Exhibitions at in focus Galerie |
in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 All Paris in a frame![]() 26 Oct 2024 – 30 Mar 2025in focus gallery is pleased to present the exhibition "All Paris in a frame" in good time before the friends and collectors of photography worldwide make their way to Paris for the world's largest fair for photographic art - Paris Photo - with photographs by internationally renowned photographers. "Paris is considered the cradle of photography, the glorious starting point of the new medium. It was here that the photograph in the form of the Daguerreotype was made public in mid-August 1839 and … more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Nick BrandtThe Day May Break, Chapter 1 – 3![]() 23 Mar – 25 Aug 2024Nick Brandt's "The Day May Break" is an ongoing global series portraying people and animals that have been impacted by environmental degradation and destruction. "Chapter One" was photographed in Zimbabwe and Kenya in 2020, "Chapter Two" in Bolivia in 2022. The people in the photos have all been badly affected by climate change, from extreme droughts to floods that destroyed their homes and livelihoods. The photographs were taken at several sanctuaries and co… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Alvin BoothKörperSpiele17 Sep – 20 Dec 2023in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Thomas KellnerFachwerkhäuser des Siegener Industriegebietes heute4 Mar – 2 Jun 2023in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Herman van den Boom101 Movies4 Mar – 2 Jun 2023in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 staged - Identity and Role PlayInszeniert: Identität und Rollenspiel12 Sep 2022 – 1 Feb 2023The exhibition "Staged: Identity and Role Play" highlights questions about identity against the backdrop of artistic role play in photography. In dealing with the themes of identity, its construction, transformation and fiction, the camera is used as a mirror for stagings of the self - or the other. Masquerade, costuming and the performative game as an artistic practice form the common starting point of the works shown. These show how artists test the limits of what is acceptabl… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Willy MaywaldParis – Haute Couture of the 50ties![]() Pariser Haute-Couture der 50er Jahre2 Apr – 27 May 2022Willy Maywald (1907-1985) was one of the most important photographers in Paris from the 1930s to the 1960s. His training at the Werkkunstschulen in Krefeld, Cologne and Berlin shaped his avant-garde formal language. In 1932 he moved to the Seine, where he made friends with many protagonists of artistic modernism. His range of subjects, which includes both commissioned and free works, extends from a spectacular collection of portrait photographs and fashion photos for all the major Parisian c… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Herbert Döring-SpenglerEgal, wie du es siehst, ich sehe es anders.![]() Rheinischer Kunstpreis 202015 Jan – 19 Mar 2022Herbert Döring-Spengler hat in einem sehr konsequent verfolgten künstlerischen Weg die Existenz des Menschen mit experimentellen fotografischen und zeichnerischen Werkserien ausgeleuchtet und in überraschenden Bildern festgehalten. Seine Werke gebärden sich so expressiv wie fragil, meist irritierend, und das nicht nur aufgrund ihrer farbintensiven Ästhetik, sondern auch in Bezug auf ihre motivischen Setzungen. Die Fotografie ist dabei für ihn ein flexibles kü… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Sabine WeissIn Memoriam![]() 15 Jan – 19 Mar 2022Die bekannte schweizerisch-französische Fotografin Sabine Weiss starb am 28. Dezember 2021 im Alter von 97 Jahren in Paris. Über fast acht Jahrzehnte lang hielt Weiss den gesellschaftlichen Wandel in ihren Bildern fest. Sie galt als letzte Vertreterin der französischen Schule der humanistischen Fotografie, der auch Robert Doisneau, Willy Ronis oder Brassaï angehörten. In Erinnerung an diese großartige Fotografin zeigt die Kabinett-Ausstellung eine Auswahl ihre… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Anna Halm SchudelBlossom![]() 24 Apr – 18 Dec 2021From the ancient mural to the baroque still life to contemporary photography: flowers are one of the most popular motifs in art history. For 25 years, Zurich-based photographer Anna Halm Schudel has been working on the traditional subject. She celebrates the luminous splendour of colours and the variety of shapes and thus the seduction of flowers. Equally passionately, the photographer follows the process of fading and wilting, shooting dry or underwater bouquets. Blossom combines decorative s… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Louis StettnerEarly Joys![]() 31 Oct 2020 – 18 Mar 2021"What a life - between photography and fine arts, sculpture and panel painting, France and America. A life between countries and cultures, languages and sensitivities. Not that Louis Stettner couldn't have made up his mind. But he probably needed this