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Exhibitions at Galerie Anita Beckers

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Braubachstr. 9
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Andreas Mühe

Golden American

Golden American

29 Mar – 10 May 2025
"Golden American" ist die zweite Einzelausstellung von Andreas Mühe in der Galerie und knüpft unmittelbar an die erste Ausstellung "Brüder und Schwestern" und seine Serie "RAFNSU" an. In diesem Jahr jährt sich der RAF-Prozess in Stammheim zum 50. Mal. Dieses Jubiläum nimmt Andreas Mühe zum Anlass, zwei zentrale Orte der jüngeren deutschen Geschichte gegenüberzustellen: die Zellen der RAF in Stuttgart-Stammheim und den Jugendclub in Jena, in dem sich der NSU formierte.

Parallel dazu prä… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Braubachstr. 9
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Anton Corbijn



2 Nov 2024 – 18 Jan 2025

With the exhibition "LICHT", Galerie Anita Beckers presents the fifth solo
exhibition of Anton Corbijn in Frankfurt.

The renowned Dutch photographer and film director shows a selection
of partly never-before-published, conceptual works, mostly created in
the 1990s, which testify to Anton Corbijn's fondness for experimental
photographic techniques. The photographs were taken using a
flashlight as the only light source and, in some cases, further alienated
by the use of color filters.

Blurry c… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Braubachstr. 9
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Christiane Feser



7 Dec 2023 – 3 Feb 2024

Christiane Feser's works operate at the border between reality and illusion, between two-dimensional
photography and three-dimensional object. Her art examines the relationship between formal structures and
the interplay of light and shadow. In her photo objects, the artist reveals how photography can deceive
perception by intricately weaving real objects and their photographic representations together. Through the
apparent merging of materiality and its photographic interpretation, Chris… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Braubachstr. 9
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17



17 Frauen. 17 Positionen.

26 Oct – 2 Dec 2023
The exhibition "Self of Stage. 17 Women. 17 Positions" presents a selection of international female artists who work both in front of and behind the camera.

The show has been put together by the Frankfurt journalist and photography expert Freddy Langer. He responds to the magnificent traveling exhibition "Feminism Avantgarde", SAMMLUNG VERBUND, Vienna, with works from the 1970s by Valie Export and Orlan, Cindy Sherman and Annegret Soltau, among others, by asking how the exa… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Braubachstr. 9
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Out of the Dark

Eine Ausstellung der Foto-AG der Carl-von-Weinberg-Schule - Betreuende Lehrkraft: Tobias Becker

1 Jul – 2 Jul 2023

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Braubachstr. 9
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Andreas Mühe

Brüder und Schwestern

Brüder und Schwestern

11 May – 24 Jun 2023
Anlässlich des 175. Geburtstages des Zusammentretens der Nationalversammlung in der Paulskirche präsentiert die Galerie Anita Beckers eine Ausstellung, die erstmalig neue und noch im Prozess befindliche Arbeiten des Fotografen vorstellt.

Frankfurt und seine Paulskirche, die Wiege der Demokratie, werden im Werkzyklus "Brüder und Schwestern" zum Prüfstand deutsch-deutscher Beziehungen nach 1945. Wie häufig in seiner künstlerischen Auseinandersetzung versch… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Braubachstr. 9
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Thorsten Brinkmann



16 Mar – 3 May 2023
Die Ausstellung "Bubbleup" präsentiert neue Porträts, Assemblagen und Skulpturen von Thorsten Brinkmann (*1971 Herne). Der Künstler verwandelt den Galerieraum in ein skurril anmutendes Universum, in dem abgelegte und vermeintlich unnütze oder wertlos gewordene Dinge wieder auftauchen und in neue Kontexte gesetzt zu neuem Leben erwachen. Ablagerungen der modernen Kultur sammelt Thorsten Brinkmann wieder auf, kombiniert sie miteinander und setzt sie in ganz und gar unerwartete Zusammenhänge. … more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Braubachstr. 9
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Jürgen Klauke



27 Oct 2022 – 14 Jan 2023
Since the 1970s, Jürgen Klauke has been exploring questions of human existence in his photo sequences, video performances and drawings. Identity, sexuality, fears, religion, life and death are recurring themes that he confronts in ever new constellations. In doing so, he himself is usually the sole actor in his formally strictly composed scenarios, which are often combined in thematic cycles and make processes of inner or outer tensions and transformations visible.

