Exhibitions at Galerie Walter Keller |
Galerie Walter KellerCHclosed CHIM (David Seymour, 1911-1956) and AGNES JANICH (*1985)![]() 5 Feb – 30 Mar 2013An exhibition co-hosted by Galerie Walter Keller, Zurich, and Galerie °CLAIR, Saint-Paul de Vence, Anna-Patricia Kahn. An encounter of two Polish-born photographers from different generations: CHIM (David Seymour, 1911-1956) with vintage prints of his famous photos of children after the Second World War. And AGNES JANICH (*1985) with her group of work, BODY MEMORY. Two series on exhibit and the presentation of JANICH’s first artist book. David Seymour, better known as CHIM, uncomprom… more Galerie Walter KellerCHclosed Willy SpillerMondlicht![]() 24 Sep – 10 Nov 2012photographer Willy Spiller (*1947) is showing his series MONDLICHT (MOONLIGHT). For fifteen years Spiller has been following the moon, bringing back captivatingly beautiful, tranquil images from his trips to the mountains.Spiller’s patient and tireless search for the earth’s satellite has taken him from the Engadin to the Canton of Glarus, from the summits of the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau in the Bernese Oberland to Central Switzerland. Waiting—until the moon exudes its enc… more Galerie Walter KellerCHclosed Thomas DornYOGA UND FOTOGRAFIE: THE YOKE![]() Ein Projekt mit Isabelle Derigo1 Aug – 22 Sep 2012A collaboration between French-Swiss Yogini Isabelle Derigo and German/French Photographer Thomas Dorn: Subtle and elegant images, incorporating precise Yoga Positions. Now in our gallery exhibition until September 22, 2012. Simply beautiful black-and-white nudes. Die Westschweizer Yogini Isabelle Derigo und der in Paris lebende deutsche Fotograf Thomas Dorn präsentieren das Resultat ihrer Zusammenarbeit: Subtile Fotos, welche durch Ruhe und Eleganz bestechen und gleichzeitig klar definiert… more Galerie Walter KellerCHclosed Andrea EbenerSolo Exhibition![]() 9 Mar – 5 May 2012Young Swiss artist Andrea Ebener (*1987) has created of group of self-portraits that she first took with her digital camera. At the same time she has started to discover for herself old techniques like photogelatine printing or bying the necessary chemical components to create cyanoprints. She produces them herself on watercolor papers. Each of the image that literally „goes through“ her hands is unique, no other person is involved. This way the notion of the often abused declaration… more Galerie Walter KellerCHclosed Leonardo Bezzolaclic 35 Apr – 5 May 2012Wir laden Sie herzlich ein am Montag, 2. April 2012um 18.30 Uhr zur Buchpräsentationan die Oberdorfstrasse 2, 8001 Zürichclic 3Fotobuch von Leonardo Bezzola688 Archivaufnahmen von Künstlern, Freunden, Künstlerfreunden, Vernissagen, Festen, Ateliers, Transporten, Kindern, etc. aus den Jahren 1992-2011, halb Kunstreport, halb Familienalbum - mit einem Einführungstext von Konrad Tobler.Es spricht Walter Keller.Gleichzeitig eröffnet die Ausstellung zum Buch.Ausstellungs… more Galerie Walter KellerCHclosed Brigitte LustenbergerWas bisher geschah ...![]() 12 Dec 2011 – 25 Feb 2012Brigitte Lustenberger at the Walter Keller Gallery in ZurichOpening: December 12, 2011 at 6.30 pmExhibition: December 12, 2011 - January 28, 2012With her multi-layered body of works Previously on ... Swiss artist Brigitte Lustenberger takes inspiration in Baroque paintings, in their imagery and colors. She creates present-day Tableaux Vivants exploring the transitoriness of human life.The Zurich born artist has been awarded with the prestigious Landis & Gyr Award 2011.The artist's homep… more Galerie Walter KellerCHclosed Miroslav TichýThe Estate of Miroslav Tichy![]() 18 Jul – 3 Sep 2011The Estate of Miroslav Tichý18.07. - 03. 08.2011Sehr geehrte Damen und HerrenLiebe Freundinnen und Freunde der Galerie,Zur Zeit zeigen wir die – seit der Ausstellung im Kunsthaus Zürich (2005) – erste Einzelausstellung von Miroslav Tichý in der Schweiz.Rund 35 Fotos des im April 2011 verstorbenen tschechischen Künstlers, welcher in der Geschichte der Fotografie eine einzigartige Stellung einnimmt, sind bis Anfang September bei uns ausgestellt. Alle Fotos diese… more Galerie Walter KellerCHclosed Stefanie SchneiderSolo Exhibition![]() 15 Dec 2010 – 26 Feb 2011Stefanie Schneider / PhotographsDecember 15, 2010 – February 26, 2011Beauty and Emotion?Does photography today still have the permission to be beautiful and narrative, is it still or maybe even more so again allowed to be created out of emotions rather than derive from intellectually ambitious concepts? In other words: Is the concept or the basic idea allowed to hide behind the imagery? Schneider creates her own image worlds with actors who often seem to be inextricably linked with each ot… more Galerie Walter KellerCHclosed Ueli AlderWenn‘d gnueg wiit fort goscht, bisch irgendwenn wieder of em Heeweg2 Feb – 13 Mar 2010 |