The first generation of women from Turkey in the NetherlandsTHE CRAZE FROM 1912 TO 1925Baltic testimonies of Soviet repressionChristina Boyer (b. 1969, Columbus, Ohio) has been convicted for the murder of her daughter Amber.
Vintage Photography by Cas OorthuysExtraordinary Dutch Photobooksethno-historical photographs from the World CollectionVan Zoetendaal & The CollectionParliaments of the European Union Extraordinary stories from the history of Dutch photographyThe Collection Illuminated by Eddy Posthuma de Boer.Pioneers of Dutch Nature PhotographyA HUNDRED YEARS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE175 Years of Photography in RotterdamPHOTOGRAPHER, COLLECTOR AND ENTREPENEURPHOTOGRAPHY, ART, DESIGN, FASHION, FILM True or false? This question is central in the exhibition Véronique Bourgoin: VRAI OU FAUX? | TRUE
OR FALSE? ACT I & ACT II, which is on view in the Nederlands Fotomuseum from the 1st of June to the
1st of September 2013. The exhibition consists of a space-filling installation made by Véronique Bourgoin.
Drawing on a vast collection of contemporary and historic photographs, this French artist is playing with
the concepts 'true' and 'false'. This subject matt… moreScientific View of the Heavens Love in and love of picturesLove is the theme of the exhibition entitled From Holland With Love, which will be on display in the Netherlands Museum Of Photography from 9 March to 20 May 2013. The exhibition is structured around the photos of Ed van der Elsken and contains a selection of photos, video installations and films that reflect aspects of his oeuvre in a present-day manner. Love, friendship, intimacy, romance, eroticism and lust stimulate the spectator in a very personal and occasionally amusing way. The work of V… more Present-day photography from BelgiumFrom 19 January to 17 March 2013, the Netherlands Museum of Photography will present the exhibition entitled Supersonic Youth. The exhibition draws attention to several individual, talented photographers who are primarily engaged in current, contemporary realms of influence. They display modern developments in photography while questioning the attitude of a generation that is growing up with internet and digital means of communication.
The exhibition has been compiled by curators Anne-Fran&cced… more The Nederlands Fotomuseum in Rotterdam is exhibiting the controversial artwork The Sound of Silence by Alfredo Jaar from Saturday 19 January to Sunday 24 February. In this exhibition the leading Chilean artist Jaar follows Christian Boltanski’s installation Chance and is the second artist to create an installation using up an entire room in the ZWART/WIT (BLACK/WHITE) programme of the Nederlands Fotomuseum.
From 2012 to 2014 the museum has a ZWART/WIT theme. Installations, exhibitions and … more Maasvlakte 2Lunar Landscapes - Maasvlakte 2
From 3 November 2012 to 13 January 2013, the Nederlands Fotomuseum will present the
exhibition entitled Marie-José Jongerius:
Lunar Landscapes - Maasvlakte 2. In this work, the Dutch photographer has
recorded the development of Maasvlakte 2, the extension project of the harbour
of Rotterdam, in an intriguing way. During the past year, she aimed her
large-format camera at the new landscape in the night-time. This produced
large-format photographic imag… more Lewis Hine15.SEP.2012_06.JAN.2013A detailed overview of the work of the famous American photographer Lewis Hine (1874 - 1940) from the collection of the George Eastman House. Including his famous photographs of the construction of the Empire State Building and the immigrants on Ellis Island.Hine photographed especially social issues like child labor in America to which he fought against. He is known for his humane portraits of European immigrants arriving at Ellis Island in New York (often depar… more Photography Talents of 2012STEENBERGEN STIPEND PHOTOGRAPHY TALENTS OF 20121.SEP_28.OKT.2012The Steenbergen Stipend, the most important prize for young photographers in the Netherlands, will be awarded to the most talented photographer of 2012. For this the jury visits the graduation exhibitions of the Dutch art academies with a programme in photography. The Nederlands Fotomuseum shows the graduation presentations of the five nominees: > Iztok Klančar My Men (Royal Academy of Art, The Hague)> Ola Lanko Required… more Julian Germain, The Future Is Ours - Classroom Portraits 2004-2012 June 2nd 2012 – September 2nd 2012 Julian Germain's work ranks among the best in contemporary British documentary photography. The theme of The Future is Ours – Classroom Portraits 2004-2012 is as simple as it is rich: group portraits of children in their classroom. In this series, Germain reinterprets the traditional class photo in his own, perceptive way.The detailed colour photographs tell the story of the … more William Eggleston | Before ColorJune 16th – August 26th 2012The American photographer William Eggleston (1939) is known as one of the major pioneers of artistic colour photography. Eggleston's black-and-white photographs are less well-known. In Before Color, the Netherlands Fotomuseum highlights this famous