In the exhibition Wackelkon… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Braubachstr. 9
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Johanna Reich

The Idea of Landscape

The Idea of Landscape

27 Jan – 12 Mar 2022

Der Drang, die Natur zu beherrschen, prägt die Geschichte des Menschen seit Jahrhunderten. In Zeiten hochentwickelter Technologie und künstlicher Intelligenz, die von jeder Emotionalität, Intuition oder Spontanität losgelöst zu sein scheint, drängt sich immer mehr die Frage auf, inwieweit der Mensch doch näher an der Tier- und Pflanzenwelt steht, als an der von ihm geschaffenen Technologie. Die daraus resultierenden Probleme beschäftigen uns vor allem vo… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Braubachstr. 9
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Anton Corbijn



8 Jul – 21 Aug 2021
Seit über 25 Jahren präsentiert die Galerie Anita Beckers die Arbeiten von Anton Corbijn und konnte bisher zahlreiche Ausstellungen realisieren, in denen schon Bilder aus allen seinen Werkserien gezeigt wurden. Unter dem Titel "ALL DRESSED UP" werden nun bisher kaum bekannte Fotografien des niederländischen Fotografen aus dem Projekt 'MOØDe', die zwischen 1991 und 2019 entstanden sind, gezeigt. Unter den Arbeiten befinden sich Bilder, die oft auf unerwar… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Braubachstr. 9
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Susa Templin



29 Apr – 27 Jun 2020
Der Physiker Albert Einstein mag die Zusammenhänge von Raum, Zeit und Licht in Formeln gepackt haben, entdeckt hat er sie nicht. Und auch der Philosoph Platon, der für sein berühmtestes Gleichnis den armen Tropf seiner Geschichte in eine Höhle kettete und ihn nur die Schatten schauen ließ, die vorüberziehende Gestalten an die Wand warfen, wird nicht als erstem aufgefallen sein, wie das Licht sich im Laufe der Zeit verändert und im Raum unentwegt neu verteilt. … more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Braubachstr. 9
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Anton Corbijn



16 Jan – 11 Apr 2020

The new exhibition with Anton Corbijn does not focus on a specific photographic project of his, but is a small selection made by Corbijn himself mainly of music photographs from a series titled "#5" as well as some coming from his famous "lith-print" period.

For his sixtieth Birthday in 2015, the Gemeentemuseum and the Fotomuseum in The Hague presented his first comprehensive retrospectives. These exhibitions, "Hollands Deep" and "1-2-3-4", travelled e… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Braubachstr. 9
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Thorsten Brinkmann

Jean D'Esk & Vaslanten

Jean D'Esk & Vaslanten

21 Mar – 27 Apr 2019
Der 1971 geborene und in Hamburg lebende Künstler Thorsten Brinkmann setzt sich in seinen Fotografien selbst in Szene. Seinen Kopf verbirgt er dabei mit gefundenen Objekten, wie Vasen, Schüsseln oder Eimern und schlüpft mit verschiedensten Kostümen in immer neue Charaktere. Sind diese Fotografien zwar im eigentlichen Sinne Selbstporträts, so bleibt er durch die Verhüllung anonym.

Die imaginären Welten entstehen mit dem "Plunder" anderer. Flohmä… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Braubachstr. 9
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Annegret Soltau

Das Konstrukt ICH. Das ge-zeichnete Selbst

Das Konstrukt ICH. Das ge-zeichnete Selbst

9 Feb – 18 Mar 2017

Annegret Soltau is a pioneer in the field of feminist art and Body Art, however, her works still generate controversy today. Again and again her artworks are considered offensive, are censored or pulled from exhibitions. In the digital age where the internet offers an anyonymous platform to users, such concrete and physical images seem disconcerting. Today, her work boasts an unbroken authenticity.

In her work, Soltau draws her I. However, she does not need pencil and paper for this. Instead … more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Ausstellungshalle 1a
Schulstr. 1a
60594 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17


Die Galerie Anita Beckers zu Gast in der Ausstellungshalle Schulstraße 1A

25 Jun – 13 Jul 2014

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Frankenallee 74
60327 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Loredana Nemes

Loredana Nemes I Winter / Hoerbelt

Loredana Nemes I Winter / Hoerbelt

7 Sep – 15 Nov 2013
Warum Loredana Nemes' Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografien und Winter/ Hoerbelt`s Skulpturen aus industriell gefertigten Elementen unter einem Dach ausstellen? Ist es ausreichend, dass ihre Gemeinsamkeiten ebenso überraschend sind wie ihre Unterschiede und zusammen einen interessanten Ausstellungsrahmen bieten?

