent stigma associated with those experiencing psychological health concerns, which in turn makes the conversation around the topic difficult for many.

The group exhibition «Control» brings … more

Jarvis DooneyDE

Derek Kreckler

Accident & Process

Accident & Process

19 Apr – 24 Jun 2017

Jarvis Dooney is pleased and honored to present one of Australia’s most rigorous conceptual artists Derek Kreckler with select works from his "Accident & Process" touring survey exhibition. Derek’s early experimental practice began in the the 1970s and has continued to evolve through to his more recent focus on still and moving imagery in the 21st century.

Derek Kreckler is an Australian artist born in Sydney in 1952. Derek works in a variety of media to create per… more

Jarvis DooneyDE

Polixeni Papapetrou



1 Oct – 26 Nov 2016

Jarvis Dooney stellt Polixeni Papapetrou, eine der führenden zeitgenössischen Fotografinnen Australiens vor. Erstmals wird ihre jüngste Serie "Eden" ausgestellt, zusammen mit "The Ghillies" aus dem Jahr 2013. Die beiden Serien betrachten die Beziehung des Menschen zur Natur und die Parallelen, die in dieser Beziehung zum Männlichen und zum Weiblichen bestehen.

In "The Ghillies" tragen Jungen Tarnuniformen, die auch bei der Jagd und im Krieg &… more

Jarvis DooneyDE

James Tylor



3 Oct – 18 Nov 2016

Jarvis Dooney präsentiert in Zusammenarbeit mit der Botschaft von Australien in Berlin den australischen Künstler James Tylor in seiner ersten internationalen Einzelausstellung. Ausgehend von seinem Erbe indigener australischer, maorischer und europäischer Vorfahren, erforscht James Tylor Vorstellungen von ethnischer und kultureller Identität im heutigen Australien. Seine künstlerische Praxis ist inspiriert von den Ursprüngen der Fotografie und des Kolonialismus … more

Jarvis DooneyDE

Spatial Awareness

Spatial Awareness

22 Jul – 24 Sep 2016
Jarvis Dooney is pleased to present the work of Clare Rae (NGV, 2013), Lin Wei (N.A. 2014), Mira Loew (Positionings 2012/2013), and Nina Ross (Pregnancy, 2014 & Origins of Turn Taking, 2015); in the group exhibition Spatial Awareness.

Spatial Awareness can be defined as the understanding of the self and of the relationships between objects within a given space. The four artists in this group exhibition manipulate this phenomenon of both visual and mental perception, through a combination o… more

Jarvis DooneyDE

Robin Hammond

Where Love Is Illegal

Documenting and sharing LGBTI stories of discrimination and survival from around the world

17 Jun – 16 Jul 2016

Jarvis DooneyDE

The Photograph as Contemporary Art

The Photograph as Contemporary Art

27 Apr – 11 Jun 2016

Jarvis Dooney is pleased to present the work of Jacqueline Ball (Room Service, 2015), Sophie Dumaresq (An Entropic Utopia, 2015) and Kate Robertson (Circle Work, 2013); three artists who each, through the use of the artist’s studio, meticulous planning, multi-disciplined experimentation and experiential documentation, encapsulate what Charlotte Cotton referred to as The Photograph as Contemporary Art.

Despite its increased acceptance over the last 10 years amongst institutions, galleri… more

Jarvis DooneyDE



20 Feb – 2 Apr 2016
Jarvis Dooney in collaboration with super/collider, is pleased to present AETHER from the 20th of February until the 2nd of April 2016.

In medieval science, AETHER was the name of the classical element thought to fill the void outside the Earth’s atmosphere and extending into the universe. In this group exhibition AETHER brings together a group of international artists which share a fascination with astronomy, light, matter, time and space.

Utilising photography as a record keeping medi… more