oscillation between the continents, the cities and disciplines in order to be able to re-enact life's big questions over and over again. "Being a photographer", he once said, "means perpetual discovery." Born in… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 René GroebliPlatin Palladium Prints 1946 – 2006![]() 29 Aug – 9 Oct 2020The exhibition "René Groebli - Platinum Palladium Prints" introduces the viewer to the exciting work of Groebli with pictures that were created using the noblest, most stable and most exclusive process. Each enlargement is unique. Such a print loses none of its intensity over time and is not permanently damaged by exposure to light. The shades of gray are many times richer and so fine compared to the silver gelatin prints that even in dark areas you can still see the drawing.… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 30 Jahre in focus Galerie - B. Arnold, Köln![]() Bruno Bernard (Bernard of Hollywood)Lucien ClergueHerbert Döring-SpenglerBruce DavidsonElliott Erwitt… (26)Sissi FarassatBenedict J. FernandezAbe FrajndlichRené GroebliF.C. GundlachAnna Halm-SchudelThomas HoepkerKarl Martin HolzhäuserScarlett Hooft GraaflandGeorg HornungRoger HumbertConnie ImbodenGottfried JägerThomas KellnerRené MächlerMary Ellen MarkWill McBrideSusan MeiselasArno Rafael MinkkinenFloris NeusüssMarc RiboudWilly RonisWilliam RoppJan SaudekJeanloup SieffSabine Weiss11 Jan – 27 Mar 2020The Cologne-based in focus Gallery - Burkhard Arnold can look back on three decades of successful work in the field of art mediation in January 2020. Founded at the beginning of 1990 in Hochstadenstraße as an author's gallery, it quickly developed into a professionally managed company that has become an indispensable part of Cologne's cultural landscape. Today, in focus Galerie is one of the oldest photo galleries in Germany with an international exhibition program. In concr… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Sissi FarassatSequence![]() 2 Nov – 21 Dec 2019Sissi Farassat was born in 1969 in Tehran and moved with her family to Vienna in 1978, where she still lives and works today. She has been working as a photographer since 1991 and participated in the 1993 International Summer Academy under the direction of Nan Goldin. She was a student of Friedl Kubelka at the Hochschule für Bildende Kunst Fotografie in Vienna (1993-94). She then received a scholarship from the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and the Arts to realize her series S… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 René MächlerPaysages de Femme - 1961 – 1968![]() 2 Nov – 21 Dec 2019This is a presentation of one of René Mächler's first series, which already anticipates many features of his later major work of abstract concrete photography. They are abstracting, analytically detailed body landscapes designed for extreme contrasts. Mächler commented on these works: "When I take photographs, I want to testify, but I do not want to capture the matter itself, but the meaning of the matter." The in focus gallery shows very rare vintage photogra… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Bruno Bernard (Bernard of Hollywood)Girls, Girls, Girls !!!![]() 7 Sep – 12 Oct 2019The exhibition is dedicated to the exiting Pin Ups and girls' pictures of the german-american photographer Bruno Bernard, better known as Bernard of Hollywood (1911-1987). In 1934 Bernard promoted in criminal psychology in Germany and emigrated 1936 to the USA because of hisJewish ancestry. There he photographed in Los Angeles since 1938 and opened his studio two years later in Hollywoods Sunset Blvd 9055, where he run succesfully the studio for twentyfive years. At this place he phot… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Sabine Weissla vie![]() 4 May – 4 Jul 2019The great French photographer Sabine Weiss is considered the grande dame of humanistic photography and has been compiling a life's work in over seven decades, centering on photographs from Paris. She lives there since 1946. As a trained portraitist, she has not only created timeless character studies of celebrities, but she has also repeatedly photographed people on the street in random situations. She is a brilliant storyteller, her photographs live from a precise observation and multi-l… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Thomas HoepkerStrange Encounters![]() 12 Jan – 27 Mar 2019Thomas Hoepker (*1936, Munich) is regarded as one of the most famous reportage photographers in the world. Initially a photo reporter and correspondent for the stern, he photographed all over the world and, among other things, took pictures of contemporary historical significance. Later he became Art Director at stern, Executive Editor at GEO and President of Magnum Photos. Hoepker thus established himself in some of the most important positions in the international photography scene. Book … more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 France 1935 - 1985![]() Frankreich 1935 - 19853 Nov – 21 Dec 2018In this exhibition the two internationally famous French photographers Willy Ronis and Marc Riboud guide the viewer through the everyday life in Paris from 1935 to 1985. Willy Ronis, a representative of the French school of humanism, showed in his works the "normal life on the street". His photographs focused on people and showed mainly simple workers, women and children, who populated the streets and cafés. By deliberately omitting artificial sources of light, he created … more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Sandro GiordanoIn Extremis![]() 8 Sep – 13 Oct 2018Sandro Giordano (I) alias Remmidemmi lichtet den Moment ab, in dem alles schief gegangen ist, meistens mitten im Alltag beim Einkaufen, Putzen oder der Gartenarbeit. Grotesk überspitzt natürlich. Darum liegen seine bunt gekleideten Models in hoffnungslos verrenkten Haltungen über Parkbänken oder Treppenstufen. Die Bilder sind sorgfältig arrangiert. "Meine Bilder sind Kurzgeschichten", sagt der Fotograf über seine Werke. Er ist fasziniert vom Moment d… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 so beautiful![]() 14 Apr – 7 Jul 2018In focus Gallery presents a thematically exhibition from the Gallery’s collection, as a tribute to the beauty of women. "so beautiful" will take the viewer on a journey from 1940 up to today to discover exceptional works of art photography that focus on the beauty of women. The exhibition "so beautiful" takes the liberty to focus on beauty and aesthetics in the #MeToo discussion and is also a reaction to the tendency in contemporary photography, to show everyday an… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Vincent MunierIn the Frosty White / Im Eisigen Weiss![]() 16 Jan – 21 Mar 2018In the most extreme conditions, and mostly completely alone, French photographer Vincent Munier travels the Arctic and Antarctic. For several hundred kilometers he wanders through the snow-swept and barren landscapes of the Arctic Circle to meet their inhabitants at close range. He has made numerous expeditions to the White Wolves, to the "Spirits of the Tundra", as the Inuit call them, which particularly captivate him. The in focus gallery now presents a spectacular selection of h… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Scarlett Hooft GraaflandShores Like You![]() 6 Nov – 23 Dec 2017In focus gallery, Cologne is proud to present acclaimed artist Scarlett Hooft Graafland "Shores Like You" in her first exhibition in Germany. Scarlett Hooft Graafland (1973) creates magical photographic images in far-flung places, including the high-altitude salt flats in Bolivia, remote farm sheds in Iceland, the beaches of Yemen, Madagascar, the polar region and the Dutch village of Gorinchem. Her work touches upon major themes such as the disappearance of traditional cultures a… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 famous faces![]() Seeing and Being Seen / Sehen und gesehen werdenBruno Bernard (Bernard of Hollywood)Patrick DemarchelierElliott ErwittAbe FrajndlichGreg Gorman… (7)9 Sep – 29 Oct 2017The human face is surprisingly full of expression and we tend to “scan” it in order to differentiate between the smallest changes in mimics of others. The recognition of human faces and mimics is so important that an entire area in our brains is devoted solely to this task. So it is not too surprising that the portrayal of the human face also takes up a great role in art. Since ancient times, artists have been producing portraits not only of rulers, but also of prominent figures o… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Herbert Döring-SpenglerPolaroid + Diazetta![]() 27 Apr – 8 Jul 2017For many years and through his work, the photo artist Döring-Spengler has dealt with the topic of the human being and its interaction with the world and society. In his latest work, photography is an artistic tool which is constantly altered through overlapping and editing with different techniques in order to create artistic-picturesque statements. These latest developments are implemented in the so-called "Diazetten". This technique creates collages of pictures through overl… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 City-Landscapes / Stadt-Landschaften![]() 6 Mar – 7 Apr 2017The "altered landscape" has long been a theme in photography. In 1975 William Jenkins curated the exhibition New Topographics at George Eastman House, which featured Robert Adams and Stephen Shore, among others. This seminal exhibition was both a reflection of the local environment, including a highly conceptual, documentary, detached and socially critical comment on an increasingly modern world, which was driven by economic rationality and mostly absent of its makers. The exhibition … more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Light, Shadow and Chemistry / Licht, Schatten und Chemie![]() Photography without camera / Fotografie ohne Kamera17 Jan – 16 Feb 2017As it is manifested in its own name, light is the