Exhibitions at Robert Morat Galerie |
Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Mårten LangeThe Palace11 Jan – 22 Mar 2025Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Lydia GoldblattFugue26 Oct – 21 Dec 2024Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Lia DarjesPlates I-XXXI7 Sep – 19 Oct 2024Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Simon RobertsLOOKING AT WHAT CAN’T BE SEEN8 Jun – 31 Jul 2024Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Hannah HughesSolid Slip23 Mar – 1 Jun 2024Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Bernhard FuchsMÜHL13 Jan – 16 Mar 2024Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Linn SchröderIch denke auch Familienbilder28 Oct – 21 Dec 2023Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Roger EberhardEscapism8 Sep – 21 Oct 2023Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Matteo Di GiovanniTrue Places Never Are2 Jun – 29 Jul 2023Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Bill JacobsonWHEN IS A PLACE4 Mar – 27 May 2023Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Lena Amuat & Zoë MeyerArtefakte und Modelle13 Jan – 25 Feb 2023Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Michael LangeCold Mountain![]() 21 Oct – 22 Dec 2022Over a period of six years, photographer Michael Lange embarked on extensive journeys to various regions of the French Alps. He created a collection of impressive, meditative landscape images, set between light and dark, silence and storm. On the occasion of the publication with Hartmann Books in 2021, Stefan Fischer wrote in Süddeutsche Zeitung: "The heaviest and the lightest come together in the mountains. Here the massive, seemingly immovable rock, piled thousands of meters high, chapped a… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Christopher AndersonFamily Trilogy6 Sep – 15 Oct 2022Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + José Pedro CortesBright Red20 May – 30 Jul 2022Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Mårten LangeGhost Witness1 Apr – 14 May 2022Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Jessica BackhausCut Outs15 Jan – 26 Mar 2022Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Ron Jude12 Hz![]() 6 Nov – 23 Dec 2021"Acts of homage and acts of witness, these photographs induce the requisite wonder and gratitude to spur a much-needed sense of accountability." – Los Angeles Times 12 Hz – the lowest sound threshold of human hearing – suggests imperceptible forces, from plate tectonics to the ocean tides, from cycles of growth and decay in the forest, to the incomprehensibility of geological spans of time. The photographs in Ron Jude’s "12 Hz" allude to the ungraspable scale and veiled mechanics of the… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Andy SewellKnown and Strange Things Pass![]() 2 Sep – 30 Oct 2021The transatlantic communications link between Great Britain and North America, the thin fiber optic lines of the deep-sea cable through which most of our daily data communication flows, and the places where these cables make landfall on both sides of the Atlantic, become threads in a web of analogies in the new work of British photographer Andy Sewell. "Looking at these vast unknowable entities – the ocean and the internet – we sense their strangeness. We can understand each c… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Andrea GrütznerErbgericht – Neue Räume![]() 25 Mar – 31 Jul 2021For over a hundred years "Erbgericht" is a county inn, a guesthouse in rural Saxony, in a village called Polenz. Andrea Grützner, born 1984 in Pirna, spent her early childhood nearby and tells of a big old house "full of nooks and crannies, whose corners and objects have the memories of generations attached to them. It’s a collage of material built over generations!". The images of her series "Erbgericht", taken in one analog shot, are studies of these… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Max PinckersMargins of Excess![]() 25 Sep – 19 Dec 2020Max Pinckers’ "Margins of Excess" examines the difficult differentiation between reality and fiction in the modern media age. The notion of how personal imagination conflicts with generally accepted beliefs is expressed through the narratives of six individuals. Every one of them momentarily received nationwide attention in the US press because of their attempts to realize a dream or passion but were presented as frauds or deceivers by the media’s apparent incapacity to dea… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Roger EberhardHuman Territoriality![]() 8 May – 19 Sep 2020"Human Territoriality" is a selection of Roger Eberhard’s photographs of former borders, around the globe and down through the course of human history. Some of these border lines have shifted over time, by only a few hundred meters or much more, due to climate change or man-made changes in the landscape, others have vanished with the fall of mighty empires on either side. Eberhard’s photographs, supplemented by in-depth captions, help us to grasp the protean puzzle of the… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Florian JaenickeWer bist du?![]() 10 Mar – 15 Mar 2020In seiner Fotokolumne im ZEITmagazin gewährte der Fotograf Florian Jaenicke seit Anfang 2019 Millionen ZEIT-Leser*innen jede Woche Einblicke in das Leben mit seinem mehrfach-schwerstbehinderten Sohn Friedrich. Unter dem Titel „Wer bist Du?