Exhibitions at ARTCO Aachen |
ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Aachen +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. J Henry FairIndustrial Landscapes![]() 17 Aug – 10 Sep 2023"My work is about the conflict between our dependence on nature and the damage we do to it through our materialism. I take ironically beautiful photographs of complex environmental issues and then supplement them with extensive research that is gradually made accessible to the viewer. I want people to pause, think about the subject, be interested in the history behind it, and possibly question any conflicting beliefs they may have." J Henry Fair, born in Charleston in 1959, is a US p… more ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Aachen +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. Marcin OwczarekOne minute to midnight![]() 6 May – 10 Jun 2023"To tell the truth, I believe that by creating art which transmits serious meanings and subjects, an artist has the power and influence to force to reflect about ourselves and our planet and to point the attention to significant problems that our world currently deals with. In this way my work refers to the creation of a better world, 'home' and respect for all living creatures. In my works I want to stress the fact that nowadays many species of animals are in danger of disappear… more ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Aachen +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. Johanna-Maria FritzA Grave in the Garden![]() 17 Jan – 25 Feb 2023"When the war in Ukraine started on 24.02.2022, I was still in Afghanistan. The news shocked me, of course, and I immediately thought about how and when I could travel to Ukraine. On Sunday, 27 February, I set off together with other journalists in the direction of Kyiv. Via Lviv we drove into the unknown, we didn‘t really know what the situation was like in Kyiv and were spontaneously allowed to accompany an escort with the famous waistcoats and helmets from Germany. We drove quic… more ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Aachen +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. WHY NOT BOTH?![]() 27 Aug – 25 Sep 2022With Maurice Mbikayi and Adeolu Osibodu, ARTCO Galerie Aachen presents two emerging artists from Africa. Maurice Mbikayi was born in 1974 in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. He obtained a BA in Graphic Design in Kinshasa and completed his Master of Fine Arts at the University of Cape Town in 2015. Mbikayi questions the proliferation of technological trade in our geopolitical system. The dependence of technology on mining, for example, has left African countries and their populations… more ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Aachen +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. Gideon MendelWasserzeichen/Watermarks![]() Climate Activist Photography / Klimaaktivistische Fotografie15 Jul – 13 Aug 2022Gideon Mendel, born in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1959, has been documenting the consequences of flood disasters for those affected around the globe since 2007 and in this way impressively draws attention to climate change and the need and urgency for action. His travels for his photo series entitled "Drowning World" take him to some of the poorest as well as to some of the most prosperous regions of this earth. The flood disasters and their aftermath seem to level out these economic and soci… more ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Aachen +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. Roger BallenROGER THE RAT![]() 28 Aug – 29 Sep 2021"I cannot remember when I put this rat mask on for the first time… I am unsure whether I am a rat or human. Perhaps my mother was a rat and my father a human. I think I am a bit of each..." Roger Ballen Throughout his career, Roger Ballen has pursued a singular artistic goal: to give expression to the human psyche—to explore visually, the hidden forces that shape who we are. In 60 black and white photographs a persona, Roger the Rat is created by Ballen, that is funda… more ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Aachen +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. Justin DingwallBEAUTIFUL TERRIBLE![]() 24 May – 31 Jul 2021In "Beautiful Terrible", ARTCO Galerie shows new works by South African artist and photographer Justin Dingwall. Dingwall was born in Johannesburg in 1983 and is one of the most successful portrait photographers in his country. He gained international fame in 2013 with the publication of his first art photography series "ALBUS", in which he portrayed people with albinism with wonderful aesthetics. By showing the "beauty of otherness", he draws attention to the … more ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Aachen +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. Johanna-Maria FritzCIRCUS![]() 23 Jan – 13 Mar 2021The world of the circus is a recurring theme in the photographic work by Johanna Maria Fritz. The young photographer was born in 1994 in Baden Baden and has lived in Berlin since she was 16. Johanna studied photography at the renowned Ostkreuz School and has been a full member of the Ostkreuz agency since 2019. Johanna's enthusiasm for the circus has accompanied her since early childhood. The first photographic examination of this topic arose from her strongly atmospheric thesis Sirkus … more ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Aachen +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. Andreas BotzianHyperirrealismus![]() 23 Jan – 13 Mar 2021ARTCO is presenting photography by Andreas Botzian in his first solo exhibition in the cabinet of the gallery in Aachen. In addition to extraordinary picture compositions, his work is characterized by a high level of craftsmanship. He himself says about the works shown: "The situations experienced every day can be described as multi-layered. The spectrum ranges from real to unreal to hyper irreal. This is certainly always a question of individual perception but can be transported to a ne… more ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Aachen +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. LOOK AT ME![]() Contemporary Portrait Photography9 Sep – 31 Oct 2020ARTCO Gallery in Aachen presents photographic works by four internationally renowned artists who interpret the subject of portraiture in a very individual way. Justin Dingwall, born 1983 in Johannesburg, South Africa, is one of the most successful portrait photographers in his country. Dingwall wants his works to celebrate another beauty. The unique and different finds his special interest. "I want my work to speak for itself and for people who interpret it in their own way. I want peopl… more ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Aachen +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. Marcin OwczarekUTOPIA![]() 30 Jul – 27 Aug 2020In his unique photo collages, the artist addresses humanity's search for utopia. With his mystical and surreal compositions, he draws attention to the progressive destruction of habitats. The encounter with the art of Marcin Owczarek inevitably leads the viewer to reflect on their own actions looking at theenormous challenge’s humanity will be facing. His plea: to preserve the planet's resources for future generations and make utopia a reality.more ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Aachen +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. FREEDOM OR DEATH / THE POETICS OF RESISTANCE23 Nov – 19 Dec 2019ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Aachen +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. Gideon MendelDROWNING WORLD & BURNT MEMORIES28 Sep – 31 Oct 2019ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Aachen +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. FACE TO FACE29 Jun – 27 Jul 2019ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Aachen +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. Saidou DickoTHE SHADOWED PEOPLE29 Sep – 14 Dec 2018ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Galerie +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. Roger BallenINTRODUCTION2 Jun – 22 Jul 2018ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Galerie +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. Justin DingwallALBUS27 Nov 2016 – 13 Jan 2017ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Galerie +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. William RoppINNER SOUL22 Mar – 22 May 2015ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Galerie +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. Stephane NoelCUBA - LOS ULTIMOS CARBONEROSBichromat Gum Prints12 Oct – 21 Nov 2014ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Galerie +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. Alice SmeetsThe Sour Taste of Sugar13 Dec 2013 – 31 Jan 2014ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Galerie +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. Hector AcebesPortraits in Africa (1948-1953)10 Jul – 14 Aug 2011ARTCO AachenDEARTCO Galerie +49 (0)241-40126750 berlin@artco-art.com Thu-Fri 13-18 . Sat 11-17 + b.a. Gordon Clark & Leon BothaWHO AM I? - Transgressions![]() 10 Oct – 26 Nov 2010„Who am I?“ ist der Titel eines außergewöhnlichen Ausstellungsprojektes des Fotografen Gordon Clark, das er gemeinsam mit dem Künstler Leon Botha realisiert hat.Gordon Clark ist ein international renommierter Fotokünstler dessen Arbeiten in führenden Institutionen und Museen zu sehen sind. Er wurde beispielsweise als Teilnehmer der Ausstellung „Great Photographers of the World“ in Los Angeles von „The Directors Guild of America“ ausg… more |