Exhibitions at Bernheimer Fine Art |
Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Shine, Sparkle & Dream20 Jun – 15 Aug 2019Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 In the Absence of Color7 Feb – 27 Apr 2019Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 5 JAHRE BERNHEIMER LUZERN17 Oct 2018 – 26 Jan 2019Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Georges YammineMoments of HarmonyDIE HARMONIE DES AUGENBLICKS20 Aug – 28 Sep 2018Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Sebastian CopelandA Vanishing World23 May – 6 Jul 2018Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Every Picture tells a story24 Jan – 30 Apr 2018Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Mat HennekWOODLANDSEin Projekt mit der Pianistin Hélène Grimaud21 Oct – 23 Dec 2017Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Suzie MaederSEEING MUSIC10 Aug – 23 Sep 2017Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Lucien ClerguePOÉSIE EN NOIR ET BLANC4 May – 8 Jul 2017Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Veronica BaileyMEMORIES WITHIN THE ARCHIVES![]() 9 Feb – 13 Apr 2017British art photographer Veronica Bailey’s work specializes on photographic series resulting mainly from visiting archives. Her focus is on examining the nostalgic and traditional means of furthering knowledge, revealing the charm and lure of handwriting and the feel of paper in our monotonous digital age. Her works show carefully arranged everyday life objects. In her compositions she turns books, newspapers and letters into geometrical sculptures. Faint traces of texts may be read, … more Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Solo Exhibition![]() THE WORLD IS A BOOK AND THOSE WHO DO NOT TRAVEL READ ONLY ONE PAGE.20 Oct 2016 – 21 Jan 2017Under the title "THE WORLD IS A BOOK AND THOSE WHO DO NOT TRAVEL READ ONLY ONE PAGE." (St. Augustinus), Bernheimer Fine Art will present a special group exhibition on the subject travel, nature and landscape photography. On display will be photographs by seven artists who recorded unique works on all continents of the world with their cameras. For the first time in Lucerne we will be showing photographs of the Italian artist Mirella Ricciardi, born in Kenya in 1931. Inspired by the… more Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Horst P. HorstHORST IN COLOUR![]() 13 Aug – 24 Sep 2016In cooperation with the Horst Estate Miami Bernheimer Fine Art is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition of the American-German fashion photographer Horst P. Horst in Switzerland since 1988. The exhibition focuses on the artist’s colour photographs. Horst P. Horst belongs to the most significant photographers of the 20th century. He is considered to be the doyen of the fashion photography of his times, however, until now only his black-and-white photography mainly retained publi… more Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Gregor TörzsFRAGILE WORLDS![]() FRAGILE WELTEN9 Jun – 16 Jul 2016Bernheimer Fine Art Switzerland is pleased to announce the exhibition Fragile Welten (Fragile Worlds) by German photographer Gregor Törzs. The show is curated by Dr. Martina Kral, curator of world renowned Collection Rosengart in Lucerne since 2002. It is like responding to a reflex, when Gregor Törzs finds something he feels the inner longing to hold it against the light. Whether it is a place, an object or a moment, for him it always refers to transparency and the hidden qualities… more Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Christopher ThomasENGADIN![]() 21 Apr – 4 Jun 2016Anyone familiar with Engadin’s landscape would immediately recognise that Christopher Thomas’ works talk about its hills, mountains, lakes and meadows. His works illustrate the peace and monumentally of the mountainscapes as well as the contrasts of the shiny, reflecting lakes and the clam rock masses. In 2012 Christopher Thomas approached for the first time Engadin’s landscape. With an open mind towards this mystical mountain world he achieved perspectives that were refresh… more Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 BOOTH D9 – SÉLECTION PARIS PHOTO![]() 21 Jan – 24 Mar 2016Paris Photo is considered to be one of the outstanding art fairs for photography. Over 140 galleries from 34 countries display artworks from the 19th century to the present by more than 3500 photographers in the beautiful Parisian Grand Palais. In November 2015 the fair had to be closed prematurely due to the tragic events of November 13. With the exhibition "BOOTH D9 – Sélection Paris Photo" we are giving our artists an opportunity to present their works again in our ga… more Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Michael KennaForms of Japan![]() 22 Oct – 23 Dec 2015Michael Kenna is one of the most renowned landscape photographers of our time. His black-and-white photographs are characterized by their simplicity and sense of purity. Kenna frequently travels to Japan, after falling in love on his first visit there 30 years ago, and he is drawn back by his fascination with the Japanese landscape and philosophy. His works show clearly outlined elements in reduced formal language and poetic presentation. The viewer repetitively encounters meditative, lonely t… more Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Michael KennaBetween Mountains & Lakes![]() 15 Aug – 3 Oct 2015The second half of 2015 