Exhibitions at Guangdong Museum of Art |
Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Symptoms of Society27 May – 8 Jul 2017Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Unseen, the theme exhibition of the 4th Guangzhou Triennial29 Sep – 16 Dec 2012Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 4th Guangzhou Triennial![]() Meta question: Back to the Museum Per Se22 Sep – 27 Nov 2011The 4th Guangzhou Triennial will be different from any previous international biennial or triennial of any region, which is going to be divided into three sessions including an Inauguration Exhibition, Project Exhibition and Theme Exhibition in accordance with the development of the reconstruction and expansion of Guangdong Museum of Art . Raising its curtain with the Inauguration Exhibition and the Theme Exhibition forum, regarding five project exhibitions from home and abroad as case study an… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Depth of Field - Contemporary Belgian Photography![]() Curator : Dries Roelens, Organised by Stieglitz1916 Mar – 17 Apr 2011Depth of Field - Contemporary Belgian PhotographyCurator : Dries Roelens, Organised by Stieglitz19www.stieglitz19.beOpening : March 16th Expo : March 16th - April 17thThe exposition “Depth of Field” (DOF) shows work by art photographers laboring at the perimeter of their field, investigating the diversity of the photographic medium as we know it. In a sense, these photographers show us how the world appears to them.In this exposition the term “Depth of Field” indicates th… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Shen-Chih ChengWalking on Gum Saan14 Jan – 6 Mar 2011Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Carlos Cruz-DiezInteractive Space11 Sep – 31 Oct 2010Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Nature and Man's CreationsChen Xun and Chen Yi10 Sep – 19 Oct 2010Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 QIU ZhijieBrainstorming18 Jun – 25 Jul 2010Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Solo Exhibition22 Jun – 18 Jul 2010Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 ZHANG DaliA Second History27 Mar – 18 Apr 2010Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Solo Exhibition18 May – 19 Jul 2009Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 The Third Guangzhou TriennialJaishri AbichandaniMaria Thereza AlvesDaniel AnderssonQiu AnxiongKaya Behkalam… (40)Marc BehrensZarina BhimjiHisham BizriJens BrandMatthew BuckinghamAmy CheungCHEN Chieh-JenRicardo CuevasAllan de SouzaMaria EichhornShahram EntekhabiYANG FudongZHENG GuoguSharon HayesNicholas HloboDuong Cam HOANGZHUANG HuiChristian JankowskiWANG JianweiDUAN JianyuLamia JoreigeGülsün KaramustafaKiluanji Kia HendaTomoko KonoikeRuno LagomarsinoMatts LeiderstamFeng MengboTrinh T. Minh-haVik MunizJun Nguyen-HatsushibaUriel OrlowJenny PerlinSHAO Yinong & MU ChenGao ShiqiangAlthea ThaubergerBarthélémy ToguoGabriel Acevedo VelardeApichatpong WeerasethakulAkram ZaatariQIU Zhijie6 Sep – 16 Nov 2008Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Guangzhou Photo Biennial - EvolutionBleda & RosaHenri Cartier-BressonPatrizia Di FioreJoakim EnerothWalker Evans… (23)Alain FleischerJulia Fullerton-BattenCristina García RoderoAN GeWANG GuofengCristobal HaraArja HyytiäinenJIANG JianBogdan KonopkaShai KremerJacques-Henri LartigueOuka LeeleZENG LiChema MadozÁngel MarcosMatthew PillsburyBettina RheimsXavier RibasEdith RouxAugust SanderJavier VallhonratCANG XinLUO Yongjin17 May – 8 Jul 2007Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Hong Kong Four-CastAlmond Chu, Lau Ching Ping, Hisun Wong, Wong Wo Bik30 Jun – 1 Aug 2006Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Photography and PaintingDu Yuzhou23 Jun – 2 Jul 2006Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art - Triennial +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 The Second Guangzhou TriennialBEYOND : an extroardinary space of experimentation for modernization18 Nov 2005 – 15 Jan 2006Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Unique but not the onlyContemporary French Art10 Jun – 24 Jul 2005Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Guangzhou Photo Biennial 2005![]() Jane Evelyn AtwoodOlivo BarbieriEyal Ben-DovHAI BoPierre Bourdis… (56)René BurriPablo Carrera OserDavid DamoisonXING DanwenNathalie DessermeClaude DityvonElliott ErwittJean-Pierre FavreauWENG FenZHU FengFrançois FontaineLaurent GuéneauSHI GuoruiZHU HaoHONG HaoFrédéric JacquemotWU JialinThierry KleinerMakiko KoieMartin KollarBogdan KonopkaRoi KuperHONG LeiHAN LeiEsther LevineLIU LihongJan MichalkoLisette ModelDaidō MoriyamaDAI MouyuHisashi MurayamaWANG NingdeZHENG NongGilad OphirLau PokchiChristian PovedaCHANG QingWang QingsongGuy RazMarc RiboudFilippo RomanoEdith RouxSHAO Yinong & MU ChenKlavdij SlubanYAO SongxinXavier TestelinOlivier ThébaudXUE TingCyrille WeinerEdward WestPENG XiangjiePascal XiclunaZHANG XinminMO YiDU YingnanLUO Yongjin18 Jan – 28 Feb 2005In Europe as in most western countries, Guangzhou symbolizes the modern and commercial China. With a population of more than ten millions inhabitants, enjoying one of the highest standards of living in South East Asia, the city marries with harmony traditional and contemporary lives styles. The province has been for more than half a century the bridge between mainland China and Hong Kong and the West. January 15th 