Exhibitions at Large Glass |
Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Mario CresciGeometries / Epiphanies![]() 14 Mar – 24 Jun 2025"Geometries/Epiphanies" is the first exhibition of work by the Italian photographer Mario Cresci (b.1941) in the Uk. The selection shows Cresci’s experimental photography practice, which draws inspiration from Pop Art, Conceptual art and Industrial design, and his long-term artistic project documenting the southern Italian town of Matera. In the early 1970s, Cresci collaborated with the interdisciplinary research group Polis to produce an urban study of Tricarico, a village close to Matera,… more Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Hélène BinetOscillations![]() from Villa Saraceno to Lunuganga Garden6 Dec 2024 – 31 Jan 2025Oscillations is Hélène Binet’s second solo show at Large Glass. A newly commissioned text by Emily LaBarge accompanies the exhibition, an excerpt of which below: There are lines straight and curved, sometimes both, or indeterminate, bulging here only to pursue an even course there, or take a gentle slope, or turn a corner, or overlap with other lines and shapes, straights and narrows, to form composite configurations, or breaking off here and there and then passing out of the frame somewhe… more Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Gerry JohanssonIn Plain View![]() 20 Sep – 2 Nov 2024There are several common denominators found throughout Gerry Johansson’s work that become apparent with even casual viewing. Some of those shared characteristics are obvious at first glance, for instance; the physicality of several of Johansson's books and exhibition print sizes, the apparent use of traditional analog materials; while other traits like the sense of stillness, the seeming perpetual daylight, and the camera's steady almost drone-like orientation to the world set an underlying c… more Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 After Mallarmé12 Apr – 19 Jul 2024Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Francesco NeriBoncellino![]() 19 Jan – 16 Mar 2024This exhibition marks Italian photographer Francesco Neri’s London debut and the first presentation of a body of work made over the last two years in the tiny hamlet of Boncellino near to his home town of Faenza in the northern region of Emilia-Romagna. Faenza is surrounded by an abundant, cultivated landscape, farmed since Roman times with fruits and vegetables, vines and cereals. Increasingly, though, its rural villages are experiencing the deadening effects of depopulation and ecologica… more Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Stepping Stones: Three Photographic Journeys![]() 27 Sep – 30 Nov 2023"Stepping Stones: Three Photographic Journeys" connects the work of three photographers: Gerry Johansson, Guido Guidi and Mark Ruwedel. Focusing on a specific journey by each artist, three distinct conceptual, and personal, approaches to capturing place unfold. Gerry Johansson realised his series Motel Prints (1983) during a coast-to-coast long trip, beginning in Los Angeles in May 1983 and ending in New York, via Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma, and Arkansas to Memphis, meeting with renow… more Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Ursula Schulz-DornburgMemoryscapes![]() 13 May – 1 Jul 2023Memoryscapes is a solo exhibition by the German artist Ursula Schulz-Dornburg, realised in collaboration with Lucy Rogers. In 2012, Ursula Schulz-Dornburg travelled to north-eastern Kazakhstan to photograph the remains of the Soviet Union's largest nuclear weapons programme. Located in a vast area south-west of the city of Kurchatov, Opytnoe Pole was once a top-secret open-air laboratory, used to measure and record the devastating effects of nuclear weapons. Taken almost twenty years aft… more Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Guido GuidiDi sguincio![]() 3 Feb – 11 Mar 2023Di sguincio is an exhibition of 22 prints by the Italian photographer Guido Guidi, his sixth solo exhibition at Large Glass. It coincides with the publication by MACK of the homonymous volume, the first of a trilogy entitled Album, which brings to fruition a series of over a hundred black-and-white photographs made by Guidi with small-format cameras between 1969 and 1981. From the published series, the exhibition showcases selected photographs, mostly taken from 1977 to 1980 in Treviso and Pr… more Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Otto volte due![]() A window into contemporary Romagna photography9 Sep – 15 Oct 2022Otto volte due presents a selection of new and recent work by eight contemporary Romagna photographers, affording insight into the unique cultural and artistic phenomena of the region. These photographers are part of a vibrant artistic community across a network of small towns in Emilia-Romagna. Antonello Frongia, professor of photography at Roma Tre University, writes: ‘having trained with Guido Guidi and in a fertile climate of mutual exchange, these artists, born between 1963 and 1987, hav… more Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Mark RuwedelInland: Haunted by the Desert![]() 11 May – 9 Jul 2022Mark Ruwedel's third solo exhibition with the gallery develops on from his on-going project Los Angeles: Landscapes of Four Ecologies. For over three decades, Ruwedel has photographed American deserts and wild spaces that bear traces of human intervention. In Ruwedel's Los Angeles series, he has identified and photographed four overlapping landscape 'systems': The Rivers, The Eastern Edge (transitioning from the basin to the desert), The Hills and Canyons, and The Western… more Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Joëlle TuerlinckxPLAN B – série b29 Oct 2021 – 29 Jan 2022Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Mark RuwedelLos Angeles![]() 11 Dec 2020 – 19 Feb 2021Mark Ruwedel’s new exhibition at Large Glass is a selection of photographs taken from his in-progress epic Los Angeles: Landscapes of Four Ecologies, a work funded by a Guggenheim Fellowship awarded in 2014. At a time when predictions of climate catastrophe are becoming ever more frequent, these gelatin silver prints, hand printed and mounted by the artist, feel especially timely as evidence of this moment of escalating consequences, and are imbued with - in Ruwedel’s words - a &qu… more Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Guido GuidiMoon Faces7 Feb – 17 Apr 2020Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Hélène BinetTime after Time27 Sep – 23 Nov 2019Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Mark Ruwedel / Cesare Fabbri![]() 26 Apr – 5 Jul 2019Large Glass is delighted to present the work of American photographer Mark Ruwedel and Italian photographer Cesare Fabbri. Mark Ruwedel will show a series photographs, which document the Los Angeles River. For over two decades, he has been photographing American deserts or the remains of abandoned railway lines in the western United States and Canada - epic places with evidence of human intervention. "His photographs of the channelized LA River, and of similar stretches of Californian hi… more Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 In the Labyrinth8 Feb – 5 Apr 2019Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Guido GuidiPer Strada![]() 12 Oct – 21 Dec 2018Large Glass is delighted to exhibit a selection of 27 prints by Italian Photographer Guido Guidi, to coincide with the exceptional publication "Per Strada", published by MACK at the end of October. The via Emilia (the road) is the Roman road that runs from Milan to Rimini, via Bologna, through Guido Guidi’s home city Cesena. It is also the road that Guidi has travelled along since he was fifteen and is the thread that joins the 285 photographs, taken between 1980 and 1994, illu… more Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 A Coin In Nine HandsPart 812 Jul – 14 Sep 2018Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Guido GuidiA Coin In Nine Hands![]() Part 6: Guido Guidi (Roman Ruins)4 May – 2 Jun 2018In Part 6, the coin lands in Ayaş, Turkey where in 1998 Italian photographer Guido Guidi recorded, in luminous colour and contrasting black and white, the gradually changing sunlight on the Roman ruins here. Excavations of the ruins were going on at the time and it was through an archaeologist (who had participated in Guidi’s workshops) that the invitation was made. Although these are the ruins of long gone people, ancient culture, the sense of human beings being present is strong… more Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 A Coin In Nine Hands - Part 522 Mar – 28 Apr 2018Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Cesare FabbriA Coin in Nine HandsPart 4: Cesare Fabbri (Sardegna)16 Feb – 17 Mar 2018Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 A Coin In Nine HandsPart One: Hélène Binet (Nicholas Hawksmoor), Jean-Luc Moulène (Knots)29 Sep – 28 Oct 2017Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Guido GuidiFacciate | Facades![]() 28 Sep – 22 Dec 2016"Everything has a face. Everything has eyes. Everything takes a shape. Everything acts as a frame. Everything is a window. Everything shows you the world. Everything shows you itself. Everything reveals something.” (Ali Smith for 'Facciate/Facades') Guido Guidi has said that the word Facciata (or Facade) refers to both the front of a building and the “face” of a sheet of paper, it is also the title of a series of photographs, on display here, taken by him in the… more Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Craigie HorsfieldWorkers![]() 27 Nov 2015 – 26 Feb 2016Seven new prints by Craigie Horsfield, portray the lives of people working with heavy machines in a factory in Krakow. The prints are derived from photographic negatives originally made in the early 1980s after Horsfield had lived and studied in Poland through the 1970s. The interlude between the initial making of the photograph and the printing is, for Horsfield about "the conception of slow time: the time it takes to make a picture is about thought and understanding and the sense of a p… more Large GlassGBLarge Glass +44 (0)20-76099345 info@largeglass.co.uk Wed-Sat 11-18 Guido GuidiFrom the Interior23 Apr – 3 Jul 2015 |