at Bernheimer Fine Art Switzerland is dedicated to renown British photographer Michael Kenna. The first exhibition Between Mountains & Lakes explores Michael Kenna’s lake and mountain views. Michael Kenna is widely recognized as one of the world’s greatest and most influential living landscape photographers. He generates the intensity of his works by a slow and accurate approach to his subjects, which are created by an extreme long exposure time with a Ha… more Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Jan C. SchlegelUnforgettable Traces![]() 7 May – 11 Jul 2015Bernheimer Fine Art is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition by photographer Jan C. Schlegel in Switzerland. Jan C. Schlegel portrays the beauty and dignity of people he has met on his trips to Africa and Asia. The results are powerful and intimate portraits that entice, captivate and challenge the viewer. The pictures shown in this exhibition bear witness to the photographer’s special encounters with these unique people. Since 1998 Schlegel has been tirelessly travelling t… more Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Toni SchneidersRETROSPECTIVE![]() RETROSPEKTIVE28 Feb – 18 Apr 2015Bernheimer Fine Art is pleased to announce the retrospective of German photographer Toni Schneiders (1920 – 2006), who was one of the most important figures of photography in post-war Europe. As a founding member of the avant-garde group fotoform (one of the participants in the world photography exhibition of 1952 held in Lucerne) and a pioneer of travel photography, his works are considered to be outstanding examples of art photography from the 20th century. In 1949 Otto Steinert, P… more Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 THE ART OF ARRANGEMENT![]() STILL LIFE IN PHOTOGRAPHY / STILLLEBEN IN DER PHOTOGRAPHIE29 Nov 2014 – 7 Feb 2015Zum ersten Mal tauchte der Begriff "Stillleben" im 16. Jahrhundert in den Niederlanden auf. Zu keiner Zeit war das Interesse an Stillleben größer als im folgenden 17. Jahrhundert. Es entstanden zahlreiche Stillebentypen, welche die Sinneswahrnehmung des Betrachters ansprechen und stimulieren sollten. Allerdings ging es den Stilllebenmeistern nicht nur durch eine möglichst realistische Darstellung, eine perfekte Illusion vorzutäuschen, sondern auch auch eine verschl… more Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Christopher ThomasCITY PORTRAITS![]() 27 Sep – 8 Nov 2014As an artist, Christopher Thomas has established a reputation above all with his city portraits: silent photos of city scenes, taken with a large-format camera and printed on hand-made laid paper. The film is a black-and-white type 55 film by Polaroid. The first of his city portraits was the cycle Münchner Elegien (Munich Elegies), which was shown in the Museum of Photography in Munich in 2005 (published by Schirmer/Mosel Verlag, 2005). Here, Christopher Thomas depicts Munich as a city of … more Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Mat HennekDie Seele der Musik![]() 15 Aug – 20 Sep 2014Zeitgleich mit dem diesjährigen "Lucerne Festival" präsentiert die Galerie Bernheimer Fine Art die Photoausstellung "Die Seele der Musik". Die Ausstellung wird das erste Mal in der Schweiz gezeigt. In Kooperation mit den Freunden des Lucerne Festivals wird vom 18. bis 20. August außerdem eine umfangreiche Auswahl im Sommer Pavillon der KKL Terrasse zu sehen sein. Die Ausstellung zeigt Musikerportraits des deutschen Photographen Mat Hennek. Wie kaum ein an… more Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 THE ART OF PLATINUM PRINTING![]() 16 May – 12 Jul 2014Bernheimer Fine Art is pleased to announce an exhibition of museum quality taking place from 16 May to 12 July, 2014 at the gallery in Lucerne, Haldenstrasse 11. The group exhibition THE ART OF PLATINUM PRINTING is a continuation and extension of the highly successful exhibition staged by Bernheimer Fine Art Photography in Munich in autumn 2013. Platinum prints offer the ultimate in photographic permanence coupled with a subtle tonal range and a tactile quality of the image made on handmade pape… more Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Silke LauffsEnchanted Places![]() Verwunschene Orte14 Feb – 3 May 2014Silke Lauffs studied Interior Architecture in Hannover where she discovered her love for photography. After living in New York, she returned to Germany where she began to focus more on her photography. Since 1997 Silke has been living in Berlin as a freelance photographer, working for magazines such as Elle Decoration, Léonce or Allegra, as well as for newspapers as FAZ, ZEIT or SPIEGEL. In recent years Lauffs has become drawn towards landscape photography, which is has become passion… more Bernheimer Fine ArtCHBernheimer Fine Art +41 (0)41-2405050 contact@bernheimer.ch Wed-Fri 12-18, Sat 10-16 Augenblicke der Photographie - Moments in Photography![]() 6 Dec 2013 – 8 Feb 2014We are happy to announce the opening of a second gallery location for Fine Art Photography this December in Lucerne, Switzerland. Ten years ago we hosted our first photography exhibition in Munich and have since successfully developed a well established reputation for this new department. In the premises of our new showroom in Lucerne we will host selling exhibitions for 20th and 21st century photography in accordance with our programme in Munich. Bernheimer already had an exhibition space in … more |