Exhibitions at Galerie LWS Lucie Weill & Seligmann |
Galerie LWSFRGalerie LWS Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Roberto d'Addonal'Attesa7 Nov – 22 Nov 2014Galerie LWSFRGalerie LWS Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Roberto d'AddonaUnwashed - Truckers14 Nov – 30 Nov 2013Galerie LWSFRGalerie LWS Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment MATIÈRE VISIBLE24 May – 29 Jun 2013Galerie LWSFRGalerie LWS Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Thierry SecretanUn monde intact21 Feb – 30 Mar 2013Galerie LWSFRGalerie LWS Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Sergei IsakovUn jardin en hiver10 Jan – 16 Feb 2013Galerie LWSFRGalerie LWS Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Isabelle Taourelni d'ici ni d'ailleursAn Exhibition with Sergei Isakov11 Jan – 16 Feb 2013Galerie LWSFRGalerie LWS Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment John GossageThe Thirty Two Inch Ruler / Map of Babylon![]() 14 Nov – 29 Dec 2012John Gossage The Thirty Two Inch Ruler / Map of Babylon 14 November - 29 December 2012 Opening: 13 November 2012 In The Thirty-Two Inch Ruler, the narrative, whilst not autobiographical, is about a neighborhood in which he lives; one that is singular in the United States. At the same time provincial and international, it is a neighborhood populated by ambassadorial residences, embassies, and the lavish private homes of those who are in positions of power and influence in Washington. A project … more Galerie LWSFRGalerie LWS Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Atlas![]() 10 Oct – 10 Nov 2012This exhibition gathers nine contemporary photographers around landscape as a theme and a topic, our post-industrial societies in their infancy. Their common idea is to question our perception of landscape and to contribute to its renewal.Landscape is a pattern linked to the story of the photographic medium since its origin. Its reference point in the contemporary chronology is, if any, the New Topographics exhibition of William Jenkins (1975) which announced a revival of the documentary kind by… more Galerie LWSFRGalerie LWS Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Olivier TomasiniVANITÉ PLURIELLE![]() 21 Sep – 6 Oct 2012Olivier TomasiniVanité Plurielle21.09.12 - 06.10.12Vernissage 20.09.12Il y a des travaux artistiques voués d’emblée à une sorte d’effacement, de discrétion revendiquée, éloignée des pratiques de l’habituelle production esthétique. Olivier Tomasini, esthète minutieux, romantique tempéré, dandy paradoxal, postule pour le noir et blanc et mise à contre courant en présentant des oeuvre… more Galerie LWSFRGalerie LWS Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Ezio D'AgostinoL'Autre, Le Même![]() 11 Jul – 15 Sep 2012The Lucie Weill & Seligmann Gallery presents the exhibition L’autre, le même from Wednesday, July 11 to Saturday, September 15, 2012. The gallery will be closed from August, 5 to 27.These artists express themselves through very distinct medium: Ezio D’Agostino prefers photography and Vanessa Fanuele practices drawing, sometimes installation. Their common theme is to suggest landscapes, territories; inexpressible places in fact.The physical exploration of territories by Ezio… more Galerie LWSFRGalerie LWS Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment FIL SENSIBLE31 May – 7 Jul 2012Galerie LWSFRGalerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Natures![]() 19 Apr – 26 May 2012Yumiko Utsu, Mayumi Hosokura NATURES April 19 to May 19 organized in collaboration with the G/P gallery, TokyoFollowing the success of the Mizuno Oto - Sound of Water* exhibition (FotoGrafia - Festival Internazionale di Roma 2011), 3/3 was invited by LWS Gallery to present a selection of photographs from Utsu’s Out of Ark and Hosokura’s Kazan.From a collective show on the theme of water involving five Japanese women photographers - Asako Narahashi, Rinko Kawauchi, Lieko Shiga, Yumiko… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Jean-Christophe BéchetAmerican Puzzle part II![]() 8 Mar – 5 May 2012American Puzzle, Part 2Jean-Christophe BéchetExposition du 8 mars au 15 avril 2012Ouverture du mardi au samedi de 14h à 19hInauguration de l’exposition en présence de l’artistejeudi 8 mar s 2012 à partir de 18h« Longtemps, j’ai cru voyager au coeur du « nouveau monde » mais, au fil des années, j’ai photographié un vieux monde, brinquebalant et cabossé. À l’évidence, le nouveau monde est… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment William RoppSolo Exhibition![]() 24 Jan – 6 Mar 2012À l'occasion de l'exposition Le sculpteur d'ombre à la Maison Européenne de la Photographie, la galerie PHOTO4 a le plaisir de présenter une dizaine de photographies noir & blanc de