2005 will see the opening of the first Photo Encounters Biennial in Guangzhou Chi… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 XING DanwenA romantic tale of the city![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Xing Danwen is an active Chinese artist on the international scene. Her "Fictionalized history of the city" combines self-portraits and still lives to imagine a town history located in the process of urbanization. Photographing the architecture models at the points of sale, Xing Danwen then stages herself in all the situations of a city woman, before assembling the images by digital process. Work thus completed shows loneliness, the isolation and the alienation of the individual in modern life. … more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Lisette ModelSolo Exhibition![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Paris Born Elise Amélie Félicité Stern on November 10, 1901, in Vienna (Austria), Lisette studies music and the piano, she is in particular the pupil of Arnold Schönberg. In 1926, Félicité, the mother, leaves Vienna with her daughters, Lisette and Olga, to settle in France (in Paris then Nice). Lisette lives in Paris and continues her music and singing lessons and experiments with painting. She discovers photography through Olga, her sister who teaches her the rudiments of the techniques o… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Wang QingsongGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005The influence of the Western culture on contemporary China, the problems encountered by the country in the process of development are at the heart of the concerns of Wang Qingsong. With theatrical photographic settings, the author reinforces, increases, caricatures, often with irony, the problems he wants us to become aware of. He frequently places himself in the image to invite the viewer to follow his glance. His work wants to be a metaphor of the living and working conditions in the city of … more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 WENG FenOn the wallGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Very active artist, so much in China than abroad, Weng Fen is teaching at the University of Hainan. "On the wall" presents a series of young girls in sailor suit, leaning or sitting on a wall, contemplating the high rises drawn up in the distance, against blue sky,on the other side of the wall. The artist uses this wall to present two aspects of reality: the city that one sees in the distance is a new city, developed, with potentiality, a kind of metaphor, an ideal to which the young girls aspir… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Artneuland18 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Israel is a cross-over of most different identities and cultures, a meeting of Orient and Occident, East and West, Traditions and Modernity as well as of ethnic groups of different origins. A multi-cultural society with fragmental identities, facing at present new challenges and questions.- The context of Western Time-Eastern Time: How does the dimensions of Time appear in photography in relation to eastern and western ways of Israeli urbanity, which in itself contains different cultural percept… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Jane Evelyn AtwoodWomen in jail![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005During nine years, across several European countries (East and West) and America, the photojournalist, Jane Evelyn Atwood encountered and photographed women in jail, inprisonned either for minor infractions (theft or drugs) or for major offences (murder or child abuse).This long involvement, which moving and passionate photographs describe scenes far beyond our imagination, tells the changing story of a population of jailed women. In fact, since 1980, in the United States alone, the amount of wo… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Lights in FranceGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Today, the light exceeds its original function of lighting; mastered, carved, the light surprises, calls for contemplation, appeals to our imagination. Masters of these scenographies, the French light designers, for a few years, have developed their creations in France and abroad. The exhibition, which scenography is by itself a light installation, shows the urban landscape new night identity and the modernity of its scenography. This work, on the world of the light, is a photographic trip in Me… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Claude DityvonNocturnal![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Dityvon roams the streets with jazz tunes which always accompany him in his head, those of Monk and Coltrane whose this humanistic likes the swing and "the silence suspended between two notes". He does not really know that this is what he seeks to photograph, but he feels it. And contrary to others, he accumulates the images of the intervals, significant but not very spectacular instants. He wants "to show what is in between, which is not seen and which resembles the music of the words and the r… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 David DamoisonCaracas![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005From Martinique, Born in 1963 in Malakoff, he studies photography in various workshops in Paris, as student and assisting. He begins a