“ veröffentlicht der Aufbau Verlag jetzt das Buch zur Kolumne und lädt Sie gemeinsam mit dem ZEITMagazin herzlich zur Buchpremiere sowie der Eröffnung einer kurzen Ausstellung in die Robert Morat Galerie ein.more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Bertien van ManenBook Stories![]() 11 Jan – 7 Mar 2020Bertien van Manen, an icon of documentary photography, will be honored with an extensive retrospective exhibition in her hometown of Amsterdam at Stedelijk Museum in spring. Coinciding with this large museum show, Robert Morat Gallery is pleased to be able to present a survey show titled "Book Stories" in Berlin. Throughout her career, renowned Dutch photographer Bertien van Manen (*1942, The Hague) has been known for her publications. Her first two photo books, "One Hundred Su… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Lia DarjesTempora Morte![]() 26 Oct – 21 Dec 2019Asked about the most important influence on her work, Lia Darjes answers: "Visits in the Berlin Gemäldegalerie." This influence is clearly visible in her new book "Tempora Morte". The photographic series was created in 2016 in Kaliningrad, Russia, and documents the modest roadside market stands where old women sell the modest harvest from their garden or the nearby forest to supplement their meagre pensions. "In autumn you may find three apples, some raisins and… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + John DivolaVandalism![]() 7 Sep – 19 Oct 2019In the early 1970s, Californian photographer John Divola was one of the first to question the limits of his medium, exploring concepts of sculpture, installation, performance and intervention in his iconic, formative series Vandalism (1973-1975). Robert Morat Gallery is thrilled to be able to show this important body of work in Berlin. Between 1973 and 1975, the American photographer John Divola – then in his mid twenties and without a studio of his own – travelled across Los Angele… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Shane LavaletteStill (Noon)![]() 13 Jul – 31 Aug 2019When Swiss Fotostiftung in Winterthur and the Musée de l’Elysée in Lausanne approached young American photographer Shane Lavalette to contribute work to a group show titled "Unfamiliar Familiarities. Outside Views on Switzerland" in 2016, Lavalette started to research in the Winterthur archives. He came across contact sheets of a reportage by Theo Frey. Swiss photographer Theo Frey (1908-1997) was a photo journalist and a documentarist. For the 1939 Swiss National … more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Tobias KruseMaterial![]() 11 May – 29 Jun 2019"Material" was published at Kerber Verlag November 2018. The series includes narratives, notes and observations from the past ten years, in which Tobias Kruse has produced images that translate a mood, a sense of life into an authentic visual language. "In recent years, Tobias Kruse has captured the unspeakable moments of life: the shape of an object, the certainty of impending injuries, the birth of children and happiness on their skin," wrote Laura Benz on the occasion of the book’s publ… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Hans-Christian SchinkHinterland![]() 23 Mar – 4 May 2019Hans-Christian Schink, born in Erfurt in 1961, studied at the Academy of Visual Arts in Leipzig. He is considered one of the most important representatives of contemporary photography in Germany. His works, mostly landscape studies in the field of tension between nature and civilization, are exhibited internationally and can be found in important public and private collections. With “Hinterland” the gallery presents Schink’s latest body of work. “Hinterland means the spa… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Ute MahlerKleinstadt (Small Town)![]() Ute Mahler & Werner Mahler19 Jan – 16 Mar 2019Ute and Werner Mahler (born 1949 and 1950), were key figures in photography in the former GDR and co-founded the renowned photography agency Ostkreuz after the fall of the Wall. After having pursued successful careers for decades independently, the couple presented their first joint project in 2011, a series of black-and-white portraits titled “Monalisas of the Suburbs”. In 2014, a second joint project followed, “The Strange