Exhibitions at Dorothée Nilsson Gallery |
Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Marike SchuurmanKOHLE1 Mar – 12 Apr 2025Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Inka & NiclasPERCEPTIONS16 Jan – 22 Feb 2025Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Marike SchuurmanToday is not possible29 Nov 2024 – 6 Jan 2025Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Yuken TeruyaTESTIMONY TO A FALL11 Sep – 26 Oct 2024Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 RIZZ-MAXXING ’24Curated by Erik Nordenhake13 Jul – 31 Aug 2024Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Gerry Johanssonbeing human, being material![]() Exhibition with Andreas Johnen10 Mar – 20 Apr 2024What is human, what is material? Materiality is a fundamental dimension of human existence. We, as living bodies, are worldly creatures interacting with our surroundings in profound ways that shape the whole of material reality. In turn, we are constantly constructed and shaped by everything to which we are connected. Being human, being material, featuring artworks from Gerry Johansson and Andreas Johnen, is a dialogue between the two artists within and across photography, works on paper… more Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Martina Hoogland IvanowWith Eyes Sensitive for Green20 Jan – 2 Mar 2024Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Inka & NiclasExtensions![]() Sculpting with useless sunsets4 Nov 2023 – 6 Jan 2024Swedish artist duo Inka & Niclas manipulate the visual mechanics of nature photographs and playfully examine the everyday usage of landscape imagery. The artists probe the desire to consume nature through travels and photography and present oneself as being in harmony with nature. The exhibition Extensions consists of a combination of different bodies of work that revolve around this central theme. The photographic sculptures Sunset Photography consist of landscapes and sunsets solidified… more Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Lotta AntonssonBlue (Shell for You)10 Sep – 28 Oct 2023Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 good news!14 Jul – 1 Sep 2023Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Marike SchuurmanTOXIC7 May – 8 Jul 2023Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Julia PeironeSOME LIKE IT HOT4 Mar – 30 Apr 2023Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Hidden Gems21 Jan – 23 Feb 2023Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 DawidUrval![]() 5 Nov 2022 – 14 Jan 2023The photographic works of Swedish artist Dawid are among the most radical, poetic, and original attempts to redefine photography's relationship to its image referent. Coming from an social documentary context of the 1970s, student of Christer Strömholm, Dawid's photography inscribes itself in the ambitious movement of the 1980s to create from photography an emancipated, autonomous image, on an equal footing with painting, drawing and sculpture. With a great economy of means &ndash… more Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Johan ÖsterholmRadiant Clusters![]() 10 Sep – 29 Oct 2022The urge to document what is no longer visible. To remake, capture, and conserve what was there for millennia and has been largely obscured over the last 150 years urges Österholm on. In his work, the artist recreates the night sky as it appeared in the 1800s before public gas lanterns lit up metropolises and subsequently darkened the firmament. After cutting out pages from nineteenth-century astronomy tomes, the process involves covering the yellowed paper with liquid silver gelatin, i… more Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Entangled9 Jul – 3 Sep 2022Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Henrik StrömbergObject amnesic: a compost manifesto23 Apr – 2 Jul 2022Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Martin MleckoPRIVATE LIFE![]() 12 Mar – 16 Apr 2022Die Dorothée Nilsson Gallery freut sich, die neue Ausstellung "Private Life" von Martin Mlecko zu präsentieren - eine besondere Serie, die wesentliche Elemente von Mleckos künstlerischer Arbeit vereint. Mlecko war ein investigativer Fotograf, ständig auf der Suche nach der Schönheit in seinem Lebensumfeld. Dabei widmete er sich der Darstellung von persönlichen Alltagssituationen im Leben der Menschen, wollte ein Gefühl von Zusammengehörigkei… more Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Gerry JohanssonGERRY JOHANSSON + JOHAN RÖING![]() Photography + Sculpture5 Nov – 19 Dec 2021Dorothée Nilsson Gallery is pleased to present the group exhibition "Photography + Sculpture" with works by Gerry Johansson (Photography) and Johan Röing (Sculpture). As a symbol of continuity and timeless aesthetics, sculpture enters a stimulating dialogue with photography, which by its very nature aims to capture the momentary and the ephemeral. The geometric lines of Johansson’s black-and-white photographs are continued in Röing’s colorful sculptures, cr… more Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Lotta AntonssonI am Silver11 Sep – 30 Oct 2021Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Martin Mlecko...den Rest muss dann jeder selber entscheiden![]() 