personal project, within the West-Indian community of Paris. Then in 1991, he collaborates and travels with the "Revue Noire", he starts his first illustrations and begins to meet Caribbean artists. Since, he continues to follow, by round trip, the human trends which irrigate the Caribbean. It is thus naturally that he undertakes to be immersed himself in Caracas… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Jean-Pierre FavreauJapan![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005In the horizon of a street that disappear, the inprints left on a graffity wall or the tight face of a motionless pedestrian, Jean-Pierre Favreau questions the city. Multiple, various, it remains, singular here. No one needs to know where we are, in New York, Havana, Rome or Tokyo; we are traveller of the edges, of the fringes, at the borders between light and dark. The thin thread which connects each city, it is this moment of madness perceived in an attitude, this expression of abandonment … more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 François FontaineWithout Land![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005These women and these men that we call the "Without Land" ("Sem Terra") militate for an equitable land reform for all. They strongly defend an ideology strongly tainted by Marxism-Leninism and Christianity which would make it possible for each one to cultivate a plot of land taken off the immense properties that a handful of powerful men hold and refuse to yield to the poorest. Today, the majority of them live without any income, inside sordid huts covered with plastic, without water nor electri… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Martin KollarOrdinary days![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005It took Martin Kollar quite a while to understand that nothing he wanted to photograph required a search for the extraordinary. He realized that he who can see can find it anywhere. In housing estates where his friends live, in small towns where he stops to have a warm lunch while on a trip, in villages, in the countryside that flanks the road to his destination. Kollars topics are simply everywhere that people live their everyday, ordinary lives. These topics emerge both incidentally and in… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Lau PokchiPortraits![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005The sky as a backdrop in July 1997 in Hong Kong was heavy. It poured daily and peoples_ hearts were heavy and depressed. China was about to take Hong Kong back after over 100 years of British colonization. Lau Pokchi wanted to take his family’s portraits for this occasion but they had all left for America. Some had come back because America was not for everyone. This disjointed-family situation became a common phenomenon in Hong Kong with a population of 6.5 million. Housing was dense, tiny an… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Laurent GuéneauWordless stories![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Since 1989, as a free lance, Laurent Gueneau has worked with the media, commercial companies and public institutions while carrying on a personal project for 7 years in various countries of Eastern Europe. His photographic representations, guided by intuition and inspired by colour, are carried out with a 4 X 5 inches camera. This apparatus, rather heavy and cumbersome, requires a few minutes of installation before being able to record an image. Thanks to this instrument which grants a delay, th… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Christian PovedaLas MarasGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005In Central America, one calls them maras. These groups of young people, built on the model of the gangs of Los Angeles, become frightening, sow terror in El Salvador. This is a study of a violent phenomenon imported from the United States. The gangs, las maras, made up of young people, covered in tattoo and dedicated to the traffic of weapons and drug, colonize little by little all of Central America. An Indirect effect of globalisation, it is in Los Angeles that the young latinos immigrants sta… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Edith RouxUnderscape![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Commissioned by the French National Contemporary Arts Council The shots in "Underscape" were photographed in 2002 in Shanghai, window of the economic development of China and decisive stake of the process of globalisation which affects the country. As in Europe where they followed the cathedrals, the majority of the buildings, in the vast megapoles of China, are devoted today to the worship of Consumption. Such is the main feeling, filled with nausea and giddiness, desire and satisfaction, to wh… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Klavdij SlubanIn parenthesis![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005In 1995, he created a photography workshop for teenagers in the Juvenile Detention Center in Fleury-Mérogis (South of Paris, biggest jail in Europe). The adolescents are taught a creative approach, development and printing. Their work is regularly shown inside the jail. Henri Cartier-Bresson has been coming since the beginning of this project several times a year, Willam Klein and Marc Riboud also attended to encourage them. Since 1998,following these