Nelli Palomäki. As time consumes us
I sina bilder lyckas Nelli Palomäki frysa tiden. Hon utforskar det klassiska svart-vita porträttet och lyfter fram kvaliteter som fanns i det tidiga fotografiet.
I den finska fotografen Nelli Palomäkis stora svart-vita fotografier träder unga pojkar och flickor ut ur den mörka bakgrunden och iakttar betraktaren med intensiv, koncentrerad blick.
Nelli Palomäkis karriär har tagit fart de senaste åren och hon ses … more A new View of Spanish Photography and Video ArtNuevas Historias - a new view of Spanish Photography
The exhibition "Nuevas Historias - a new view of Spanish Contemporary Photography" includes works by more than 28 Spanish artists with the aim to put the spotlight on an area of contemporary photography that is still largely unknown to many people but deserves all attention. The exhibition is the most extensive presentation of contemporary Spanish photography outside Spain.
Photography made a relatively late entry on the Spanish art scene. H… more A new View of Spanish Photography and Video ArtNuevas Historias - a new view of Spanish Photography
The exhibition "Nuevas Historias - a new view of Spanish Contemporary Photography" includes works by more than 28 Spanish artists with the aim to put the spotlight on an area of contemporary photography that is still largely unknown to many people but deserves all attention. The exhibition is the most extensive presentation of contemporary Spanish photography outside Spain.
Photography made a relatively late entry on the Spanish art scene. H… more A new View of Spanish Photography and Video ArtNuevas Historias - a new view of Spanish Photography
The exhibition "Nuevas Historias - a new view of Spanish Contemporary Photography" includes works by more than 28 Spanish artists with the aim to put the spotlight on an area of contemporary photography that is still largely unknown to many people but deserves all attention. The exhibition is the most extensive presentation of contemporary Spanish photography outside Spain.
Photography made a relatively late entry on the Spanish art scene. H… morephotography and video 1998—2008Produced by Israel Museum of Art, Jerusalem  Finnish art photography is one of the most successful items of cultural export in Europe. Now, for the first time, the internationally acknowledged artists are gathered together in one exhibition. The extensive exhibition of photography "The Helsinki School" presents works from over 30 different artists who have been studying or teaching at TaiK, the University of Art and Design in Helsinki.
The exhibition will continue in September 2005 at Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin. The project includes … more"Instable" presents a survey of contemporary Swedish photography from the late 1990s to the present.
Several of the photographers in the exhibition are well known internationally, such as Miriam Bäckström, JH Engström, Annika von Hausswolff, Annica Karlsson Rixon, Maria Miesenberger och Lars Tunbjörk. Most others have debuted in recent years: Dejan Antonijevic, Helena Blomqvist, Jenny Källman och Pernilla Zetterman.
Swedish photography has changed dramatically during the past ten years. I… moreSLÖJAN
Tjugo internationella samtidskonstnärer utmanar våra kulturella föreställningar och utforskar slöjans och beslöjandets symboliska betydelse. Utställningen spänner över alla former av uttryck för modern visuell konst och konstnärerna kommer från olika delar av världen.
Slöjan är en av de mäktigaste symbolerna i vår tid. I mötet med det västerländska samhället har slöjan fått nya betydelser i den världsomfattande debatten om religiösa makstrukturer och kvinnofr… moreAt Kulturhuset we present Claude Cahun, Countess de Castiglione, Hanna Cullwick and Cindy Sherman. Four strong, wilful women, who in different times of age has staged reality and used photography to present themselves in a number of different guises.
Ultimately in control, these four strong personalities has acted out their transformations in front of the camera.
Fotografier av fyra förklädda kvinnor: Hannah Cullwick, grevinnan de Castiglione, Claude Cahun och Cindy Sherman.
â€â€¦ more Under ett dygn dokumenterade över 3 000 fotografer allt mellan himmel och jord i Sverige. Nyfödda barn och människor i livets slutskede, hÃ¥rt arbete och skön avkoppling, vardagen för kändisar och vanliga människor - allt fÃ¥ngades av hundratals kameralinser den 3 juni.
Närmare 24 000 bilder skickades in till projektet – en unik dokumentation av svenskt vardagsliv.
De bästa bilderna har av en jury valts ut till en stor fotobok med 230 bilder och till utställningen på Kulturhuset, d… more"Rhythm is a dancer, it´s a souls companion, you can feel it everywhere" är titeln på en internationell grupputställning med videobaserad konst. Utställningens tema är människans förhållande till rytm, musik och dans.
I utställningen visas verk av bland andra Pipilotti Rist, Adrian Piper, Nam June Paik, Fisherspooner, Gitte Vil-essen, Artur Zmijewski, Philippe Decouflé, Mark Leckey och Anders Krüger. Flera av verken har aldrig tidigare visats i Stockholm.
Som den ironiska titeln … more |