Die Fotografin Loredana Nemes bereist die Welt und bringt ihre Erfahrungen von der sie umgebenden Realität in ihre künstlerische Praxis ein. In ihrer neusten Serie Blü… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Frankenallee 74
60327 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Cao Guimarães

Solo Exhibition

7 Sep – 15 Nov 2013

Dokumentarfilm ist ein fest etablierter Teil von Diskurs und Praxis zeitgenössischer visueller Kunst. Folglich kann auch Cao Guimarães konzeptueller Ansatz so verstanden werden. Jene Prinzipien, die später so charakteristisch für seine künstlerische Arbeit werden, tauchen bereits in seinen frühen sinnbildlichen Fotoserien 'Gambiarra' (2001-2012) auf. Darin katalogisiert er, wie wir mit einfallsreichen, oft praktischen Improvisationen, unser Alltagsle… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Frankenallee 74
60327 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Peter Weibel

Political Performance

Political Performance

Politische Performance

6 Jun – 24 Aug 2013
Through the advances of Fine and Performing Arts in the 1960s, a new art form was created: performance. The sources of the performance were mostly painting, sculpture, music and dance. Since 1964, Peter Weibel (*1944 Odessa) has pioneered an influential and exceptional pathway, namely 1. to transform language and media into fields of action 2. to emphasize the participation of the audience. Instead of underlying the monarchist tradition of the artist's presence, he democratically focused on… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Frankenallee 74
60327 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Jürgen Klauke



15 Mar – 17 May 2013
Jürgen Klauke is a key figure in art today and for some time many of his creations have constituted part of the most widely known repertoire of contemporary art, where he has exerted a huge influence over the last thirty years. His work, permanently fluctuating between extreme attraction and rejection, arouses both fascination and irritation. Klauke was among the first artists to avail themselves of photography as an instrument for artistic expression. Few people have explored as coherently… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Frankenallee 74
60327 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Tim Roda

The Butcher’s Block

The Butcher’s Block

14 Jan – 25 Feb 2012
Main Gallery Space:Artist: Tim RodaExhibition Title: The Butcher's BlockDuration: January 14th through February 25th 2012Opening: January 13th at 7 pmTim Roda's black and white family portraits are filled with reverberations of his childhood memories and family traditions as a site of individual and communal mythmaking. Incorporating his four sons and his wife into his photographs while enacting family scenes, Roda collapses the past and the present as well as the private and the public. H… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Frankenallee 74
60327 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Clare Langan

State of Suspension

State of Suspension

14 Jan – 25 Feb 2012
Ausstellungsdauer: 14. Januar – 25. Februar 2012Exhibition from January 14th through February 25th 2012Zur Vernissage am Freitag den 13. Januar 2012, um 19:00 Uhr laden wir Sie und Ihre Freunde herzlich ein.A meditation on loss, State of Suspension (2012) explores the fragility of the human condition, frozen somewhere between life and death. Shot with a high-speed camera, a human figure and water defy the laws of gravity. The film directly investigates core aspects of physical matter and … more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Frankenallee 74
60327 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Anton Corbijn

Inwards and Onwards

Inwards and Onwards

23 Oct 2010 – 29 Jan 2011
Anton Corbijn / NL

Anton Corbijn has once stated his interest in portraying the pain of creation and in the people who struggle with that process. Opening on October 22nd, Galerie Anita Beckers proudly presents Anton Corbijn's latest photographic series devoted to some of the most consecrated artmakers of today. The show also includes a moving portrait of Nelson Mandela. Unyting an austerity principle with an aesthetic one, these black and white prints strike us for their pr… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Frankenallee 74
60327 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Jürgen Klauke

Sonntagsneurosen & Performancefilme

Sonntagsneurosen & Performancefilme

4 Sep – 16 Oct 2010
Jürgen Klauke

September 3rd – October 16th 2010

Opening on Friday, 3rd September 7.30pm

20 years after the foundation of Galerie Anita Beckers we are pleased to announce our upcoming show with Juergen Klauke.