projects, he started working with young pri… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Marc RiboudLeeds 1954-2004![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005"Go to London, see the girls and learn English" said Capa as a welcome to Magnum finding him too shy. Marc Riboud reaches Leeds in 1954, he does not meet the girls and does not learn English. The greyness and the sadness of this industrial town which seemed stuck in the 19th century reminded him of Lyon where he was born. He returns to London, gives his films to a picture-editor which, before even greeting him, declares to him: "Capa is dead". Under shock, Riboud returns to Paris. And there he f… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Tangophoto![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Tangophoto Is a group of young authors made up of different nationalities. The members support a free photography and share the same interest in photographing life. Beyond the variety of styles, the cohesion of the group articulates around collective and individual actions, which allows a crossing of styles, approaches, multiplies the points of view and favor exchanges.Tangophoto was created in 1996. These ten photographers grouped up to produce and distribute their images. They question the way… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 René BurriSolo ExhibitionGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Elliott ErwittSolo ExhibitionGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Bogdan KonopkaSolo ExhibitionGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Pascal XiclunaRing road![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005The author wanted to draw up a photographic report starting from this no man' s land, between Paris and its suburbs while becoming aware of the changes, of the transformation, even of the disappearance of certain elements part of the urban landscape bordering this highway. Rich with diversity, thanks to its social, economic, cultural, industrial components, this vast landscape, with unclear borders, is in perpetual evolution. What will happen to the Mills of Paris, to the Saint-Ouen flea market,… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Edward WestSouth Africa![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005South Africa is in the midst of dramatic transformation. For its communities of color - long cast in the role of shadow to the white population - this is a time when identities and borders are in the process of redefinition. In this provocative body of photographic work, Edward West uses the metaphorical power of shadow to foreground the shifting visibility of South Africa's black population post apartheid.In focusing on the private moments of these newly empowered people within their own commun… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Olivo BarbieriSite spécifique![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Depuis les années 80, Barbieri se spécialise dans les environnements urbains ; son intérêt pour la similitude des structures de l’urbanisme mondial l’a mené dans de nombreux pays. Sa photographie a des origines communes avec la photographie de voyage. En fait il trouve son inspiration dans la comparaison entre cultures classiques et cultures modernes, chez lui en Italie mais surtout dans les pays d’Extrême Orient comme la Chine, le Japon et l’Inde. Il n’y cherche pas la descripti… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 CHANG QingSolo ExhibitionGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Chang Qing lives in Taiyuan, Shanxi. While travelling the cities of his province, he photographs local theater troups and specifically the ugliness of their diformed actors. Using harsh lighting and strong composition he gives an intense image of these outcast characters. Chang Qing's lens shows them totaly immersed in their stage roles and outlines physical strength but also pride and assertiveness.more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 DAI MouyuSolo Exhibition![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Born in Guangdong, Dai Mouyu now works as a journalist in a Shanghai newspaper and spends all of his sparse free time observing urban phenomenons of little interest to most. Through a powerful individual point of view and innovating pictural composition, his colour photographs reveal how strange and puzzling the city can be and also show how lonely man can be with a desperate kind of poetry especially within his combinations of early morning shots.Du YingnanDuring a three years stay in London, D… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 HAI BoLoveGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 HAN LeiViewing the cityGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 HONG LeiSolo ExhibitionGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 GAO HongxunSolo ExhibitionGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 GUO GaiSolo ExhibitionGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 HONG HaoMug shotsGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 LIU LihongSolo Exhibition![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005While a teacher at the Lu Xun fine art institute in Shenyang, an industrial city in the North East of the country, Liu Lihong got interested in his surroundings and intertwined profoundly his art and his