"Gerhard Richter", s/w Fotoarbeit, 125 x 125 cm, gerahmt, Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Anita Beckers | Frankfurt
Anton Corbijn
Flavia Da Rin
o.T., 2005
75 x 100
courtesy Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt
Flavia da Rin
"Heimspiel", 1990/1992, s/w Fotoarbeit, 180 x 125 cm, Edition 3/3, Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Anita Beckers | Frankfurt
Juergen Klauke
Clare Langan, State of Suspension, 2012, 6 min. 30 sec., high speed HD video (video still #3 and #4), music by Jürgen Simpson, Funded by the Arts Council of Ireland & the Irish Film Board, Courtesy of Galerie Anita Beckers | Frankfurt and the artist
Clare Langan
Tim Roda, Untitled # 27, 2003, 56 x 71 cm, Black & White Photography, Hand print on Ilford paper, Fibre matte, Courtesy of Galerie Anita Beckers | Frankfurt and the artist
Tim Roda
Sandra Senn, Forces #2, 2009, 210 x110 cm, Pigment print on Hahnemühle paper, Edition 5/ + 2 AP