Exhibitions at PINTER & MILCH |
PINTER & MILCHDEPINTER & MILCH +49 (0)30-63969089 galerie@pinter-milch.com Wed-Sat 14-18 + René GroebliVINTAGE -![]() on the move since 1946 / In Bewegung seit 19465 Apr – 28 Jun 2014Always on the move, never standing still. The only standstill Swiss photographer René Groebli (1927, Zurich) seems to accept is the frozen moment of motion captured on a photograph. Moments like this are in the focus of the exhibition „VINTAGE – on the move since 1946“ which will be shown from April 5th at the gallery PINTER & MILCH. The gallery is pleased to present a great variety of the artist´s work, from black and white vintage prints to dye transfer an… more PINTER & MILCHDEPINTER & MILCH +49 (0)30-63969089 galerie@pinter-milch.com Wed-Sat 14-18 + Birgit Naomi GlatzelA Friend is a Friend of a Friend![]() 31 Jan – 22 Mar 2014"A Friend is a Friend of a Friend" – das ist der Titel der Installation von Birgit Naomi Glatzel, die ab dem 31. Januar 2014 in der Galerie PINTER & MILCH zu sehen ist. Die Arbeit von Birgit Glatzel schickt den Betrachter auf eine Weltreise von Freund zu Freund: Durch Freundeslinien verbundene schwarz-weiß Portraits und ihre geografische Verortung verbinden sich zu einem Gesamtbild, das von der unendlichen Verbindung von Menschen und der persönlichen Beziehung… more PINTER & MILCHDEPINTER & MILCH +49 (0)30-63969089 galerie@pinter-milch.com Wed-Sat 14-18 + Martin Mleckostill / LIFE![]() 9 Nov 2013 – 4 Jan 2014PINTER & MILCH is pleased to announce the exhibition still / LIFE by Martin Mlecko. The show presents three series of the artist ́s work, unified by the idea of life, bygone and preserved, as well as discovering hidden beauty in everyday life. „Die Dinge des Lebens“ tell about the nostalgic notion of the soul of objects that are inanimate but part of our life – in this case the life of the artist – for a long time, even a lifetime. Being the memory of the past … more PINTER & MILCHDEPINTER & MILCH +49 (0)30-63969089 galerie@pinter-milch.com Wed-Sat 14-18 + Patrick TabernaLe goût des mandarines![]() 7 Sep – 26 Oct 2013The taste of tangerines brings back memories - for Patrick Taberna it is the memory of his childhood and youth. The spirit of these days is essential in his photography. At first sight Taberna´s photographs seem to lack context and order - it is the atmosphere that dominates - a sentiment that diffuses and awakens a long-lasting impression. The pictures show a high sensitivity and evoke diverse emotions of ease and melancholy, calm as well as alertness. Time seems to stand still. Each pict… more PINTER & MILCHDEPINTER & MILCH +49 (0)30-63969089 galerie@pinter-milch.com Wed-Sat 14-18 + Portraits![]() 9 Aug – 31 Aug 2013Sommerausstellung PORTRAITS vom 09. bis 31. August bis 2013 in der Galerie PINTER & MILCH, Galerie für Fotografie in Berlin. Gruppenausstellung mit Sibylle Bergemann: Mädchen Roger Fritz: Models René Groebli: Farbe! Martin Mlecko: Der Boxer Konrad Rufus Müller: Der Werwolf Ann-Christine Woehrl: Hexen Pony Meissner: Familiemore PINTER & MILCHDEPINTER & MILCH +49 (0)30-63969089 galerie@pinter-milch.com Wed-Sat 14-18 + Roger FritzFarbe in Schwarzweiß![]() 11 May – 29 Jun 2013Der Fotograf, Filmemacher und Schauspieler Roger Fritz, geboren 1936 in Mannheim, versucht sich zunächst als Bäcker, als Kellner und beginnt eine Ausbildung zum Großhandelskaufmann. Inspiriert von der Begegnung mit dem Fotografen Herbert List lebt er dann aber seinen Traum von Reisen und der Fotografie. Nach ersten Veröffentlichungen in der amerikanischen Zeitschrift Life erhält er zweimal den begehrten Photokina-Preis (1954, 1956). Es folgen umfangreiche Reportagen f&… more PINTER & MILCHDEPinter & Milch +49 (0)30-63969089 galerie@pinter-milch.com Wed-Sat 14-18 + Ann-Christine WoehrlWITCHES IN EXILE![]() 22 Mar – 4 May 2013„Watch out she is a witch!“ is an accusation that means a hard lot for the lives of thousands of women in Africa, often it is a death sentence. This very day there are still cruel witch hunts in Sub-Saharan Africa. Partly caused by the belief in witchcraft that remains strong in this region. But accusations of witchcraft are frequently also a consequence of poverty that makes certain women a burden for their family or creates jealousy and disputes. In order to get rid of them it is c… more PINTER & MILCHDEPinter & Milch +49 (0)30-63969089 galerie@pinter-milch.com Wed-Sat 14-18 + Konrad Rufus MüllerRealm of the Shades / Schattenwelten![]() 19 Jan – 16 Mar 2013Konrad Rufus Müller Realm of the Shades Opening: Friday, January 18th, 2013, at 7 pm Duration: January 19th – March 16th, 2013 Martina Gedeck, Rolf Bolwin and Mark Scheibe will be opening the exhibition, the artist will be present. The photographer Konrad Rufus Müller (*1940 in Berlin) is a master of portraiture, and especially known for his extraordinary access to the people in front of his camera and his remarkable way of presenting them. Though, portraiture is only one genre in… more PINTER & MILCHDEPinter & Milch +49 (0)30-63969089 galerie@pinter-milch.com Wed-Sat 14-18 + René GroebliDas Auge der Liebe10 Nov 2012 – 16 Jan 2013 |