life. By assembling scattered fragments of reality, Liu Lihong offers a surrealist image of the city alternating fiction and reality. While showing typical scenes of Shenyang, his pictures take us upon totaly unexpected discoveries witnessing a very personal vision.more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 LUO YongjinArchitecturesGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Born in Luoyang, then worked in Beijing, finally lives in Shanghai today, Luo Yongjin photographed the new private buildings of Luoyang in the 90's. The "pre modern" urban architecture, that he shows with a strong and solid visual style, reveals as much of the Chinese spacial consciousness as their architectural aesthetics. Trough a powerful visual synthesis, the author demonstrates the random links between Chinese popular building styles and the basic western modern movement. From 2002, Luo Yon… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 MO YiTriptychs![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Mo Yi is a free-lance photographer living in Tianjin. His work denounces urban life styles which he personnaly dislikes for practical and psychological reasons. He denounces, with emotion filled images, the tiresom rythm and the oppressing feeling created by the city and he draws up a visual catalogue of the armoured doors installed in the dwellings, accounts for deep uneasiness and tension of our contemporaries or metamorphose with irony the mob of the subway into "intimacy". In short, Mo Yi re… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 SHAO Yinong & MU ChenAuditoriums![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Recent work "Auditoriums" of Shao Yinong and Mu Chen collected the approval of all. These spaces, formerly eminently political, fell in disuse at the commercial era of today. Dedicated to the demolition or transformed into study halls, they lost their solemnity of yesterday. However, always carrying memories, they are rich in historical and cultural information, true museographic spaces details of the past. It is at the time when these places lost their importance and their prestige that with an… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 MIAO XiaochunSolo ExhibitionGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 QIU ZhijieSolo ExhibitionGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 PENG XiangjieSolo ExhibitionGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 SHI GuoruiPinholes of ShanghaiGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Shanghai Pekinese artist, Shi Guorui is a follower of the return to the roots, who uses the technique of the pinhole to photograph contemporary China. In his "Pinholes of Shanghai" the author turns in derision the high places representative of the modernism, like the Bund or the new districts of Pudong, which he transforms into landscapes of ruins, cultural vestiges of another time.more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 WANG NingdeSome daysGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005This series is a testimony of the strange bonds linking reality and memory. This reciprocal interdependence led to a kind of surrealism in which reality of the memory and memory of reality are difficult to distinguish. Without the memory for background, reality would undoubtedly be extremely dull. Without the mirror of reality, memory would be only a chimerical dream. Wang Ningde gives neither a precise contour to his past nor an explicit topicality to reality. He offers simply a surrealist worl… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 WU JialinRetrospectiveGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Wu Jialin lives in Kunming, Yunnan. Through his lens, the ethnic minorities of his province, photographed with sensitivity, delicacy and intelligence, appear as an original microcosm and whose cultural symbols, the author carefully capture. In an eminently personal style, the forcefull and generous image composition gives a thorough analysis of China rich in surprises. In today's upheavals, the established rules lose their value, normal and abnormal have neither border nor precise meaning.more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 XUE TingWild animals![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005In the name of the modernism and civilization, the cities are equipped today with zoological gardens. Even in China, which one cannot however describe as a developed country, the least town of some importance has a zoo equipped with ordinary animals. In our contemporary society, the zoo thus became a necessary sign of beeing civilized. In order to offer the public, a so-called "knowledge" of nature, one tears off animals from their natural environment. However, strangely enough, this act of self… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 YAO SongxinShanghai by night![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Yao Songxin is an independent photographer, residing and working in Shanghai, who carried hi camera in the nights of the metropolis to undertake "Shanghai at night". His images do not testify to an intimacy of the photographer with the city but, quite to the contrary, to a certain distance. Yao Songxin seeks in the night the places that disappear with the day and tries to give them back to urban life. At night, the city, shows even