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Exhibitions at La Virreina Centre de la Imatge

La Virreina Centre de la ImatgeES

La Virreina Centre de la Imatge
La Rambla, 99
08002 Barcelona

+34 (0)93-3017775


Tue-Fri 11-14+16-20 . Sat 11-20 . Sun 11-15

Jeff Wall

Possible tales

Possible tales

24 May – 13 Oct 2024
Since the 1980s, the work of Canadian artist Jeff Wall (b. 1946) has largely contributed to defining or redefining photography as a full part of contemporary art. His practice of the tableau or photographic picture inherits from the history of painting its key principle: composition. The thirty-five works presented here are taken from the nearly two hundred photographic pictures he produced since 1978. Formed piece by piece, the ensemble is both dense and extremely varied, crossed by recurrence… more

La Virreina Centre de la ImatgeES

La Virreina Centre de la Imatge
La Rambla, 99
08002 Barcelona

+34 (0)93-3017775


Tue-Fri 11-14+16-20 . Sat 11-20 . Sun 11-15

Antoni Miralda



22 Jun – 1 Oct 2023

La Virreina Centre de la ImatgeES

La Virreina Centre de la Imatge
La Rambla, 99
08002 Barcelona

+34 (0)93-3017775


Tue-Fri 11-14+16-20 . Sat 11-20 . Sun 11-15

Guido Guidi

From zero

From zero

15 Oct 2021 – 13 Feb 2022
Guido Guidi (Cesena, Italy, 1941) is a key figure in the revival of photographic practices in the 1960s. His work occupies a fundamental place in the reflection on contemporary landscape, urbanism and architecture, as well as on photography itself. Guidi is an extraordinarily prolific artist and has never ceased to question the act of seeing through the medium of the camera. This questioning has developed through an intense dialogue between the narratives and materialities of  photography and w… more

La Virreina Centre de la ImatgeES

La Virreina Centre de la Imatge
La Rambla, 99
08002 Barcelona

+34 (0)93-3017775


Tue-Fri 11-14+16-20 . Sat 11-20 . Sun 11-15


Susan Sontag

14 Mar – 17 May 2020

La Virreina Centre de la ImatgeES

La Virreina Centre de la Imatge
La Rambla, 99
08002 Barcelona

+34 (0)93-3017775


Tue-Fri 11-14+16-20 . Sat 11-20 . Sun 11-15

Sala Aixelá (1959-1975)

platform for promoting photography, mainstream and amateur films

23 Nov 2019 – 23 Feb 2020

La Virreina Centre de la ImatgeES

Palau de La Virreina
La Rambla, 99
08002 Barcelona

+34 (0)93-3017775


Tue-Fri 11-14+16-20 . Sat 11-20 . Sun 11-15

Pilar Monsell

África 815

audio-visual diary, film and documentary - based on a photographic archive

6 Apr – 18 Jun 2017

La Virreina Centre de la ImatgeES

Palau de La Virreina
La Rambla, 99
08002 Barcelona

+34 (0)93-3017775


Tue-Fri 11-14+16-20 . Sat 11-20 . Sun 11-15


Recent Photographic Visual Culture in Barcelona

5 Dec 2013 – 16 Mar 2014

La Virreina Centre de la ImatgeES

Palau de La Virreina
La Rambla, 99
08002 Barcelona

+34 (0)93-3017775


Tue-Fri 11-14+16-20 . Sat 11-20 . Sun 11-15

Miki Kratsman



25 Oct 2012 – 13 Jan 2013

La Virreina Centre de la ImatgeES

Palau de La Virreina
La Rambla, 99
08002 Barcelona

+34 (0)93-3017775


Tue-Fri 11-14+16-20 . Sat 11-20 . Sun 11-15

Iñaki Bonillas

Archivo J. R. Plaza

Archivo J. R. Plaza

24 Feb – 6 May 2012
The exhibition Archivo J. R. Plaza brings together, for the first time, the works created by artist Iñaki Bonillas (Mexico City, 1981) since 2003, based on the different uses he has given to the mainly photographic archive that he inherited from his maternal grandfather, José María Rodríguez Plaza, an amateur photographer who took up the curious task of making almost endless portraits of himself, in addition to busying himself with bringing the visual history of his f… more

La Virreina Centre de la ImatgeES

Palau de La Virreina
La Rambla, 99
E-08002 Barcelona

+34 (0)93-3017775


Tue-Fri 11-14+16-20 . Sat 11-20 . Sun 11-15

Generación 2004

Generación 2004

19 Mar – 25 Apr 2004
Obra Social Caja Madrid presenta Generación 2004, cinquena convocatòria d'un programa anual que impulsa el treball de les darreres generacions d'artistes recolzant la seva obra amb Premis, Beques per a projectes i Adquisició d'Obra, publicant i difonent el seu treball a través de catàlegs, exposicions i Internet, i donant-ho a conéixer entre els experts i en els centres artístics més importants.

En aquesta cinquena edició de Generaciones dos grups de jurats han seleccionat un total de… more