William Ropp du mardi 24 janvier au samedi 18 février 2012.La scénographie particulière des images de William Ropp, provient, à l’origine, du théâtre où il a fait ses premières armes avant de co-fonder la compa… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Gisèle Freundportraits d'artistes à St Germain des Prés![]() 3 Nov 2011 – 31 Jan 2012La Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann - Charles Zalber présente Gisele Freundportraits d'artistes à Saint-Germain des Prés 3 novembre - 31 décembre 2011 inauguration de l'exposition le jeudi 3 novembre à partir de 18hexposition dans le cadre de Saint Germain des Prés Photo FestivalPionnière du photojournalisme et de la photographie en couleur, Gisèle Freund (1908-2000) a également été l'une des pr&eacut… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Philippe MatsasLes voies perdues![]() 8 Dec – 31 Dec 2011Philippe MATSASLes Voies PerduesExposition du 8 au 31 décembre 2011Inauguration de l’exposition en présence de l’artiste le jeudi 8 décembre à partir de 18hL’ouvrage éponyme publié aux éditions APRES LA LUNE sera présenté à cette occasion.Textes de Pascal Dessaint« Philippe Matsas est un de ces photographes silencieux qui scrute pour laisser deviner au spectateur l’épaisseur d’un r&ea… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Renato D'AgostinVenezia, The Beautiful Cliché![]() Photo Saint-Germain-des-Prés4 Nov – 7 Dec 2011Renato d'Agostin, The Beautiful Cliché - Veneziaexhibition running from November 3 - December 7, 2011opening reception: Thursday, November 3rd from 6pm in presence of the artist and presentation of the eponymous book published by édition Silvana (IT)Texts of the photographer and italian historian Italo Zannier and curator Chiara Casarin.Foreword by Renata Codello, Superintendent of Culture of the City of Venice.exhibition is part of the Festival Saint Germain des Pres Photowit… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Michel BirotDemeles![]() 11 Oct – 29 Oct 2011galeriePHOTO4, charles zalber présenteMichel Birot, démêlés 11 octobre – 29 octobre 2011inauguration de l’exposition en présence de l’artistele mardi 11 octobre à partir de 18h00A l’occasion de la Coupe du Monde de Rugby, qui se déroule en Nouvelle Zélande jusqu’au 23 octobre prochain, la galeriePHOTO4 propose une sélection d’images du photographe Michel Birot nous invitant à regarder de plus… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment John R. Peppersans papier![]() 15 Sep – 8 Oct 2011John Pepper, sans papier15 septembre – 8 octobre 2011inauguration de lʼexposition en présence de lʼartisteet présentation du livre éponyme le jeudi 15 septembre à partir de 18h00Trois ans après sa dernière exposition, Rome 1969, John Pepper continue lʼexploration de son thème de prédilection: les gens de la ville. La galeriePHOTO4 présente vingt tirages argentiques issue de sa série récente &laqu… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Sergei IsakovVorkuta 2011![]() 16 Jun – 15 Jul 2011VorkoutaSergei Isakov(…) La ville préférée de Sergei Isakov est Vorkouta. Encore une fois parce que le temps y est figé à cause du froid ou peut-être à cause de l'entropie croissante de la Russie. « Même les panneaux sur les magasins sont restés de l'époque soviétique, - raconte Sergei avec une certaine joie. - Il n’y a pas de supermarchés, à leur place : « Gastronom &raq… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Ce qui se defait...![]() 19 May – 15 Jun 2011La galerie PHOTO4, en collaboration avec Studio Equis et Sophie Boursat présententShigeichi NAGANO, Koji ONAKACe qui se défait...19 mai - 15 juin 2011inauguration de l’exposition le jeudi 19 mai à partir de 18h rencontre avec Koji Onaka le samedi 28 mai à partir de 16hCette exposition trace l’idée d’un dialogue entre deux générations de photographes japonais, Shigeichi Nagano et Koji Onaka. à travers leurs images d’u… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Exposition mixte8 May – 18 May 2011Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment José Miguel FerreiraPar la vallée du Douro![]() 7 Apr – 7 May 2011José Miguel Ferreira // Par la vallée du Douro exposition du 7 au 24 avril 2011inauguration de l’exposition en présence de l’artiste le jeudi 7 avril et présentation de l’ouvrage « La Route du Vin de Porto » photographies de José Miguel Ferreira préface de Gaspar Martins Pereira & poèmes de A.M. Pires Cabral(...) Les chemins où le regard du photographe se promène appartiennent à une carte d&rs… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Giulio RimondiBeirut Nocturne![]() 10 Mar – 26 Mar 2011GIULIO RIMONDIBEIRUT NOCTURNE Opening Thursday 10th of March at 6pm in presence of Giulio Rimondi Presentation of the book "beirutnocturne" published by