Exhibitions at AD-Galerie |
AD-GalerieCHGilles CaronSeventies & Showbiz![]() 2 Feb – 22 Mar 2013Gilles Caron debuts as one of the pioneers of photo-journalism in France, making his reputation with five years of reporting for three news agencies, covering the events of Vietnam and Biafra, as well as the popular upheavals of the late 1960's. Henri Cartier-Bresson would say of Caron that he represents the most talented photographer of his generation. Gilles Caron's work also involves another aspect besides on-the-ground coverage of political news: reporting on the “Star&rd… more AD-GalerieCHPhilip TragerDance & Cities![]() 22 Sep – 17 Nov 2012Faces by Philip TragerSteidlFaces evolved from Philip Trager’s extensive work photographing dancers and builds on his successful 1992 book Dancers. He has collaborated with a variety of dancers and performance artists, including Kazuo Ohno, Amanda Miller of the Frankfurt Ballet, Mark Morris, Eiko and Koma and dancers of the Fondation Jean-Pierre Perrault. Trager’s intensive approach allows him to develop a personal relationship with his subjects that is clearly expressed throughout t… more AD-GalerieCHHiroshi WatanabePortrait Collection![]() 27 May – 30 Jun 2012The AD-Gallery presents a collection of portraits of the photographer Hiroshi Watanabe from Saturday, May 26, 2012 (opening of 17 to 20 hours):Five portfolios by Hiroshi Watanabe devoted to the theme of portraiture are exhibited. Three portfolios represent a direct evidence of the Japanese traditional theatrical culture (Sarumashi, Noh and Kabuki). A fourth portfolio directly related to the comtemporary Japan is devoted to dolls for adults (Love Point). The final portfolio is for a European cult… more AD-GalerieCHDenis Brihatla nature consacrée![]() 29 Apr – 12 May 2012Denis Brihat : la nature consacrée.Savez-vous quel artiste osa, le premier, accrocher au mur une photographie, tel un tableau ? C’est Denis Brihat. Quelle audace ! Nous sommes en 1958. Ses « tableaux photographiques » célèbrent la nature, fruits des recherches personnelles qu’il vient de commencer dans le Luberon. Mais cet événement majeur de l’histoire de la photographie ne va pas seul, accompagné d… more AD-GalerieCHJosef HoflehnerSaison #2![]() 10 Mar – 6 Apr 2012Josef Hoflehner - Season #2Zen, c’est le mot qui vient à l’esprit quand on se plonge dans l’univers du photographe Josef Hoflehner. Ses paysages sont à l’image de l’homme qu’il est : timide, silencieux, posé. Rien d’étonnant alors que sa technique de prédilection soit la longue exposition. Une technique qui oblige à prendre son temps, à comprendre les saisons, la lumière, le vent, le mouvement des n… more AD-GalerieCHHélène de RouxBy the way![]() 5 Nov – 3 Dec 2011Le feu intérieur Il ne saurait exister d'art, et a fortiori de photographie, sans que l'artiste possède au fond de lui le feu sacré. Le feu intérieur. Cette espèce d'exaltation permanente qui lui accorde d'obtenir l'énergie nécessaire à la réalisation d'une vie toute entière tournée vers la création. Cette ardeur qui ne s'achète ni ne se transmet, dont le rayonnement nous… more AD-GalerieCHSusan BurnstineWithin Shadows![]() 3 Sep – 8 Oct 2011Susan Burnstine « WITHIN SHADOWS » Or au Prix de la Photographie 2011 PX3.3th September to 8th October 2011This ongoing body of work explores the fleeting moments between dreaming and waking – the blurred seconds in which imagination and reality collide.As a child, I suffered vivid nightmares that stayed with me for days. Often, I would walk around not sure if I was dreaming or awake, as the lines between the two remained blurred. Existing within the shadows of the unconscious… more AD-GalerieCHAlexey TitarenkoSolo Exhibition![]() 6 May – 25 Jun 2011L’Ad-Galerie présente jusqu'au 25 juin 2011 une exposition d’une trentaine de tirages réalisés par le photographe russe Alexey Titarenko.A travers des lieux distincts peuplés de silhouettes évanescentes, les images de Titarenko présentent des espaces publics fantasmagoriques aux atmosphères troublantes et parfois même franchement inquiétantes. Avec une dimension sociale bien prégnante, les prises de vue aux lon… more AD-GalerieCHBeth DowPalladium![]() 11 Mar – 9 Apr 2011Beth Dow is a photographer who uses historical references and traditional processes to address contemporary issues of land use and our experience of time. Her work has been exhibited in America, Britain, Japan, and China, and has received many awards, including Grand Prize in the inaugural Photography.Book.Now competition, top-six finalist in the 2007 Critical Mass Book Award, and fellowships from the McKnight Foundation and the Minnesota State Arts Board. Beth Dow, la photographie au pass&eacu… more AD-GalerieCHHiroshi WatanabeAmerican Leitmotiv![]() 5 Sep – 17 Oct 2009Hiroshi Watanabe "American Leitmotiv" "I go to places that captivate and intrigue me. I am interested in what humans do. I seek to capture people, traditions, and locales that first and foremost are of personal interest. I immerse myself with information on the places prior to leaving, but I try to avoid firm, preconceived ideas. I strive for both calculation and discovery in my work, keeping my mind open for surprises. At times, I envision images I'd like to capture, but when I actually look t… more |