Days”, a series of large format landscape studi… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Werner MahlerKleinstadt (Small Town)![]() Ute Mahler & Werner Mahler19 Jan – 16 Mar 2019Ute and Werner Mahler (born 1949 and 1950), were key figures in photography in the former GDR and co-founded the renowned photography agency Ostkreuz after the fall of the Wall. After having pursued successful careers for decades independently, the couple presented their first joint project in 2011, a series of black-and-white portraits titled “Monalisas of the Suburbs”. In 2014, a second joint project followed, “The Strange Days”, a series of large format landscape studi… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Peter BialobrzeskiCity Diaries![]() 16 Nov 2018 – 12 Jan 2019Photographer Peter Bialobrzeski is known for his investigations of urban space. He became famous for exhibition projects and book publications such as “Neon Tigers” (2004), “Lost in Transition” (2007) or “The Raw and the Cooked” (2011). In recent years, Bialobrzeski worked on a long term project of photographic “City Diaries”. Seven books have already been published. The eighth publication, on Wuhan, will be published on occasion of this exhibiti… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Richard RenaldiManhattan Sunday![]() 8 Sep – 10 Nov 2018"Manhattan Sunday" is a personal account of New York nightlife and at the same time an homage to New York as a place of self-fulfillment, a canvas on which people have been projecting their desires, dreams and imaginations for generations. The black-and-white large format images describe a Saturday night and a Sunday morning in Manhattan. The series is a collection of portraits, urban landscapes and interiors of bars and clubs, capturing New York’s vibrant nightlife and the mome… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + The Drake Equation![]() 26 May – 28 Jul 2018The "National Radio Quiet Zone" was established in the 1950s in the state of Virginia. There are no radio or TV broadcasts and cell phones do not work - no radio wave is to disturb the grotesque, huge telescopes in their search for traces of extraterrestrial life. Photographers Andrew Phelps and Paul Kranzler visit a place where a bizarre mixture of people lives together: the rural population of a provincial town, the highly specialized scientists of the research facility and city dwel… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Jessica BackhausA Trilogy![]() 10 May – 20 May 2018Robert Morat Gallery is thrilled to present new work by gallery artist Jessica Backhaus as a short intermission, just for 10 days! With her new series "A Trilogy“, published by Kehrer Verlag, Jessica Backhaus resolutely pursues a path towards a pictorial abstraction that was already foreseeable in her last works. The trilogy consists of three new series: Staged Still Life Studies titled "Shifting Clouds", minimalistic color and light experiments titled "Beyond Blue"… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Bill JacobsonBill Jacobson und Giorgio Morandi![]() Fotografien und Zeichnungen17 Mar – 5 May 2018This spring season and during Berlin Gallery Weekend 2018 Robert Morat Galerie is thrilled to be able to show photographs from his Place (Series) by American artist Bill Jacobson and drawings by Italian painter Giorgio Morandi Place (Series) is Bill Jacobson’s latest body of work, for which he won a 2012 Guggenheim Fellowship. The American artist describes the images as “the result of inserting rectangles of various sizes and surfaces within both constructed and natural settings.&rd… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Bernhard FuchsLot / Fathom![]() 13 Jan – 10 Mar 2018"Fathom" ("Lot" in it's German Titel) is a photographic series by Austrian artist Bernhard Fuchs (born 1971) and comprises 39 portraits. This is his second series of portraits, produced over several years - like all of his previous series. In the photographs we see people, captured in the given light of interior spaces and entering into dialogue with the photographer. According to art historian Gottfried Boehm, "the series is not about outlining the collective ima… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Ron JudeInfinite Loop![]() Selections from 'Lago' and 'Nausea'18 Nov 2017 – 6 Jan 2018The exhibition includes two photographic series by the American artist Ron Jude: "Lago” from 2015 and "Nausea”, a project from 1992 that has been re-edited on the occasion of its 25th anniversary and is currently available as a new MACK Books publication. 