ChartaFor many years now it has been hard to tell the story of Beirut without lapsing into commonplaces. Giulio Rimondi, a young Italian photographer living and working there, has managed to avoid that risk. His images, accompanied by the verses of the elderly poet Christian Ghazi, evoke an atmosphere of intimacy and solitude that is haunted by … more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Emmanuel BerryCoques, coquilles, coquillages.18 Jan – 5 Feb 2011Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Eikoh HosoeEikoh Hosoe![]() dans le cadre du Mois de la Photo 20105 Nov – 18 Dec 2010Dans le cadre du Mois de la Photo 2010, la galerie PHOTO4 à l’honneur de présenter un maître de la photographie japonaise contemporaine, Eikoh Hosoe. L’occasion de découvrir ou de revoir une sélection de ses photographies, devenues icônes, comme les séries Kamaitachi, Embrace et Ordeal by Roses.inauguration de l’exposition le vendredi 5 novembre à partir de 18h en présence de l’artiste (sous réserve)more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Ralph GibsonCoda![]() 5 Nov – 10 Dec 2010Book MakingIn 1959 I was a young photographer's mate aboard the USS Tanner. With time to spare I explored the ship's library. One slim volume attracted my attention. It was "Four Quartets" by T.S. Eliot. These poems created a strong and unfamiliar impression on me. The cadence of the words implied an imagery that come from their very position on the page. It was only ten years later that I began to understand the real meaning of sequencing images on a page.The sequencing of p… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Emmanuel Berryles alentours![]() 23 Sep – 16 Oct 2010les alentours Emmanuel Berry fait le choix délibéré de ne s’intéresser qu’aux seuls abords. Déambulant dans les rues, les sous-bois, les champs d’Oswiecim, le photographe interroge les limites, les frontières du camp d’Auschwitz en travaillant sur les entours, sur la lumière et le temps suspendu...qu’en l’absence de toute image directe et évocatrice notre mémoire seule recompose. Marion Vivier &nd… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment oeuvres choisies![]() 27 May – 3 Jul 2010Antoine Dambrine, Jean-Luc Meyssonnier, Thierry Secretan "oeuvres choisies" du 27 mai au 26 juin 2010 Inauguration de l'exposition le jeudi 27 mai à partir de 18h en présence des artistes (..) Je fais partie de la confrérie des photographes marcheurs, mes terres de prédilection: la Bretagne, l'Ecosse l'Irlande, mon sujet : le paysage, ma méthode : la contemplation... A. Dambrine Depuis une vingtaine d'années, le travai… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Jean-Christophe BéchetNoir Vertical![]() 18 Mar – 22 May 2010Jean Christophe BECHET Noir Vertical Jean-Christophe Béchet est né en 1964 à Marseille, il vit et travaille depuis 1990 à Paris. Après des études d'économie et de photographie, il travaille comme photographe de presse avant d'intégrer la rédaction du magazine Réponses Photo où il est photographe et rédacteur en chef des Hors Séries. (...) La séquence d'images rassemblées ici a été constituée pour la réalisation du livre « Noir Vertical ». L'enjeu est de faire dialoguer des… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Jean Manuel Simoeschangement de distance10 May – 22 May 2010Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Rex DupainThe colour of Bondi![]() 18 Mar – 17 Apr 2010GALERIE LUCIE WEILL & SELIGMANN Ch. Zalber in collaboration with Josef Lebovic Gallery, Sydney Rex DUPAIN The colour of Bondi Internationally recognised photographer Rex Dupain (b.1954) has been drawn to Bondi beach since he turned his focus to photography in the mid 1990s. Prior to that time Dupain was well regarded on the Sydney art scene as a painter and lecturer, therefore his approach to photography is informed by his experiences with oil paint and brush. In this latest series, The Colou… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Kristin Capp / Yumiko Hirose / John R. Pepper![]() 1 Feb – 13 Mar 2010Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Solo Exhibition12 Jan – 31 Jan 2010Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment couleurs II10 Oct 2009 – 9 Jan 2010Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Renato D'AgostinTokyo Untitled![]() 5 Nov – 5 Dec 2009Renato d'Agostin TOKYO UNTITLED For his first solo exhibition at PHOTO4 gallery, 25 gelatin silver prints from the « Tokyo Untitled » serie will be presented. In Tokyo Untitled D'Agostin isolates himself in the geometries of the Japanese city. He narrates his journey through his experience of the street, describing with the language of abstract images, charged of deep blacks and sharp edges. Dislocating subjects from their realities, D'Agostin