Exhibitions at Galerie Loris |
Galerie LorisDEOliver KrebsGolden Record![]() 29 Oct – 19 Nov 2016How we look at things shows what we are! Oliver Krebs developed a photography witch deliberately moves between the "classical" photographic angel and a painterly context - with its metamorphoses. In particular the documentary character of the spontaneous, fleeting aspect of the photographic image encourages to try to discover the qualities that are innate to this medium, qualities that necessarily distinguish photography from the other artistic visual media. The search for criteria b… more Galerie LorisDEDescriptions of it are incompleteGalerie b2_ zu Gast bei LORIS in Berlin16 Jul – 6 Aug 2016Galerie LorisDEAndy HellerOstersbaum![]() 9 Jan – 6 Feb 2016Text by Benedikt Erenz Repoussoir. We know it from classic paintings. A halfway-drawn curtain made of fabric and twigs, a cutaway arch or a wing of a door in the picture’s immediate foreground. The repoussoir functions as a painted or drawn frame behind the actual frame. It bestows depth on the motif, ushers the viewer into the picture, and directs their gaze. Great art it is. As it must not impose itself. A repoussoir must not step between picture and… more Galerie LorisDESpezialisten leisten immer etwas BesonderesGruppenausstellung der LORIS Künstler_innen5 Sep – 3 Oct 2015Galerie LorisDE11 ISSUES/DISPLAyCING THE PRESENTGruppenausstellung der LORIS Künstler25 Apr – 23 May 2015Galerie LorisDELoris - Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst Sophie AignerWo der Rotz rausfließt, da fließt er auch wieder hinein.14 Feb – 14 Mar 2015Galerie LorisDELoris - Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst Oliver Krebscolours we breathe![]() 10 Jan – 7 Feb 2015Images from the outback of our self The photographs by Oliver Krebs document fictional moments in an everyday reality; his snapshots capture found moments which are carefully staged. This is not for them to become theatrically elevated or monumentalized, much less to claim for authenticity. For the photographer they form a “outback of our self. Leaving design behind. What remains is some sober directness”.The people appearing here are difficult to discern, are only halfway prese… more Galerie LorisDELoris - Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst Werner HuthmacherMicronesia15 Nov – 13 Dec 2014Galerie LorisDELoris - Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst Grenzgaengerkuratiert von EIKON |