Exhibitions at Galerie Springer Berlin |
Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + FARBENRAUSCH![]() 4 Mar – 19 Jul 2025In der Ausstellung "FARBENRAUSCH" zum EMOP 2025 zeigt die Galerie Springer Berlin Werke des Fotografen Ludwig Schirmer, seiner Tochter Ute Mahler und ihres Mannes Werner Mahler. Sowohl Ute Mahlers als auch Werner Mahlers Farbarbeiten waren bisher selten in Ausstellungen zu sehen. Auch von dem bislang weniger bekannten Ludwig Schirmer, der einer der wichtigen Werbefotografen der DDR war, wurden bisher vor allem schwarzweiß Arbeiten gezeigt. In dieser einzigartigen »Familienausstellung« werden… more Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + LOOKS LIKE ABSTRACTION![]() 17 Sep 2024 – 1 Feb 2025Die Gruppenausstellung "LOOKS LIKE ABSTRACTION" widmet sich dem Thema Abstraktion in der Fotografie. Zu dieser besonderen Präsentation wurden neun Künstlerinnen und Künstler eingeladen – fünf aus dem Galerieprogramm und vier weitere als Gäste. "LOOKS LIKE ABSTRACTION" geht der Frage nach, ab wann eine Fotografie als abstrakt wahrgenommen wird. War dies von Anfang an die Absicht des Künstlers? Ist nicht jede Fotografie zunächst konkret, um durch den Bildausschnitt zu etwas ander… more Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + Anna SzpryngerDark Tones![]() 30 Apr – 13 Jul 2024Zum ersten Mal seit über elf Jahren zeigen wir, die Galerie Springer Berlin, wieder eine Ausstellung, die sich neben der Fotografie auch der Malerei widmet. Und zum ersten Mal präsentieren wir Werke der polnischen Künstlerin Anna Szprynger. Sie wurde 1982 in Warschau geboren, studierte Grafik und Malerei an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Kazimierz Dolny und an der Maria Curie Skłodowska-Universität in Lublin. Es folgte die Promotion an der Aka… more Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + Edward BurtynskyPART 2 - NEW WORKS![]() 2 Mar – 20 Apr 2024Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + Edward BurtynskyAFRICAN STUDIES![]() 7 Nov 2023 – 2 Mar 2024The exhibition "African Studies" by Canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky is the fourth solo exhibition by this internationally renowned artist since 2014 at Galerie Springer Berlin. For decades, his concern for the environment has been the driving force behind his artistic work. In stunningly beautiful images, he shows us the serious marks that industry leaves on the earth. At the same time, his images often document alarming ecological disasters. For his new series "African S… more Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + Winfried Muthesius1.000 ODYSSEYS![]() 10 Sep – 26 Oct 2023In his new photographic series, Winfried Muthesius tackles the globally sensitive issues of flight and expulsion. As in his paintings, he concentrates his focus on what he intends to show in such a way that ambiguity is revealed. In addition to photographs, we will be presenting drawings and paintings from the »broken gold« series (gold leaf on wood, sawed). "One never knows enough. The known also carries within it the unknown." (Eduardo Chillida) As if the wanderer on th… more Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + Loredana NemesTrees, Seas, and the Bee's Knees![]() 7 Mar – 22 Jul 2023On the occasion of EMOP Berlin - European Month of Photography, Galerie Springer Berlin presents the first solo exhibition of photographer Loredana Nemes entitled "Trees, Seas, and the Bee's Knees". The selection of work on view includes the current series of works "Greytree and Heavensea" created from 2019 to 2023, the series Immergrün from 2020, the group of works Blossom Time from 2012 and the series Greed, 2014-2017. For two decades, the artist Loredana Nemes… more Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + 10 YEARS - ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION![]() 10 JAHRE - JUBILÄUMSAUSSTELLUNG20 Sep 2022 – 11 Feb 2023We are delighted to invite you to our group exhibition marking the 10th anniversary of Galerie Springer Berlin. When we opened the gallery in its current format 10 years ago, it was founded on Robert Springer’s 20 years’ experience of gallery work stemming from a long family tradition. The decision to run the gallery with Heide Springer resulted in a reorientation of the gallery programme towards photography. Over the past decade, we are proud to have made an international name for o… more Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + Peter KlareCollages / Collagen![]() 24 May – 27 Aug 2022Every picture inevitably asks - apart from everything visible - about the author's position. After all, at the moment of viewing the picture, you find yourself in exactly this spot. In the double exhibition with Peter Klare and Jens Liebchen, both artists are fundamentally concerned with their own standpoint in relation to the photographic motif. While Jens Liebchen's pictures are created as "drive-by-shootings" on a year-long drive through Los Angeles, Peter Klare pushes h… more Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + Jens LiebchenL.A. Crossing![]() 24 May – 27 Aug 2022In his series L.A. Crossing, which has been in the making since 2010, Jens Liebchen shows us the capital of unconditional automotive mobility like most of its inhabitants prefer to look at it: through the windows of their cars. Out of the moving car, Liebchen looks at a city that embodies the opposites of utopia and dystopia. L.A. Crossing itself sounds like the title of a movie, accordingly the street becomes a stage and photography becomes a kind of still image. Bathed in Californian light, … more Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + Ingar KraussThe Hard Core of Beauty*![]() Der harte Kern der Schönheit*1 Mar – 14 May 2022The exhibition shows photographs by Ingar Krauss that trace the development and recurrence of nature as a theme in his work – from early portraits to his latest serial works. His pictures reflect a realism that is magical in a natural way: as a perception of the poetic, the surreal and sometimes the uncanny in everyday life. An intensive experience of nature as well as animals and plants, their becoming and passing in a seasonal cycle, play an important role in this. Krauss works solel… more Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + Natural Appearance![]() 19 Oct 2021 – 29 Jan 2022In the exhibition Natural Appearance by Maria Jauregui Ponte and Aitor Ortiz, Galerie Springer Berlin is showing two series that have emerged independently of each other, but which are dedicated to the same theme, namely the appearance of nature. Both artists have used photography to capture the visible and the invisible in different ways. In the series Wo Fuchs und Hase (Where Fox and Hare), which Maria Jauregui Ponte has been working on since 2018, the gallery is showing pictures from a small… more Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + Kathrin LinkersdorffFAIRIES![]() 27 Apr – 25 Sep 2021For the first time, Galerie Springer Berlin is presenting works by the artist and photographer Kathrin Linkersdorff in a solo exhibition featuring photographs from her new series "Fairies". Linkerdorff is influenced by the Japanese philosophy of wabi-sabi, which extols the beauty of imperfection and transience. "In their captivating clarity, her works are reminiscent of the plant photographs of Karl Blossfeldt, and in their aesthetics of the paintings of Edward Weston. If you … more Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + At the Streams & In the country. At the river.![]() An den Strömen & Auf dem Land. Am Fluss.6 Oct 2020 – 27 Mar 2021This new and previously unpublished series "An den Strömen" (At the Streams) by Ute Mahler and Werner Mahler emerged from 2019 onwards for the exhibition "Kontinent – Auf der Suche nach Europa" (Continent – in search of Europe) by the Ostkreuz photographers’ agency at the Academy of Arts. For this series, both photographers toured Europe’s major rivers and streams – the Elbe, Rhine/Waal, Danube, Po and Volga – where social, ecologi… more Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + Georges RousseUTOPIA![]() 25 Feb – 1 Aug 2020With the exhibition UTOPIA, Galerie Springer Berlin is presenting new works by Georges Rousse, an artist with whom the gallery has been collaborating since the start of the 1990s. The 'physical interventions' he performs in the spaces portrayed in his photographs continue to fascinate and confuse the observer. Even in the digital age, this fascination lives on. Rousse’s ingenious manipulations using constructions, drawings and panting are more surprising than ever in… more Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + Aitor OrtizEXPANDED PHOTOGRAPHY 2002 – 2018![]() 28 Sep 2019 – 1 Feb 2020In the exhibition "Expanded Photography 2002–2018", Galerie Springer Berlin is showing three different work cycles by the Basque artist Aitor Ortiz in which traditional photographic boundaries are surpassed in surprising and fascinating ways. The highlight of the exhibition is the presentation of works from the related series Vicinay and Link (2018). Vicinay is a chain factory in the former industrial area of Zorrotzaurre in Bilbao. The manufacturing plant, which produced a to… more Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + LUMINESZENZEN![]() 13 Jul – 14 Sep 2019With the exhibition "LUMINESCENCES", Galerie Springer Berlin is introducing two artists who will be expanding the gallery’s programme from now on. The two photographers complement each other in the exhibition in an impressive way. Both have been working and experimenting with light and shadow, and colour and darkness for many years. The results of this process are to some extent very different, but they come together in a stunning combination in the exhibition. In the group of… more Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + Winfried MuthesiusGENIUS LOCI![]() New Works30 Apr – 29 Jun 2019After the first exhibition in 2016, Galerie Springer Berlin is delighted to present two new series by the artist Winfried Muthesius. True to his style, he is again working with a cross-border approach, layering several tiers of painting and photography on top of each other, so that the different image elements become intertwined and create completely new realities in which parts of the photographic element almost completely withdraw or largely recede into the background. Galerie Spring… more Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + Edward BurtynskyAnthropocene![]() New Photographs12 Feb – 18 Apr 2019Humankind reached an unprecedented moment in planetary history. Humans now affect the Earth and its processes more than all other natural forces combined. The "Anthropocene Project" is a multidisciplinary body of work combining fine art photography, film, virtual reality, augmented reality, and scientific research to investigate human influence on the state, dynamic, and future of the Earth. Galerie Springer Berlin is showing a high-quality selection of new photographs from the &qu… more Galerie Springer BerlinDEGalerie Springer Berlin +49 (0)30-3157220 office@galeriespringer.de Tue-Fri 12-18, Sa 12-15 + Ute MahlerESSENCES – Photographs from four decades![]() Essenzen - Fotografien aus vier Dekaden |