depicts his perception of the space around him,… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Ralph GibsonCambodia9 Nov – 5 Dec 2009Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Rudi WeissensteinTel Aviv, 1936-1960![]() 1 Oct – 1 Nov 2009Rudi Weissenstein was born in Iglau (Czech Republic) in 1910. In the years 1929-1931 he studied at the "graphische Lehr - und Versuchsanstalt" in Vienna. After his immigration to Palestine in 1936 he worked as a photographer and a journalist and in 1940 he opened the "Photohouse Pri-Or" studio on 30 Allenby Street in Tel-Aviv with his wife Miriam. Rudi's work in documenting the development of Tel Aviv, the biggest city of Israël, is probably unparalleled. Every negative in his enormous archive… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment oeuvres choisies![]() Exposition collective de trois photographes1 Sep – 30 Sep 2009OEuvres choisies Exposition collective de trois photographes Vincent Borie Né en 1956. Il est diplômé de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Paris en 1982. Après plusieurs expériences de mise en scènes durant lesquelles Vincent Borie prendra goût à la narration, et apprendra la pratique de la mise en lumière des plateaux de décors, il se tourne vers la photographie et publie son premier livre en 1984. S'en suivront plusieurs séries, inspirées de différents textes : la… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Hélène de RouxPerspectives![]() 28 May – 15 Jul 2009Perspectives Across continents, wherever her paths take her to, Hélène de Roux photographs what she sees or discovers, as streaks of light play on: places of memory and contemplation like roads and tracks, lands where ancient millenary traditions have survived, but also urban breathtaking modern architecture, skies, seasides. The feeling of absence never lasts. Powerful characters inhabit her images: aged women, farmers, craftsmen, so authentic, with their inner light, their expectative att… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Ralph Gibsonnudes and recent work![]() 3 Apr – 27 May 2009Ralph Gibson « nudes and recent work » Exhibition from April 3rd to May 16th 2009 Meeting with Ralph Gibson on May Tuesday 12th + wednesday 13th at the galleries 2 venues: PHOTO4 (4 rue Bonaparte) and Galerie LWS (6 rue Bonaparte) Publication « NUDE » by TASCHEN, released on 15/4/09 Limited to 1,000 copies, each numbered and signed by the photographer. Hardcover, clamshell, 33 x 44 cm (13 x 17.3 in.), 306 pages ISBN 978-3-8365-1189-6 (German, French, English) Strikingly contrasted and m… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Solo Exhibition28 Feb – 28 Mar 2009Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment oeuvres choisies![]() 20 Dec 2008 – 14 Feb 2009Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Bruno BourelJ'habite Budapest![]() Mois de la Photo à Paris30 Oct – 16 Dec 2008For its second participation at the Month of Photography Biennale in Paris, PHOTO4 gallery presents 30 gelatin siver prints by Bruno Bourel, all taken in Budapest, his adopted city since 1989. Daily work leads us to be in contact with infinite combinations that chance helps to arrive or not at culmination. Photographer tries to pull out the present toward a sphere where shines the absence of time landmarks. Infinite combinations of life led me one day to Budapest and again and again. Looking aro… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment John R. PepperRome 1969![]() 18 Sep – 25 Oct 2008Rome: 1969 Photographs by John R. Pepper September 18, 2008 - October 20th, 2008 The photographs of John Pepper have a rare capacity to speak to us from silent moments, as though they were returning memories from our earlier lives. In part, the universal appeal of Italy's post-war films, art and literature make the men, women and children in Pepper's photographs close and familiar to us. One after another they appear, in their shadows and silences, emerging from a single, immense human tapestr… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment This is Man Ray...![]() 17 Jul – 16 Aug 2008This is Man Ray... »Photographs by Carlos Muñoz-YagüeDocumentary Film directed by François Levy-KuentzJuly 17th – August 16th 2008For the release of the book set "This is Man Ray..." published by DILECTA, the galleries PHOTO4 and MARION MEYER join this event to present photographs of Carlos Muñoz Yagüe, all reproduced in this book set as well, as the documentary film of 23 minutes duration directed by François Levy-Kuentz in the la… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Mart EngelenMoments![]() 29 May – 30 Jun 2008Mart Engelen born in Heerlen 1960 The Netherlands In 1980 he enrolled at University of Utrecht as a law student but switched