25 years ago, the exhibition of "Nausea” at The Photographer's Gallery in London marked the starting point for Ron Jude’s international career as a photographer. The series also set the theme his arti… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Claudius SchulzeState of Nature![]() 8 Sep – 11 Nov 2017Robert Morat Gallery is pleased to present new work by young German photographer Claudius Schulze. "State of Nature" assembles landscape photographs from all over Europe. Picturesque studies of nature, almost romantically elevated. But on a second glance, the peaceful tranquility of these landscapes proves to be deceptive. Dutch beaches, wrested from the sea, have to be defended against the ocean and rising sea levels by massive concrete breakwaters and Swiss mountainous landscapes … more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Simon RobertsPublic Performance![]() 27 May – 31 Jul 2017Robert Morat Gallery is thrilled to be able to show new work by Simon Roberts this summer. "Public Performance" assembles works from three different series by the British photographer. "Urban Parks – Green Lungs of the City" (2015–2016) Until the mid 1600s urban parks were private; the exclusive domain of wealthy families and royalty. By the mid 1800s urban parks were starting to be seen as a way to serve the public and later as a remedy to social ills caused b… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Mårten LangeRecent Work![]() 18 Mar – 20 May 2017Robert Morat Gallery is thrilled to be able to present new works by Swedish photographer Mårten Lange this spring season and during Berlin Gallery Weekend. „Recent Work“ combines works from the photographer’s three latest series: "Citizen", 2015, is a series of larger than life portraits of common city pigeons. "These animals are overlooked, hated even, but a this level of magnification they become individuals. I like that, the elevation of the banal&ldqu… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Henrik SpohlerIn Between![]() 21 Jan – 11 Mar 2017After "0/1 Data Flow" (2004), "Global Soul" (2008) and "The Third Day" (2013), Henrik Spohler’s new photographic project "In Between" is the fourth part of a series on modern traffic of data and goods. "In essence", says Spohler in conversation with author and curator Peter Lindhorst on the occasion of the presentation of the work during the last Triennial of Photography in Hamburg, "it is about the almost absurd omnipresence of go… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Sjoerd KnibbelerDigging up Clouds![]() 26 Nov 2016 – 14 Jan 2017The work of Sjoerd Knibbeler focuses on visualising invisible natural phenomena such as the wind, air movement and climatological conditions. Knibbeler creates a world that follows his own logic, where associative relationships and imagination play a key part. He is inspired by subjects such as flying, aeroplanes, aerodynamics and climatology. "Digging Up Clouds" brings together various projects by Knibbeler related to these themes. In addition to photos from the Current Studies… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Jessica BackhausSix Degrees of Freedom![]() 10 Sep – 19 Nov 2016As in her previous photographic work, notably "Jesus and the Cherries" (2005), "What Still Remains" (both 2008) or "Once, still and forever" (2011), in her latest series "Six Degrees of Freedom" Jessica Backhaus again develops a strong sense of the melancholy of the everyday and the emotional quality of color and light. "Yet this is certainly my most personal project to date", says Backhaus. "It is about my roots and the memory that is att… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Andrea GrütznerErbgericht![]() 14 May – 31 Jul 2016For over a hundred years "Erbgericht" is a county inn in rural Saxony, in a village called Polenz. Andrea Grützner, born 1984 in Pirna, grew up nearby and tells of a big old house "full of nooks and crannies, whose corners and object have the memories of generations attached to them. It's a collage of material built over generations!". The images of her series "Erbgericht", taken in one analog shot and without any post production or digital alternation … more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Shane LavaletteOne Sun, One Shadow![]() 4 Jun – 30 Jul 2016For years the High Museum in Atlanta has asked well known photographers to work on the American South. The series of exhibitions is called "Picturing the South" and following artists such as Sally Mann, Martin Parr and Alec Soth, in 2012 the museum commissioned Shane Lavalette. As a photographer, a publisher and as the director of Light Work Institute in Syracuse, NY, Shane Lavalette (born 1987) is one of the most distinguished young voices in contemporary photography coming out of t… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Jan BrykczyńskiBoiko![]() 19 Mar – 21 May 2016Time seems to stand still in the mountain villages of the Bioko, a small ethnic group in Ukraine’s Carpathians. “I have always been interested in the primal forms of country life, maybe because I grew up in a big