16 Jul – 2 Sep 2021Martin Mlecko (1951 – 2016) understood art as the last utopian space. He considered it necessary for artists to actively intervene in social and political processes. With this attitude, he realised a series of collaborative projects from the late 1980s onwards that opposed the desolation of community life, the loss of established social places, and the greed for profit. At the same time, he created a photographic and cinematic oeuvre that followed the spirit of these projects. After sea… more Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Yvon ChabrowskiSITUATED KNOWLEDGES OR THE ATTEMPT OF AN ENCOUNTER29 May – 10 Jul 2021Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Inka & NiclasLuminous Matter![]() 16 Mar – 22 May 2021Dorothée Nilsson Gallery presents the exhibition Luminous Matter by Inka & Niclas. Throughout their work, the artist duo has investigated our contemporary perception of nature through the photographic medium. In their latest works, Inka & Niclas continue their examination of nature as a cultural construct, but the focus now lies on milieus connected to the artists own childhood and heritage – a partly introspective approach with a micro/macro perspective, coherent with a … more Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Sascha WeidnerAURORA![]() 5 Sep – 23 Dec 2020Sascha Weidner (1974 - 2015) zählt zu den wichtigsten deutschen Fotografen seiner Generation. Seine Arbeiten folgen den Pfaden Wolfgang Tillmans und Nan Goldins. Die Ausstellung präsentiert Vintage- und posthume Prints aus den unterschiedlichen Schaffensphasen Weidners, seine sogenannten Lebenswerke. Ein orangefarbenes Zelt spannt sich über den Köpfen der Besucher der Dorothée Nilsson Gallery. In einer Fotografie der Ausstellung steht es zwischen den Bäumen eines… more Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Susa TemplinPREMISES![]() 13 Jun – 2 Sep 2020Im Rahmen der Ausstellung präsentiert die Künstlerin ihre neuen, mehrschichtigen "Spatial Abstractions" aus bedrucktem Plexiglas und Pigmentdrucken. Diese Werkgruppe entwickelte Templin 2019 während ihres Stipendiums im Dach-Atelier des Auswärtigen Amtes in Berlin. Templin realisiert die Arbeiten durch großformatige, sich in Maßstab und Material überlagernde fotografische Collagen, die eine Weiterentwicklung ihrer plastisch-physischen Auseinander… more Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 DawidENLARGEMENTS14 Mar – 25 Apr 2020Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Martina Hoogland IvanowEARLY READING11 Jan – 29 Feb 2020Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Yuken TeruyaMy Plan B Is Maybe My Plan A7 Sep – 21 Dec 2019Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Julia PeironeGirls - A Female Gaze27 Apr – 20 Jul 2019Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Henrik StrömbergVERTICAL MATTER16 Feb – 18 Apr 2019Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 In dialogue with Strömholm![]() 15 Dec 2018 – 9 Feb 2019Die Dorothée Nilsson Gallery präsentiert mit der kommenden Ausstellung ein neues, spannendes Format. Vier seltene Unikate Abzüge des schwedischen Fotografen Christer Strömholm aus seiner ersten Werkschau von 1965 werden in Beziehung zu ausgewählten zeitgenössischen Künstlerpositionen der Galerie gesetzt. Die Arbeiten thematisieren und reflektieren im Dialog mit Strömholm wichtige künstlerische Aspekte aus seinem Schaffen auf ganz eigene Weise ne… more Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Johan ÖsterholmAPPARENT MAGNITUDE27 Sep – 17 Nov 2018Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Susa TemplinSITES AND CONSTRUCTIONS30 Jun – 22 Sep 2018Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Inka & Niclas4K ULTRA HD27 Apr – 23 Jun 2018Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Martin MleckoGEGEN DEN STRICH7 Apr – 21 Apr 2018Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Yvon ChabrowskiFACES AND MOVEMENTS3 Feb – 31 Mar 2018Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Margot WallardNATTEN![]() 1 Dec 2017 – 27 Jan 2018December 2017 sees the Dorothée Nilsson Gallery’s presentation of the long-standing project NATTEN ("The Night" in Swedish) by the French photographer Margot Wallard. Margot Wallard has been working on her multilayered photographic project since 2012 while living in the Swedish province of Värmland. Photography and the unique natural surroundings of Värmland have been instrumental in helping Wallard come to terms with the painful loss of her brother and his partn… more Dorothée NilssonDEDorothée Nilsson Gallery +49 (0)170-5470707 gallery@dorotheenilsson.com Wed-Sat 12-18 Sascha WeidnerSasha Weidner and Japan / Sascha Weidner und Japan![]() 16 Sep – 25 Nov 2017The exhibition "Sasha Weidner and Japan" presents a selection of photographs from the "Hanami" series, which were taken by Sasha Weidner during his residency at Villa Kamogawa, Kyoto, Japan in 2013. Thanks to the extensive donation by the Sasha Weidner Estate to the Sprengel Museum in Hannover, elements from that exhibition "It’s all connected somehow" - estate sighting (29 July to 19. November 2017) will be displayed concurrently. Consisting of more tha… more |