less authenticity; it appears fuzzy and false, thus reinforcing … more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 ZHANG XinminThe encircled cityGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Currently a journalist with the "News from the snake's mouth" from Shenzhen, Zhang Xinmin has been interested for ten years in the problems of population displacements in China. His work "the encircled city" comprises three chapters:"Borough", "On the way to the city" and "City". He tries to show the changes in the Chinese social structures by using a significant phenomenon: the integration of the peasants in the city after their departure from the country-side. The work of Zhang Xinmin testifie… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 ZHENG NongTourism![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Zheng Nong is currently a writer for a photographic magazine in Beijing. His series "Tourism", fruit of several years of work, reveals the strange aspect of the tourist cultural industry which developed in China parallel to the urbanization. Zheng Nong's camera concentrate on people within the tourist landscape, he captures their reactions or behaviour in the country's most famous sites. His photographs testify at the same time of the romantic, illusory and chimerical universe created by tourism… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 ZHU HaoPlaces![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005The series "Places" from Shanghai photographer Zhu Hao has for subject matter the city places we use daily. Concentrated colours and a meticulous description give these urban spaces a visual charm filled with life. Although lacking human figures, the marks of man fixed on film, whether they are advertising images, graffiti or scrapped objects, reveal human aspirations, illusions and creativity. Zhu Hao's eye makes it possible for these objects to show the reasons of their existence and their obj… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 ZHU FengSolo Exhibition![]() Guangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Photography is generally directed by the object photographed. Without the existence of a concrete target, there cannot be photography. The work of the Shanghai based photographer Zhu Feng however does not proceed of this logic. By re-photographing photographs of architecture taken in brochures or magazines, the author makes "reproductions of reproductions". By tiny "tricks", this "second hand reality" leads to urban images leaving an impression of blur close to the mirage, as if the buildings we… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 YANG YongSolo ExhibitionGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Yang Yong is currently one of the most prominent representatives of a new generation of artists in China born in the 1970s and was recently featured at the 50th Venice Biennial. His photographs capture the rising tension between the superficial glamour of urban material life today and the relentless certainties of a pre-industrial environment of Communist orthodoxy. Born in Sichuan Province, he now lives in Shenzhen, the metropolis in the Pearl River Delta which has been catapulted within twent… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 SONG TaoSolo ExhibitionGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 LI LangSolo ExhibitionGuangzhou Photo Biennial 200518 Jan – 28 Feb 2005Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Mao TongqiangPassing Time24 Dec – 31 Dec 2004Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Memories of Mankind1 Nov – 5 Dec 2004Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 ZHANG Hai'erAsian Field5 Aug – 3 Sep 2004Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Airport Photography: Out With the Old In With the New3 Aug – 1 Sep 2004Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Mask of JapanContemporary Japanese Photography8 Jun – 4 Jul 2004Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Wim WendersSolo Exhibition22 Apr – 1 Jun 2004Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Wolfgang LaibPassageway-Overgoing2 Apr – 16 May 2004Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 ContinuitiesContemporary Art of Malaysia at the Turn of the 21st Century5 Mar – 15 Apr 2004Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 Humanism in China - A Contemporary Record of Photography![]() 12 Dec 2003 – 21 Jan 2004The large-scale photography exhibition Humanism in China - A Contemporary Record of Photography will open at the Guangdong Museum of Art on December 12th, 2003 in Guangzhou, China. In planning this exhibition for more than half a year, the museum has collected over six hundred works from more than two hundred and seventy photographers who come from more than twenty provinces, cities and municipalities all over China. All the work in the exhibition was created between 1950 and 2003, spanning over… more Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 THE 2ND CHINESE ART ACADEMIES BIENNIAL12 Nov – 7 Dec 2003Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 The First Guangzhou TriennialReinterpretation: A Decade of Experimental Chinese Art (1990-2000)18 Nov 2002 – 19 Jan 2003Guangdong Museum of ArtCNGuangdong Museum of Art +86-20-87351248 friends@gdmoa.org Tue-Sun 9-17 BEYOND: an extraordinary space of experimentation for modernization |