most important requirement for every photography. Precisely, light and shadow are not only a prerequisite for the final picture, there are also a great challenge for the artists. With this exhibition the in focus gallery presents photography without camera, today as well as back in the days. It is pure photography based on the very own principle of light and the light sensitive beam. The light stands in the center. It plays an ideal, shaping… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Selbstportrait als Konzept8 Nov – 22 Dec 2016in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 René GroebliEarly Work 1945 - 1955![]() 6 Sep – 22 Oct 2016The exhibition René Groebli "Early Work"" will present a unique selection of vintage and modern prints from Groeblis early years: "London", Eye of Love", "Rail Magic", "Beryl Chen" and more. "Who is René Groebli? He is a blind spot. Perhaps he is the proverbial blind spot, the «Missing Link» in the history of modern Swiss photography. The first to notice him was the American photographer and curator Edward Stei… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Marilyn Monroe90th Anniversary. A Life in Pictures.11 Apr – 7 May 2016in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Thomas KellnerBlack & White16 Jan – 19 Mar 2016in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Love is ...25 Oct – 22 Dec 2015in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 William RoppÄthopia22 Aug – 10 Oct 2015in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 BODY WORKS18 Apr – 27 Jun 2015in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Elliott ErwittKOLOR![]() 25 years in focus gallery11 Jan – 25 Mar 2015In focus gallery will celebrate its 25th gallery annivesary in January, 2015. In Germany there are only few galleries who have presented more than 25 years in a continuous work photography as art. During the past 25 years the gallerist Burkhard Arnold introduced in more than 140 exhibitions beside famous photographers as for example just passed away Lucien Clergue, Bruce Davidson, Elliott Erwitt, Franco Fontana, Greg Gorman, F.C. Gundlach, Thomas Hoepker, Susan Meiselas, Marc Riboud, Willy R… more in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 stage of life9 Nov – 20 Dec 2014in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Thomas HoepkerIn Amerika1963 - 20136 Sep – 26 Oct 2014in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Karin SzékessyPhotographien3 May – 31 May 2014in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Hans Jürgen RaabeStillsaus dem Projekt 990 FACES8 Mar – 26 Apr 2014in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Marc RiboudChina & Japan in den 50er und 60er Jahren11 Jan – 26 Feb 2014in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 titles & iconsEve ArnoldLillian BassmanEdward ClarkHerbert Döring-SpenglerBruce Davidson… (22)Elliott ErwittHermann FörsterlingFranco FontanaAbe FrajndlichStuart FranklinGilbert GarcinGreg GormanRené GroebliF.C. GundlachVadim GushchinAnna Halm SchudelHorst P. HorstFrank HorvatThomas KellnerAndré KertészSusan MeiselasArno Rafael MinkkinenMarc RiboudWilly RonisJan SaudekJeanloup SieffBert Stern12 Oct – 9 Nov 2013in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Jan SaudekBest of Jan SaudekKolorierte unikate Silbergelatine Prints 1970 – 200025 May – 20 Jul 2013in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Ulrich MackReporterKennedy in Germany - Köln/Bonn/Frankfurt/Wiesbaden/Berlin 19639 Mar – 8 May 2013in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Vadim GushchinBOOKS12 Jan – 28 Feb 2013in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Greg GormanPortraits & Nudes1 Sep – 27 Oct 2012in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 William RoppNeue Farbarbeiten & Menschen aus Afrika5 May – 25 May 2012in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Gilbert GarcinMister G17 Jan – 30 Mar 2012in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Celebrities & Fashion of the 20th CenturyEve ArnoldBruno Bernard (Bernard of Hollywood)Jean-Philippe CharbonnierElliott ErwittAbe Frajndlich… (7)19 Nov – 10 Dec 2011in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Arno Rafael MinkkinenThe Journey of Arno Rafael Minkkinen17 Sep – 30 Oct 2011in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Bruno BernhardPin-Ups14 May – 21 Jul 2011in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Part II - American TemplesContemporary American Photography12 Mar – 9 Apr 2011in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Part I - American Portraits1 Feb – 19 Feb 2011in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Elliott Erwitt... von Menschen und Hunden6 Nov 2010 – 15 Jan 2011in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Franco FontanaSolo Exhibition18 Sep – 29 Oct 2010in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Thomas Kellnerfrom the beginnings till today29 May – 18 Jul 2010in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Stuart