photographer's earliest work, which was only recently discovered. The photographs show that Eggleston found his own style early on. Inspired by Henri Cartier-Bresson, Egglesto… more Poppy, Trails of Afghan HeroinMarch 31st 2012 – June 10th 2012 The unique project Poppy contains work that was assembled over the past 20 years by Antoinette de Jong and Robert Knoth. They travelled along the trade routes following Afghan heroin, and reveal the darker side of globalization in an impressive way. Their journey begins in Afghanistan, and they take us along to Central Asia, the Balkans, Somalia, England and Holland. The Nederlands Fotomuseum is showing their report as a multi… more CHANCE | Christian Boltanski22 January – 26 February 2012An exciting installation by French artist Christian Boltanski (Paris, 1944). Created for the Biennale of Venice, now specially adapted for the Nederlands Fotomuseum and five weeks on show in Rotterdam. Do not miss this! CHANCE is a large scaffold with an oversized film strip. Boltanski then assembled in black and white, the faces of children that move through the installation in a never ending loop. Two electronic counting devices re… more Eugène Atget | Vieux Paris24 SEP 2011 - 08 JAN 2012With this ambitious exhibition, the Fotomuseum brings over 200 photographs by the French photographer Eugène Atget (1857 – 1927) to the Netherlands for the first time. Atget photographed in Paris around the turn of the last century, in places where the city had not yet been affected by demolition and modernisation. The image of the old Paris that emerges from Atget's photographs is unique, both for the details he records… moreHighlights from the history of photography Photographs of a Man-Altered LandscapeExhibition: New Topographics June, 25 till September 11.Opening: June, 25, 2011_ 5 p.m. International symposium: June 25, 2011_10 a.m. – 5 p.m.Date: June 25 – September 11, 2011Opening hours: Tue- Fri 10 a.m. -5 p.m., Sat & Sun 11a.m. - 5 p.m.New TopographicsPhotographs of a Man-Altered Landscape June, 25 – September, 11, 2011Opening: June, 25, 2011_5 p.m. International symposium Reframing the New Topographics: June 25, 2011_ 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.New Topographics is a re-m… more Anoek Steketee & Eefje BlankevoortDream City - Anoek Steketee & Eefje BlankevoortSparkling lights, ice cream stores and a fairytale decor. The young Dutch photographer Anoek Steketee and the writer Eefje Blankevoort visited amusement parks in Iraq, Lebanon, Rwanda, China and other countries in the world. Steketee photographed visitors, the surroundings and personel.Behind the innocent and light hearted character of the subject, a staged, serious and darker undertone is tangible. The images show us the stark contrast of … moreNederlandse prijs voor fotografiestudentenHaagse Beemden Breda photographed by Piet Hein Stulemeijer.The collection of the Generali Foundation160 days from the photographic diary of Hans EijkelbooPhotography and Psychiatry, 1870-1940Very early in its history photography was already being used by psychiatry. The first photographs of insanity date from as far back as 1851. Photographic portraits were investigated for the outward signs of mental illness. The face in particular was thought to be the one part of the body in which a reflection of the soul was visible. Thus encyclopaedias were published with these portraits, conveniently arranged by the image the illness presented. In Human, all too human, over 150 psychiatric pho… moreDe 25 beste foto´s gepresenteerdAmateurfoto's uit de verzameling van Christian SkreinThis summer the Nederlands fotomuseum will present a large international travelling exhibition with about 750 amateur photographs from the collection of the Austrian businessman Christian R. Skrein. This is the first time Skrein has allowed the public to see any part of his collection, which consists of more than a million photographs. Skrein’s photo archive is among the largest and most important collections of amateur photography in the world. The selection that Skrein has made for the exhib… moreMixed farmingDoor schaalvergroting, milieuproblematiek en verschuivingen in de Europese en mondiale agrarische economie, verdwijnen veel van de traditionele boerenbedrijven. Per jaar worden er ongeveer tienduizend boerenbedrijven beëindigd. Boeren zoek hun heil in het buitenland of ‘ontboeren’ en gaan iets anders doen. De boerderijen worden afgebroken of krijgen andere functies. Deze ontwikkeling heeft vergaande gevolgen voor het Nederlands landschap. Het Nederlandse landschap verandert van een producti… moreJaarlijks kent de Steenbergen Stichting het Steenbergen Stipendium toe aan een getalenteerde jonge fotograaf die afstudeert in de studierichting fotografie aan een van de Nederlandse kunstacademies. Op voordacht van de jury is het Steenbergen Stipendium 2003 uitgereikt aan Marcel Borsten, afgestudeerd aan de afdeling fotografie van de Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Utrecht. Het Stipendium bedraagt € 5000 en is bestemd voor een nieuw fotoproject.
Een eervolle vermelding gaat naar Jaap Scheeren… more |