city”, says Polish photographer Jan Brykczyński. “Here, I discovered a world as I knew it from childhood fairy tales. A world in which events have magical reasons, where white and black magic struggle and the good fights the bad!” Brykczyński wo… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Peter PuklusOne and a half Meter![]() 5 Feb – 7 May 2016Robert Morat Gallery presents the photographic series "One and a half Meter" by Hungarian artist Peter Puklus in cooperation with C/O Berlin. Peter Puklus, born 1980, studied at Moholy-Nagy University for Arts and Design in Budapest and at the École Supérieur de Création Industrielle in Paris. His work has received wide international attention over the last couple of years and from February to May 2016 C/O Berlin now presents his first major museum show in Ge… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Giacomo BrunelliHamburg![]() 16 Jan – 12 Mar 2016At the invitation of the Hamburg Triennial of Photography, Italian photographer Giacomo Brunelli spent a residency in Hamburg in spring 2015. Brunelli had achieved international recognition for his series "The Animals", published in 2008 by Dewi Lewis, and for the series "Eternal London" that the Photographer's Gallery presented in London in 2014. Giacomo Brunelli has developed an individual, authentic visual language that he likes to describe as "film-noir-style&… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Roger EberhardAussicht![]() 5 Dec 2015 – 30 Jan 2016What makes the aura of a building? Do walls hold a memory of the people whose biographies are connected to them - of as the lives lived and lost within them? Swiss photographier Roger Eberhard investigates these questions in his new series "Aussicht". The "Citaldel Inn" is a luxury resort in Western Ukraine, praised by it's guests for the in-house gourmet restaurant, the lavish decorations of it's rooms, the hardworking staff and the rich breakfast buffet. But th… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Michael LangeFLUSS![]() 7 Nov 2015 – 9 Jan 2016Michael Lange’s latest series "River" focuses on the Rhine River and the adjacent meadows of the Upper Rhine in the south of Germany. Between 2012 and 2014 he spent three years traveling the late fall and winter season at the break of dawn to photograph his motif. "River" is a consistent sequel to the "Wald" series: His cycle, once more, examines nature as he aims to find stillness in motion and order in chaos. Delicately enchanted wild meadows, alongsid… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Christian PattersonBottom of the Lake![]() 2 Oct – 28 Nov 2015CHRISTIAN PATTERSON gained international critical acclaim five years ago for his series “Redheaded Peckerwood”. The book received multiple awards, the Rencontres d’Arles Book Author Award 2012 amongst others. A year later, in 2013, Christian Patterson received the prestigious Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship. In his new work titled "Bottom of the Lake", Christian Patterson revisits his hometown of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin (French for "Bottom of the Lake") an… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Hans-Christian SchinkAqua Claudia![]() 12 Sep – 31 Oct 2015During his residency at Villa Massimo Hans-Christian Schink explores the urban history of Rome along the Aqua Claudia. The Aqua Claudia was an antique aqueduct, supplying the roman capital with water. The overall length from the source to the city-centre added up to approximately 69 kilometres. For the bigger part of the stretch, the canal took its course underground, for the last 13 kilometres the water was conducted into the city via over ground arch constructions. In 38 AD building of the A… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + José Pedro CortesCOSTA![]() 1 Aug – 26 Sep 2015"14 kilometers south of Lisbon, where I live, is Costa da Caparica. During the last years I often found myself returning to this magnetic place." (José Pedro Cortes) Costa da Caparica is a place south of Lisbon - a strip of land that exists between the last streches of civilization and the beach. In COSTA, José Pedro Cortes wanders through this territory: shacks, outmoded architecture, remains of houses, dirt left by the tide, an agglomeration of sand, vegetation and str… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Joshua LutzHesitating Beauty![]() 13 Jun – 25 Jul 2015As a child American photographer Joshua Lutz watched his mother unscrew the phone, looking for hidden recording bugs or search for patterns in license-plate numbers. His series "Hesitating Beauty" is a reflection on the relationship to his mother’s mental illness, his dealing with the fear of being affected by schizophrenia and depression himself and on the history of his family. In his project, Lutz fundametally