Franklinhuman footprints13 Mar – 9 May 2010in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 exposedErotische Fotografie des 20. JahrhundertsAlfons AltEve ArnoldBruno Bernard (Bernard of Hollywood)Ruth BernhardGünter Blum… (37)Alvin BoothÉdouart BoubatYann CharbonnierLucien ClergueHerbert Döring-SpenglerBruce DavidsonFrantišek DrtikolHermann FörsterlingClaude FauvilleAbe FrajndlichToto FrimaRené GroebliF.C. GundlachHeinz Hajek-HalkeMichel HaniqueHeinrich HeidersbergerHorst P. HorstFrank HorvatEikoh HosoeThomas KarstenWilly KesselsMichal MackúRita McBrideSusan MeiselasSusan MeiselasHelmut NewtonPhilippe PacheWilly RonisWilliam RoppJan SaudekRüdiger SchestagJeanloup SieffKarin SzékessyAntonín TesarGerhard VormwaldChristine WebsterJoel Peter Witkin16 Jan – 28 Feb 2010in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Marilyn Monroe 1946 - 19608 Nov – 23 Dec 2009in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Marc RiboudPhotographs at home and abroad5 Sep – 30 Oct 2009in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Kent RogowskiSolo Exhibition26 Apr – 30 Jun 2009in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 René GroebliRetrospektive 1946 - 200617 Jan – 31 Mar 2009in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Thomas KellnerDancing Walls8 Nov – 23 Dec 2008in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 William RoppFaszination des Imaginären24 Aug – 18 Oct 2008in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Antonín Tesarstrange world5 Apr – 21 Jun 2008in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Bruce DavidsonSolo Exhibition13 Jan – 15 Mar 2008in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Faszination Körper20 Oct – 21 Dec 2007in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Michal MackúBilder vom Menschen26 Aug – 12 Oct 2007in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 ROOMS - RÄUME21 Apr – 21 Jun 2007in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Gilbert GarcinBühne des Lebens14 Jan – 30 Mar 2007in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 That's life28 Oct – 22 Dec 2006in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Heinrich HeidersbergerZum 100. Geburtstag - Struktur und Architektur20 Aug – 1 Oct 2006in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 BLACK - Körper & Portraits30 Apr – 25 Jun 2006in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Herbert BöttcherBewegte Meere – Seamotion16 Jan – 31 Mar 2006in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 Connie Imbodennew photographs30 Oct – 23 Dec 2005in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie +49 (0)177 -3202913 René GroebliMagie der Schiene / Das Auge der Liebe4 Sep – 20 Oct 2005in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie am Dom +49 (0)177 -3202913 Vintage Prints 50er und 60er Jahre9 May – 30 Jun 2005in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie am Dom +49 (0)177 -3202913 Connie ImbodenSolo Exhibition5 Jun – 19 Jun 2005in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie am Dom +49 (0)177 -3202913 Bruno Bernard (Bernard of Hollywood)Hollywood Stars+Pin UpsVintage Prints 50er+60er Jahre6 Jun – 19 Jun 2005in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie am Dom +49 (0)177 -3202913 Bruno Bernard (Bernard of Hollywood)Hollywood Stars+Pin UpsVintage Prints 50er+60er Jahre24 Apr – 8 May 2005in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie am Dom +49 (0)177 -3202913 Rüdiger SchestagThe Wall Paper Project6 Mar – 19 Mar 2005in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie am Dom +49 (0)177 -3202913 EXPLORE – mehr als 15 Fotografen aus 15 JahrenAlfons AltIlse BingAlvin BoothYann CharbonnierLucien Clergue… (28)Herbert Döring-SpenglerBruce DavidsonHermann FörsterlingClaude FauvilleBenedict J. FernandezAbe FrajndlichBedrich GrünzweigF.C. GundlachAnna Halm-SchudelMichel HaniqueHeinrich HeidersbergerKarl Martin HolzhäuserGeorg HornungFrank HorvatNicolaus HumbertArno JansenThomas KarstenThomas KellnerRené MächlerMichal MackúSusan MeiselasFloris NeusüssWilly RonisJack SalJan SaudekJeanloup SieffJoachim StorchKarin Székessy15 Jan – 29 Jan 2005in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie am Dom +49 (0)177 -3202913 In America5 Nov – 23 Dec 2004in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie am Dom +49 (0)177 -3202913 F.C. GundlachMode und Portraits - Vintage und modern prints10 Sep – 15 Oct 2004in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie am Dom +49 (0)177 -3202913 Behind the surface - Bilder vom Menschen4 Jun – 18 Jul 2004in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie am Dom +49 (0)177 -3202913 Erotische Fotografie23 Apr – 27 May 2004in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie am Dom +49 (0)177 -3202913 The Neverending Journey + Urbane Panoramen27 Feb – 1 Apr 2004in focus GalerieDEin focus Galerie am Dom +49 (0)177 -3202913 Bilder aus der alten und der neuen Welt. Neue Architekturfotografien aus Europa und den USA9 Jan – 18 Feb 2004 |