ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATE +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Benyamin ReichHALLE. IMAGINE. FAMILY.![]() Drei Werkreihen20 Mar – 13 Jun 2020Their names are Rebecca, Jeremy, Valentin, Naomi and Ezra. Young Jews living in Berlin gathered in the synagogue in Halle on the afternoon of October 9, 2019, at the time of the Yom Kippur prayer attack. Benyamin Reich portrayed them, the survivors, and also photographed ritual objects. The Old Testament with the open side to Yom Kippur, the shofar, an old instrument from the horn of ram and the etrog, a festive bouquet with a bright yellow citron in the center. Benyamin Reich, like the… more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATE +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Till BrönnerPICTURES // BILDER![]() 14 Sep – 8 Nov 2019Till Brönner, born in 1971 in Viersen, is one of the most famous and versatile jazz trumpet players in Europe. The Villa Massimo scholarship holder and professor of jazz and pop at the Academy of Music Carl Maria von Weber in Dresden released his first album 'Generations of Jazz' at the age of 22, and was already able to win artists such as Ray Brown and Frank Chastenier for his production. Further collaborations with jazz stars such as Dave Brubeck or Klaus Doldinger as well as t… more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATE +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Sofie Bird MøllerFORMS OF INNOCENCE![]() Eine Ausstellujg mit Bianca regl22 Mar – 20 Apr 2019Die Autorin Amy Sillman zitiert in ihrem Artikel ‚On Color‘ den Philosophen Walter Benjamin mit ‚color is a powerful form of innocence that can subvert the logic of capitalism‘. Die Idee zu unserer Ausstellung folgt einer Initiative der in Peking lebenden, österreichischen Künstlerin Bianca Regl, die dort seit vielen Jahren ein großes Atelier betreibt, in dem sie mit internationalen Künstlerinnen und Künstlern Ausstellungsprojekte konzipiert. Au… more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATE +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 WHERE HAVE ALL THE FLOWERS GONE?![]() 7 Jul – 15 Sep 20181962 sang Marlene Dietrich das Lied "Sag mir wo die Blumen sind", welches später zum internationalen Anti-Kriegs-Song wurde. Siebzehn Künstlerinnen und Künstler, darunter die Fotokünstler Sofie Bird Møller, Susanna Kraus, Oliver Mark und Ralf Schmerberg beschäftigen sich in ihren Arbeiten mit diesem Thema und schenken uns "Blumen". Mit: Axel Anklam, Sofie Bird Møller, Fritz Bornstück, Laura Bruce, Sascha Brylla, Sid Gastl, Wol… more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATE +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Benyamin ReichDAS SCHÖNE ZIMMER![]() mit Fiona Bennett, Jan Muche, Benyamin Reich, Bettina Sellmann25 Jan – 10 Mar 2018In vielen Häusern Berlins und speziell in Berlin-Charlottenburg lebten jüdische Mitbürger, die während der Nazi-Zeit aus ihren Häusern vertrieben, deportiert und oft ermordet wurden. Unter den Juden gab es einige Kunsthändler und viele Sammler, die in ihren Wohnungen Salons betrieben. Der Salon als Idee des gemeinsamen Lebens mit Freundinnen und Freunden wie in der Nachbarschaft. more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATE +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Sofie Bird MøllerPICTURES INSTEAD / BILDER ANSTATT![]() 23 Jun – 2 Sep 2017The artist Sofie Bird Møller was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, studied in London and Copenhagen, was a master student at Günther Förg at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Munich, and is now working in Berlin-Kreuzberg. These geographic coordinates seem to define her work: the city of Munich, rich with Catholicism; Berlin, fractally organized; Copenhagen, cheerful and bright; and the expanse of the horizon above the Baltic Sea. Sofie Bird Møllers' art touch… more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATE +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Andréas LangDas Licht hat sich geändert![]() Eine Ausstellung mit Bettina Scholz23 Mar – 22 Apr 2017In the exhibition "The Light Has Changed", two extraordinary Berlin artists, Bettina Scholz and Andréas Lang, meet in one space. While Scholz was capturing light in multi-layered paintings behind acrylic glass, Lang was again on the road with his camera in Cameroon. By coalescing known forms and new elements, Bettina Scholz creates screen-like glass paintings with notions of dystopian landscapes and scenarios of an imagined future. In Andréas Lang's photographs of … more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATE +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Luzia SimonsMIRRORS![]() 10 Nov – 18 Dec 2015Exhibitions like these often unintentionally bestow special stories on us. Born in 1909 in São Paulo as a descendant of the jewish familiy Marx in Trier Roberto Burle Marx came to Berlin with his parents in 1928/29. He performed in bars and at parties as a pianist and singer. In the botanic greenhouses in Berlin-Dahlem he discovered the ample domestic Brazilian flora. Remigrated to Brazil Marx studied painting and became a painter and landscape architect and worked together among oth… more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATE +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Mwangi HutterTurquoise Real![]() Skulptur + Fotografie + Video13 Mar – 3 May 2015Ingrid Mwangi (*1975, Nairobi) and Robert Hutter (*1975, Ludwigshafen) cohere artistically and act as such as a unified organism. Intentionally they distance themselves from the term collective, because their symbiosis is a much more profound relationship not only restricted to their artistic creativity but also invading their private and individual reality as spouses.The trick to mesh their biographies from 2005 and to create an own curriculum vitae for Mwangi Hutter that works together with… more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN | BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 My Chinese friends![]() 28 Jun – 9 Aug 2014‘My Chinese friends’ brings together over 40 works by Chinese artists that originated between 1992 and today and with only two exceptions have all been curated by Alexander Ochs and shown in exhibitions in the past 22 years. The key piece in the first room is a sculpture made by Peking-based artist Lu Shengzhong. The daoist and professor of folk art mounted two red paper-cut figures into an opened traveler’s suitcase: Yin and Yang, positive and negative, correspond to the Chin… more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN | BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Luzia SimonsAMAZONAS PATH![]() 15 Mar – 26 Apr 2014ALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN | BEIJING is delighted to open the second solo exhibition of renowned Brazilian artist Luzia Simons in its gallery space. Numerous exhibitions made Luzia Simons known for her visually powerful orchestration of tulip images. Recently, she realized a site specific installation at the Pinacoteca do Estao de Sao Paulo, Brazil while her work could also be admired in the exhibition Flowers & Mushrooms at the Museum der Moderne Salzburg (Modern Musuem Salzburg)… more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN | BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Mwangi HutterSINGLE ENTITIES![]() 27 Apr – 8 Jun 2013The artist group Mwangi Hutter was born in Nairobi and Ludwigshafen, where the artists Ingrid Mwangi and Robert Hutter also work. The artists themselves speak of an entity, in which the summation and dissolution of the one into the other is created. Their videos and photography continually reflect on events in Africa, along with the relationship between blacks and whites, as well as women and men. Ecology is as much a central theme as gender is. The artists play with the illusion of the reality … more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN I BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Luzia SimonsStockage![]() 4 Feb – 17 Mar 2012Luzia Simons was born in 1953 in Quixadá, Brazil and lives in Berlin. She first studied history until 1978 and then Fine Arts at the Sorbonne University in Paris from 1984 to 1986.In Luzia Simons work, the floral still life takes on a multi-layered cultural and socio-political statement. For one, the artist studies the history of the tulip, which became an important symbol of identification in both the Orient and the Occident. Taken from this historical context, the tulip becomes a metap… more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN I BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Kexin ZangGo Weast![]() 4 Feb – 17 Mar 2012KEXIN ZANG I GO WEAST @ Salon4. Februar, 2012 – 17. März, 2012Vernissage, 3. Februar 2012, 19 - 21 UhrDie chinesische Künstlerin Kexin Zang lädt uns ein zu einer Reise in eine Terra Incognita: Wir betreten Neuland, eine Zone, die uns erlaubt, zugleich an zwei unterschiedlichen Orten zu sein – im Osten und im Westen – und in zwei Zeiten: in der Gegenwart und in der Zeit der fernen Vergangenheit. Dort begegnen wir den Werken der Künstlerin Kexin Zang, die wiss… more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN I BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Luzia SimonsStockage19 Mar – 1 Sep 2011ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN I BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 MIAO XiaochunBeijing Index![]() 30 Jan – 27 Feb 2010Following the very successful presentation of Miao Xiaochun's work 'Beijing Index' at ALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BEIJING, China, we are proud to present his work in our gallery space in Berlin. It is the fourth solo exhibition that the gallery dedicates to the artist and professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. After working with digital art, Miao Xiaochun returns to photography with his series 'Beijing Index'. The artist drafted longitudes and latitudes on a satellite image of B… more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN I BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 MIAO XiaochunMICROCOSM20 Sep – 25 Oct 2008ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN I BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 MIAO XiaochunH2O![]() 21 Jun – 3 Oct 2007Miao Xiaochun has come back, down to earth. Back from the spheres of heaven, with figures floating in the detached and airy space that he so closely explored in his last large picture-series "The Last Judgement". And yet, it is not so much the firm and solid ground of earth that the Chinese photo-artist is interested in. He rather turns his attention towards an element which, at first sight, seems about as hard to grasp as the atmospheric range of the sky: water. However, the framework that he c… more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN I BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Inferno in Paradise - West meets East10 Years Alexander Ochs Galleries Berlin/Beijing28 Apr – 20 May 2007ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN I BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 CHI PengThe Monkey King![]() 23 Mar – 21 Apr 2007Chi Peng, barely in his mid-twenties and already an internationally recognised artist, is considered to be one of the most groundbreaking and innovative exponents of contemporary Chinese art avant-garde. This is due particularly to his superior handling digital photography and image-editing. He skilfully fuses actuality and fiction to an artistically generated pseudo-substantiality. Chi Peng is a classical first-person narrator. Already in his early works he repeatedly became a figure and part… more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN I BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Hermann NitschHERMANN NITSCH I YANG SHAOBIN: RETOUR CHINA30 Jun – 9 Sep 