Starting as a publishing house, Anita Beckers carried editions by renowned artists such as Juergen Klauke, Guillaume Bijl, Wim Delvoye, Thomas Huber and Urs Lüthi. Later, this edition gallery resulted in an art gallery which is based in Frankfurt since… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Frankenallee 74
60327 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Paradise is somewhere else

Paradise is somewhere else

27 Feb – 10 Apr 2010
Paradise is Somewhere Else

From February 26th through April 10th, Galerie Anita Beckers proudly presents "Paradise is Somewhere Else", a group exhibition with works by Niklas Goldbach (*1973), Nathalie Grenzhaeuser (*1969), Monica Ursina Jäger (*1974), Zhenchen Liu (*1976), Uriel Orlow (*1973), Julia Oschatz (*1970) and Sandra Senn (*1973). Depicting fictive architecture, man-made landscape and historical ruins, the exhibition showcases works which play with our worldviews and question today's… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Frankenallee 74
60327 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Vee Speers

The Birthday Party

The Birthday Party

16 Feb – 5 Apr 2008
You Aren't Happy At All!
Vee Speers' "Birthday Party" Series

The list of photo artists who have taken the theme of childhood for themselves is long. That's understandable, for it is a rewarding photographic subject. What's fascinating is the position of in-between, the ambiguity of being a child: The child's ego is fragile, there are plenty of options. Is this only at the beginning: in a paradisiacal state, as has often been written?

When Vee Speers places children in front of the same white w… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Frankenallee 74
60327 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Aurelia Mihai



16 Feb – 5 Apr 2008
In her video and photo works, Aurelia Mihai (*1968 Bucharest) examines the disappearing boundaries between documentation and fiction in the area of media images. Historical references merge with legends and personal memories, forming suggestive images in which the reflection on the conditions of media perception always resonates.

"The video work of the Romanian artist Aurelia Mihai, in which she reflects on the periodic migration of herds of sheep ("Transhumanţa"), a practice now banned by… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Frankenallee 74
60327 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

To be continued

Was macht Video anders? Teil 2/Im Projektraum Satellit

11 May – 9 Jun 2007

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Frankenallee 74
60327 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Nathalie Grenzhaeuser

Von Welten und Werken

16 Mar – 30 Apr 2007
Die Ausstellung "Von Welten und Werken" der Künstlerinnen Nathalie Grenzhaeuser (geb. 1969, Stuttgart) und Séverine Hubard (geb. 1977, Lille) vereint zwei zeitgenössische Positionen, die sich in unterschiedlichen Medien mit Land- und Stadtraum auseinandersetzen.
Die Fotografin Nathalie Grenzhaeuser zeigt die neue Serie "Die Konstruktion der Stillen Welt", entstanden während einer zweimonatigen Reise auf dem arktischen Inselarchipel Spitzbergen, während sich die Bildhauerin Séverine Hubard … more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Frankenallee 74
60327 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Victor Alimpiev

The wind doesn't blow over the parquet

The wind doesn't blow over the parquet

13 Jul – 2 Sep 2006
In our videospace as well as our new project space SATELLIT in the center of Frankfurt we present videoworks of the Russian artist VICTOR ALIMPIEV in the exhibition "The wind doesn't blow over the parquet".

In his videoworks VICTOR ALIMPIEV combines elements of diverse artistic genres like painting, theatre, dance and music in the moving image. The human "material" that seldom performs as individuals but mostly as a group of people in Alimpiev works, becomes a mouldable "mass" formed to a livin… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Frankenallee 74
60327 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

Sonja Braas

The Quiet of Dissolution

The Quiet of Dissolution

12 May – 6 Jul 2006
As a premiere we will present the new series of photography "The Quiet of Dissolution" by SONJA BRAAS.
Natural disasters per definition only exist because of human presence. Destructive forces are essential for nature's development; its existence is based and dependent on sometimes catastrophic, sudden changes. It is only when these necessary natural phenomena lead to the destruction of human life and environment that they are defined as natural or cultural catastrophes. Not only did the interp… more

Galerie Anita BeckersDE

Galerie Anita Beckers
Frankenallee 74
60327 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-92101972


Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

PORTRAITS - the view behind the make-up

PORTRAITS - the view behind the make-up

12 Jan – 11 Mar 2006
PORTRAITS - the view behind the make-up

Portrait – just a surface or the truth behind it? Since the beginnings of portrait as artistic genre the image of a face has been the subject of promising ascriptions: the spectator expected the portrait to tell him the truth that the mere representation of a face seemed to be hiding. For a long time the artist as well as the spectator were driven by the believe – and the hope – that the view of the surface could reveal to them the significance of t… more