Exhibitions of Michael von Graffenried at Galerie Esther Woerdehoff |
Esther WoerdehoffFRGalerie Esther Woerdehoff +33(0)9-51 51 24 50 galerie@ewgalerie.com Wed-Sat 12-19 Esprit Urbain![]() 28 Oct – 18 Dec 2021"The city exists as a mass and is scattered in seeds, in gramen, but what raises
and rouses these seeds, touches them, makes them spin, is the luminous palpitation
of the beings who walk through it, these are the paths themselves".
Jean-Christophe Bailly
Each of the works in the exhibition "Urban Spirit" is like one of the seeds mentioned by Jean-Christophe Bailly: receptacles of germinating potential, urban experiences of ready to bloom.
Through t… Esther WoerdehoffFRGalerie Esther Woerdehoff +33(0)9-51 51 24 50 galerie@ewgalerie.com Wed-Sat 12-19 GREEN THERAPY!![]() 1 May – 9 Jun 2021As nature takes on the fresh hues of spring, Galerie Esther Woerdehoff would like to share a selection of photographs from the collection on the theme of the colour 'green' – to bring you air and to let you breathe deeply as everybody is waiting for better days.
All works are available at the gallery. Come and discover them! Esther WoerdehoffFRGalerie Esther Woerdehoff +33(0)9-51 51 24 50 galerie@ewgalerie.com Wed-Sat 12-19 Algerie 91 | 19![]() 5 Jun – 27 Jul 2019"From 1991 to 2000 Michael von Graffenried took these "photographs of a war without images" (the title of his book published by Editions Hazan in 1998), in a country with no cameras. He became the only Western photographer to testify throughout Algeria’s black decade. Youcef Krache, who was only four years old at the time, is now working in a period of optimism where Algerians, every Friday protest, take millions of photos with their smartphones. The young people in the pict… Esther WoerdehoffFRGalerie Esther Woerdehoff +33(0)9-51 51 24 50 galerie@ewgalerie.com Wed-Sat 12-19 Retrospective![]() 1 Sep – 14 Oct 2017Esther WoerdehoffFRGalerie Esther Woerdehoff +33(0)9-51 51 24 50 galerie@ewgalerie.com Wed-Sat 12-19 Changing Rio![]() 22 Jun – 13 Jul 2016Known for his work on the civil war in Algeria and Sudan, his street installation for his series on drug in Switzerland and the city of Varanasi in India, and more recently for his series on the Oktoberfest in Munich (published as Bierfest by Steidl editions), Michael von Graffenried had traveled all around the world with the exception of South America. The Swiss photographer recently discovered this continent and this visual portrait of Rio de Janeiro is the result of several stays in … Esther WoerdehoffCHGalerie Heuberg 24 +33(0)9-51 51 24 50 galerie@ewgalerie.com Wed-Sat 12-19 Der Freie Körper![]() Fotografien aus drei Epochen9 Jun – 18 Jun 2016Esther WoerdehoffFRGalerie Esther Woerdehoff +33(0)9-51 51 24 50 galerie@ewgalerie.com Wed-Sat 12-19 Bierfest![]() 5 Nov – 20 Dec 2014
For this year’s edition ot the Mois de la Photo-OFF, the Galerie Esther Woerdehoff is pleased to present Michael von Graffenried’s new series "Bierfest".
What does privacy look like nowadays? Do we find it in the private space, in the closedsphere? Or rather on the internet, especially on the social networks, those mixed areas in between public and private spaces where the invitation is too irresistible to the users to make public, in a continuous flow, their mos… Esther WoerdehoffFRGalerie Esther Woerdehoff +33(0)9-51 51 24 50 galerie@ewgalerie.com Wed-Sat 12-19 Drive in![]() 1 Oct – 31 Oct 2014
Curated by Galerie Esther Woerdehoff, Drive-In is an exhibition about cars, showing the approach of this subject by numerous photographers, from the fifties to nowadays.
When Elliott Erwitt, during and after the depression era, photographed those rolling dreams with his candid sense of humor and irony, cars, especially the very large and imposing ones, were already a landmark in the American landscape. In the early fifties, when Swiss photographer Robert Frank, thanks to a Guggenhei… Esther WoerdehoffFRGalerie Esther Woerdehoff +33(0)9-51 51 24 50 galerie@ewgalerie.com Wed-Sat 12-19 eye on africa5 May – 3 Jul 2010Esther WoerdehoffFRGalerie Esther Woerdehoff +33(0)9-51 51 24 50 galerie@ewgalerie.com Wed-Sat 12-19 Our Town25 Sep – 29 Nov 2008Esther WoerdehoffFRGalerie Esther Woerdehoff +33(0)9-51 51 24 50 galerie@ewgalerie.com Wed-Sat 12-19 Bestiarium![]() 30 Jan – 10 Mar 2007La Galerie Esther Woerdehoff propose, du 30 janvier au 10 mars 2007, l'exposition collective Bestiarium. Elle met en premier plan la créativité et les rêveries des photographes contemporains sur le monde animal. C'est un panorama insolite et surprenant.
Protagonistes sont, bien sûr, les animaux: pris dans leur environnement naturel, vus comme des jouets ou comme partie essentielle dans les cérémonies humaines.
À l'interprétation donnée par les photographes représentés par la galerie… Esther WoerdehoffFRGalerie Esther Woerdehoff +33(0)9-51 51 24 50 galerie@ewgalerie.com Wed-Sat 12-19 Graffenried à la page2 Nov 2006 – 20 Jan 2007Esther WoerdehoffFRGalerie Esther Woerdehoff +33(0)9-51 51 24 50 galerie@ewgalerie.com Wed-Sat 12-19 Face cachée![]() 12 May – 13 Jul 2005Ce visage vieux comme le monde,
visage de vieux bouffon
qui joue avec les nuages
Et cette face de lune
au sourire pâle
qui joue avec nos ombres:
ce sont des leurres, des masques
posés sur la tête de mort
qui nous sert de dieu lare.
Gérard Macé
"La cité avait été gouvernée jadis par des princes qui portaient le visage découvert; mais dès longtemps s'était levée une longue horde de rois masqués. Nul homme n'avait vu la face de ces rois, et même les prêtres en ignoraient la r… |