after 2 years to follow photography classes. By coincidence he was discovered to be a model and worked professionally all over the world for a period of 6 years. In 1991 he started his career as a photographer. Soon he was working on advertising commisions for clients such as PHILIPS, CANON, CITIGROUP as well as commercial editorials for international magazines like: Esq… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Emmanuel BerryLes Oiseaux de Sens![]() 14 Feb – 30 Mar 2008INTRODUCTION « These are nasty birds,but is it so important, as they become a piece of art once transcended by the artist ? They look astonished by the photographer's intrusion, though they look at us and so do we. All of a sudden, these stuffed birds are back to life : here they are, facing us, ready to shake and leave... » Charles Zalber PRESENTATION After his exhibition at the Museum of Natural History in Paris in 2006, and several others throughout France, his large photograph… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment oeuvres récentes / recent works![]() 15 Nov – 15 Dec 2007Venice, Casablanca, Paris and Washington, that's where each of them started his own photographic venture. Here we meet with four points of view, four sizes, nevertherless each of them aiming at the perfect detail, enhancing so their work. Those works are so intermingled with their breathing, here is the mysterious link running through this exhibition. Renato d'Agostin in his 25th year, lives and works in New York. His show (Metropolis) just ended at Leica Gallery in New York (june 2007). On… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Michel BirotInstantanés![]() 7 Sep – 20 Oct 200730 photographies, parcourir le chemin qui mène du vestiaire au couloir et du couloir au terrain. Confronter son corps aux exigences de ce sport et en faire un magnifique terrain de jeu. Pourquoi attendons nous toujours avec une curiosité aux aguets ce que Michel Birot décide de montrer de son travail ? Parce que, sans doute, dans la passion qui l’anime : le rugby, il montre des aspects de ce sport que nous ne saurions voir par nous-mêmes. Voici sa troisième exposition chez nous, ce… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Bertrand Langloisle cirque tzigane![]() 14 Jun – 15 Jul 2007Somewhere in Paris, an arranged marquee... A circus like no other, filled of freedom: the gypsy circus of Alexandre Romanès. In a poetic ambient, pictures of a traditional circus, catching his popular origins. The kallitypie, Van Dyke process, was used for the production of this serie. It's an old photographic silver nitrate process. Dans un chapiteau bricolé à la diable à Paris comme ailleurs... Un cirque pas comme les autres, empli de liberté : le cirque tzigane d'Alexandr… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Blanche et noire est la rue![]() 15 Feb – 30 Mar 2007Scenes from ordinary life, improbable encounters, miracles of an instant...whatever the period or geography of the location, these photographs, taken by people of different nationalities and of different generations, transform our universe into a very singular place. The street is, for each of us, so very banal when we walk down it every day…until the click of a photographer's camera transforms the place we thought we knew into complete novelty; because that particular day the vision is pure,… more Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 - Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Ralph GibsonParcours![]() 2 Nov 2006 – 15 Jan 2007Ralph GIBSON parcours 1960 - 2005 45 years of photography 40 years of publication 30 author books Mois de la Photo à Paris 2006 From 1960 San Francisco, L.A. and New York, at 2005 Brazil, while passing by the Trilogy The Somnambulist, already considering and Days At sea, the 80 photographs exposed make us journey through to 45 years of Ralph Gibson's mythical photographies. Between realism and abstraction, Ralph Gibson thinks photography, as one says in French, "en formation permanente..." … more Galerie LWSFRGalerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Michel BirotSolo Exhibition9 Mar – 15 Apr 2006Galerie LWSFRGalerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Aspect d'une collection3 Nov 2005 – 7 Jan 2006Galerie LWSFRGalerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Michel Biroten-mêlée10 Mar – 30 Apr 2005Galerie LWSFRGalerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Gisèle FreundSolo Exhibition4 Nov – 31 Dec 2004Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Ralph GibsonNus7 Nov – 30 Nov 2002Galerie LWSFRPHOTO 4 et Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann +33 (0)1-43547195 info@galerielws.com Tue-Sat 11-19 and by appointment Ralph GibsonEx Libris1 Apr – 10 May 2000 |