2006ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN I BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 MIAO XiaochunThe Last Judgment in CyBerspace![]() 12 May – 17 Jun 2006The Chinese artist Miao Xiaochun (*1964) has achieved prominence in recent years with his photography: his photographs have been shown at numerous biennials and are included in the collections of several museums in Europe and China. In his current work, he has turned to 3D technique to develop his very own interpretative rendition of Michelangelo's The Last Judgment. The fresco in Rome's Sistine Chapel was painted from 1536 to 1541, and is one of the key works of Western art history. The blue b… more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN I BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 RongRong & inriThe Third Space![]() 28 Mar – 29 Apr 2006After exhibitions at the ICP, New York and museum presentations in Chicago and Seattle as well as at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the exhibition 'Between Past and Future / New Photography and Video from China' will be opened at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin on March 23rd. This exhibition includes some works of the artist RongRong, born in 1968, who took these photographs in the early 90ies in Beijing’s artists' village 'East Village', a colony given up by the farmers … more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN I BEIJING +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Kim JoonTattoo you![]() 9 Dec 2005 – 15 Jan 2006KIM-JOON I TATTOO YOU While the 15th International Tattoo Convention will be opening in Berlin, welcoming 120 artists from all over the world in Berlin, ALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN are presenting the exhibition TATTOO YOU by the Korean artist KIM-JOON. Kim´s work is focusing on the tattoo as a reflective idea of the own consciousness, presented on the human skin. The artist, born in 1966 and currently living in Seoul, is confronting his audience with fundamental questions on tattooing a… more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEAlexander Ochs Galleries Berlin I Beijing +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Asia: The Place to be![]() 27 Sep – 19 Nov 2005Dreizehn Mal stellt sich in dieser Ausstellung die Frage ASIA: THE PLACE TO BE? Neun Künstler kommen aus China, drei aus Südkorea und mit Gerhard Richters Mao-Portrait von 1968 ist auch ein Vertreter des westlichen Blicks nach Osten präsent. Noch nie zeigte Alexander Ochs in einer seiner Galerien eine Darstellung Mao Dsedongs. Bei der ersten Ausstellung in den neuen Räumen fällt der Blick bereits vom Eingang aus auf das diffus aus dem Dunkel aufscheinende Gesicht des ‚großen Vorsitzende… more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEAlexander Ochs Galleries Berlin I Beijing +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Beauty Berlin: Beijing![]() 19 Mar – 6 May 2005Unter dem Titel "Ueber Schoenheit" eroeffnet am 17. Maerz im Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, eine multimediale und interdisplizinaere Ausstellungsreihe zum Thema Schoenheit. Ziel ist es, die kulturell unterschiedlichen Ansaetze und Vorstellungen vom Schoenen darzustellen, zu diskutieren und zu positionieren. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt hierbei auf der asiatischen Kunst, im Rahmen derer neue Arbeiten der Installationskuenstlerin Qin Yufen, des Kuenstlers Zhu Jinshi und des Kuenstlerpaars… more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEAlexander Ochs Galleries Berlin I Beijing +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Performing the Body - Photography and Performance from China![]() 18 Nov – 23 Dec 2004It is hard to imagine a more stirring and exciting place than China today — and contemporary Chinese art production is profiting greatly from this fact. Rapid globalisation, consumption and new forms of media have had an unusually explosive impact on traditional local cultures, creating a fertile atmosphere for a renewal of the arts in particular. The meeting of old and new has given rise to unique forms of artistic expression, and it continues to do so today. At the same time, photography in … more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEAlexander Ochs Galleries Berlin I Beijing +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 CHEN LingyangTwelve Flower Months10 Sep – 6 Nov 2004ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEAlexander Ochs Galleries +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 WONG Hoy CheongRE: Looking10 Sep – 6 Oct 2004ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDEPrüss & Ochs Gallery +49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Kyungwoo ChunEidolon![]() 26 Sep – 1 Nov 2003Kyungwoo Chun war eine der wirklichen ‚Neuentdeckungen’ in der UP & COMING Reihe der ARCO Madrid 2003. Seine aufsehenerregende Performance ‚18 x 1 Minute’ wurde von der Fundación Centro Ordónez / San Sebastian für die Sammlung erworben. Im Oktober wird Kyungwoo Chun mit der erwähnten Performance das neue Centro Ordónez Fálcon de Fotografía mit eröffnen, in der Ausstellung EIDOLON ist die Dokumentation der ARCO-Performance zu sehen. Mit der Serie EIDOLON definiert Kyungwoo Chun… more ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATEDE+49 (0)30-45 086 878 ochs@alexanderochs-private.com Wed-Fri 13-18, Sat 11-15 Tejal ShahThe Tomb of Democracy![]() 14 Mar – 26 Apr 2003In the center of the presentation is the installation THE TOMB OF DEMOCRACY ... paradise does not exist "Under the Shade of the Sword". Tejal Shah exposes with the genocide on muslims in the Indian region Gujarat and formulates the "Clash between the cultures" and the supression of minorities, always leaded under the plea of different refigiousness as an global problem. In other, earlier works (videos and photoseries) the artist is occupied with ‚inter-states’ and "trans-situations" and th… more |