Exhibitions at UNDER THE MANGO TREE |
UNDER THE MANGO TREEDEUNDER THE MANGO TREE +49 (0)30-78718475 mini.kapur@utmt.net Wed-Fri 11:30-14 + 15:30-18:30, Sat 13-16:30 Amit PasrichaEarth, Water, Air, Life.MANAGING HOPE11 May – 12 Jul 2023UNDER THE MANGO TREEDEUNDER THE MANGO TREE +49 (0)30-78718475 mini.kapur@utmt.net Wed-Fri 11:30-14 + 15:30-18:30, Sat 13-16:30 INDIAN STORYTELLERS6 Nov 2021 – 22 Jan 2022UNDER THE MANGO TREEDEUNDER THE MANGO TREE +49 (0)30-78718475 mini.kapur@utmt.net Wed-Fri 11:30-14 + 15:30-18:30, Sat 13-16:30 Manoj Kumar JainThe Forgotten Frames![]() Zeugnisse der Verbindung von Mensch und Natur29 May – 24 Jul 2021Mit "the forgotten frames" zeigt Under the Mango Tree das authentische Portrait einer Gesellschaft, die gleichsam kostbar wie zerbrechlich ist. Der Photograph Manoj Kumar Jain (*1970) verbrachte zwischen 2002 und 2008 ungefähr 150 Tage mit den Dorfbewohnern Bastars in dieser abgeschiedenen Region Zentral-Indiens. Die Adivasi führen dort, tief in den Wäldern, noch immer ein ziemlich unberührtes und traditionsreiches Leben. „Die Fotografien von Manoj sind Zeu… more UNDER THE MANGO TREEDEUNDER THE MANGO TREE +49 (0)30-78718475 mini.kapur@utmt.net Wed-Fri 11:30-14 + 15:30-18:30, Sat 13-16:30 Indian StorytellersPassion and Persistence7 Nov 2020 – 17 Jan 2021UNDER THE MANGO TREEDEUNDER THE MANGO TREE +49 (0)30-78718475 mini.kapur@utmt.net Wed-Fri 11:30-14 + 15:30-18:30, Sat 13-16:30 Richard ThielerCLOSE-UP![]() 1 Feb – 1 Mar 2020Zeitgleich zur Berlinale zeigt UNDER THE MANGO TREE die Ausstellung CLOSE-UP mit aktuellen Arbeiten des Berliner Fotografen Richard Thieler (*1963). Sein Motiv - Kinofassaden aus aller Welt – richtet dabei den Blick auf einen Ort, der von uns allen geschätzt, aber immer weniger genutzt wird. Die Lichtspieltheater, Kinos, Filmpaläste, die der Künstler in seinen Nahaufnahmen präsentieren wird, werden bis heute alle noch bespielt: offene Häuser, Orte der Kultur, der… more UNDER THE MANGO TREEDEUNDER THE MANGO TREE +49 (0)30-78718475 mini.kapur@utmt.net Wed-Fri 11:30-14 + 15:30-18:30, Sat 13-16:30 Ulrike ReetzBE LIKE WATER, MY FRIEND![]() 17 May – 14 Jul 2019The exhibition "BE LIKE WATER, MY FRIEND" is devoted to contemporary minimalist photography that distance itself from established principles of representation and popular narratives of photography. These works create an open image of reality that aim for a sensitization in the observer. Everything in these frames has a historical mapping. Of centuries. Yet it also concerns the present moment. What we see in the photo must have been seen in the ancient world centuries ago. Yet this… more UNDER THE MANGO TREEDEUNDER THE MANGO TREE +49 (0)30-78718475 mini.kapur@utmt.net Wed-Fri 11:30-14 + 15:30-18:30, Sat 13-16:30 Hiroshi AokiTIMELESSNESS AND THE COLORS ON THE SURFACE OF THIS WORLD![]() 7 Sep – 9 Nov 2018"TIMELESSNESS AND THE COLORS ON THE SURFACE OF THIS WORLD" builds ensuing scenes that move across time and space, while considering collectivity, anonymity and the idea of identity through history, fantasy and assumption. Gallery Under the Mango Tree proudly presents the first solo exhibition of Hiroshi Aoki and gladly invites you to gather this experience of timelessness and the colors on the surface of this world. A need for knowledge of what transcends time is built into th… more UNDER THE MANGO TREEDEUNDER THE MANGO TREE +49 (0)30-78718475 mini.kapur@utmt.net Wed-Fri 11:30-14 + 15:30-18:30, Sat 13-16:30 Amit PasrichaSHAPE OF TIME![]() 9 May – 10 Aug 2018The present always has the traces of the past. And its transition to a moment in the future depends on how the play moves on now. The spaces created in the framework of time are only in a state of impermanence and in this impermanence there exists an expanse for the imagination to create and restore the shape of the time. Amit Pasricha´s enthusiasm to record this impermanence is not only connected to his passion for the frame; the explicit illustrations of increasingly close relationship … more UNDER THE MANGO TREEDEUNDER THE MANGO TREE +49 (0)30-78718475 mini.kapur@utmt.net Wed-Fri 11:30-14 + 15:30-18:30, Sat 13-16:30 Beyond Spaces3 Jan – 22 Mar 2013 |