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Exhibitions at Parrotta Contemporary Art

Parrotta Contemporary ArtDE

Parrotta Contemporary Art
Brüsseler Str. 21
50674 Köln

+49 (0)221-92355901


Tue-Fri 11-18 . Sat 11-16 +

Susa Templin



12 Apr – 21 Jun 2024

Susa Templin ist in jeglicher Hinsicht eine Meisterin im Erschließen ungewöhnlicher Wahrnehmungsmuster. Sie formuliert in Bildern und Installationen eine Syntax aus Umwelt und Erfahrungen, Fragen und möglichen Antworten. … Wer sich auf den Weg in die transparenten Labyrinthe der sich überlagernden Bildwelten von Susa Templin begibt, gelangt in einen neuen Wahrnehmungskosmus, der Zeit und Raum zu verwandeln, ja aufzulösen scheint. Es ist als sei man gleichzeiti… more

Parrotta Contemporary ArtDE

Parrotta Contemporary Art
Brüsseler Str. 21
50674 Köln

+49 (0)221-92355901


Tue-Fri 11-18 . Sat 11-16 +

Susa Templin



12 Apr – 21 Jun 2024
Susa Templin is in every respect a master at exploring unusual patterns of perception. In her pictures and installations she formulates a syntax of environment and experience, questions and possible answers. ... Anyone who makes their way into the transparent labyrinths of Susa Templin's overlapping pictorial worlds enters a new cosmos of perception that seems to transform, even dissolve, time and space. It is as if one is simultaneously outside and inside the forms and oneself; in front and beh… more

Parrotta Contemporary ArtDE

Parrotta Contemporary Art
Brüsseler Str. 21
50674 Köln

+49 (0)221-92355901


Tue-Fri 11-18 . Sat 11-16 +

Detlef Orlopp



3 May – 12 May 2019

Parrotta Contemporary ArtDE

Parrotta Contemporary Art
Brüsseler Str. 21
50674 Köln

+49 (0)221-92355901


Tue-Fri 11-18 . Sat 11-16 +

Margret Hoppe

Unterbelichtete Moderne

Eine Ausstellung mit Yves Bélorgey

1 Feb – 23 Mar 2019

Parrotta Contemporary ArtDE

Parrotta Contemporary Art
Brüsseler Str. 21
70197 Köln

+49 (0)221-92355901


Tue-Fri 11-18 . Sat 11-16 +

Clare Strand



17 Nov 2017 – 27 Jan 2018
Die erstmals in Deutschland gezeigte Serie basiert auf einer Auswahl von Bildern aus dem umfangreichen persönlichen Fotoarchiv der britischen Künstlerin. Es ist das Motiv der Frau mit Schlange, die Clare Strand in unzähligen Variationen aus unterschiedlichsten Zeiten und Publikationen in ihrem Archiv gesammelt hat. Zu den Darstellungen gehören oftmals Texte, die entweder als Bildunterschriften oder rückseitige Erläuterungen auf den Fotografien zu finden sind. Mit so… more

Parrotta Contemporary ArtDE

Parrotta Contemporary Art
Augustenstr. 87-89
70197 Stuttgart

+49 (0)221-92355901


Tue-Fri 11-18 . Sat 11-16 +

Timm Rautert



20 Sep – 29 Nov 2014

Parrotta Contemporary ArtDE

Parrotta Contemporary Art
Augustenstr. 87-89
70197 Stuttgart

+49 (0)221-92355901


Tue-Fri 11-18 . Sat 11-16 +

Edgar Leciejewski

New York City - Ghosts and Flowers

New York City - Ghosts and Flowers

3 Feb – 24 Mar 2012
New York City – Ghosts and FlowersEdgar Leciejewski's new works comprises a series of large sized pictures showing seemingly ghost-like pedestrians on the streets of New York – blow-ups of the Internet service “Google Street View”. During his stay in New York, the artist – using this procedure – chose the very medium that transforms distance into closeness that transforms one’s own closeness to an object back to a photographical distance. Google&rsq… more

Parrotta Contemporary ArtDE

Parrotta Contemporary Art
Augustenstr. 87-89
70197 Stuttgart

+49 (0)221-92355901


Tue-Fri 11-18 . Sat 11-16 +

Oskar Schmidt

The American Series I-XII

The American Series I-XII

3 Feb – 24 Mar 2012
The American Series I-XIIOskar Schmidt presents his latest work titled “The American Series I – XII”. In this, he creates new portrayals of selected photographs by Walker Evans – today part of the cultural memory – in a two-pronged way. To do this, he set up life-sized settings in his studio, with which he produced detailed remakes of Walker Evans’ pictorial compositions. A weathered wooden wall with worn aluminium tableware or an old chair in front of it, var… more

Parrotta Contemporary ArtDE

Parrotta Contemporary Art
Augustenstr. 78-89
70197 Stuttgart

+49 (0)221-92355901


Tue-Fri 11-18 . Sat 11-16 +

Wendy Ewald

Secret Games - Collaboration with Children

Secret Games - Collaboration with Children

28 Mar – 4 Jul 2008
Wendy Ewald, »Secret Games« – Collaboration with Children

With »Secret Games« the Gallery Parrotta presents the first exhibition of the 1951 born American photographer, conceptual and video artist Wendy Ewald in Germany. For more than thirty years Wendy Ewald gives cameras to children, to work together with them, documenting and bringing out their dreams, fears and experiences of their daily life in pictures and words.
As the project of her life, Wendy Ewald travelled around the world, to… more