reflects on the narrative possibilities of photograhy, informing hi… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Ron JudeLick Creek Line![]() 10 Apr – 6 Jun 2015In his photographic series "Lick Creek Line" Ron Jude follows a fur trapper into the wilderness of the American West. But just as the route of the trapper along a river takes him deeper and deeper into nature and further and further away from the security of human settlements, the photographic series itself takes the viewer into uncertain territory. Documentary photography that, just a moment, ago still had been conceived as actual representation of reality, dissolves into the poeti… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Olaf Otto BeckerWERKSCHAU![]() 28 Mar – 22 May 2015Greenland’s light and it’s coastline, the primeval forests of Malaysia and Indonesia or the architecture of Singapore - Olaf Otto Becker’s photographic expeditions are a search for traces in compelling landscapes. The pictures in "Broken Line" (2007) show a seemingly unaffected landscape, the traces of human intervention barely visible on closer inspection. In the second series, "Above Zero" (2009), the images already show the consequences of industrial … more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Robert VoitTHE ALPHABET OF NEW PLANTS![]() 7 Feb – 4 Apr 2015Robert Voit war Meisterschüler bei Thomas Ruff an der Akademie in Düsseldorf und wurde 2010 bekannt durch seine Serie „New Trees“, großformatige Aufnahmen von Mobilfunkantennen, die sich als Bäume, Kakteen oder Palmen getarnt in die Landschaft einfügen. Die Imitation der Natur ist auch das Thema von Robert Voits neuer Serie „The Alphabet of New Plants“. In direkter Anlehnung an Karl Blossfelds „The Alphabet of Plants“ („Urformen… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + André LützenZHILI BYLI![]() 17 Jan – 21 Mar 2015Archangelsk, Russland, noch 225 km bis zum Polarkreis. Der Hamburger Fotograf André Lützen besucht eine Stadt, deren Alltag von eisigen Temperaturen, langen Nächten und extremem Klima bestimmt wird. „Wenn das Klima die Lebensform vorgibt, wenn lange, kalte Winter den Rhythmus bestimmen und man damit aufwächst, kommt einem das Klima gar nicht so extrem vor“, berichtet Lützen. „Wer dort lebt, findet Wege, den Tagesablauf entsprechend zu gestalten. Man &… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Ron JudeLICK CREEK LINE![]() 17 Jan – 21 Mar 2015In seiner fotografischen Serie „Lick Creek Line“ folgt Ron Jude einem Pelzjäger in die Wildnis des amerikanischen Westens. Doch so, wie die Route des Fallenstellers entlang eines Flusses ihn immer tiefer in die Natur und immer weiter von der Sicherheit menschlicher Siedlungen entfernt, führt auch die fotografische Sequenz der Serie bald in unsicheres Gebiet. Eben noch als faktische Darstellung begriffene Dokumentarfotografie löst sich in die poetischen Freiräume d… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Yann MingardDEPOSIT![]() 29 Nov 2014 – 31 Jan 2015DEPOSIT is a photographic project about hidden places, the strong belief in technology, people’s fear of the future and the presumption that storing and archiving gentic, biological and human data will make the future a safer place. In his project, Swiss photographer Yann Mingard puts up for discussion the trust we put in technology. Between 2009 and 2013 Mingard visited 12 places where human, vegetable, animal, cultural and digital data is collected and stored. He photographed the archite… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Joshua LutzHesitating Beauty![]() 8 Nov 2014 – 10 Jan 2015As a child American photographer Joshua Lutz watched his mother unscrew the phone, looking for hidden recording bugs or search for patterns in license-plate numbers. His series "Hesitating Beauty" is a reflection on the relationship to his mother’s mental illness, his dealing with the fear of being affected by schizophrenia and depression himself and on the history of his family. In his project, Lutz fundametally reflects on the narrative possibilities of photograhy, informing hi… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Bart MichielsThe Course of History![]() 8 Nov 2014 – 10 Jan 2015At first glance the large-scale images of Belgian photographer Bart Michiels show wide, almost romantic landscapes and detailed observations of nature. A look at the titles however changes the perception of these images fundamentally and almost instinctively the viewer begins to look for traces of the sad history connected to these places. For his photographic series "The Course of History " Michiels visited the bloodiest battlefields of Europe. The photographs are titled "Verdun&… more Robert Morat GalerieDERobert Morat Galerie +49 (0)30-25209358 info@robertmorat.de Thu-Sat 12-18 + Ute MahlerDie Seltsamen Tage![]() Ute Mahler & Werner Mahler |