The Day May Break — Chapitre 3Marcela Barrios, Julien Coquentin, Benoît Durand, Sandra Fastré, Laurent Ferriere, Arnaud Finistre, Nathalie Guironnet, Amine Houari, Laurent Le Crabe, Olivier Marchesi, Romann Ramshorn, Dominique Secher, Dana Tentea et Sarah Witt. moreLes Kids du photojournalismeL'Exposition anniversaire des dix ans de la galerie Polka Galerie presents « Rock’n’roll » from March 2nd to May 4th, an ex- hibition of twenty-three prints from the archives of Jean-Marie Périer.
Jean-Marie Périer became famous in the sixties when, during his col- laboration with the magazine «Salut les copains» he followed the biggest music names of the time and witnessed a society undergoing revolution.
«Rock’n’roll» is an immersion into the heart of the star system in … more Polka Galerie presents "Carnets de voyage" from March 2nd to May 4th , an exhibition of Patrick Swirc which mixes photographs and diaries . As a traveler, Patrick Swirc wanders the world to create logbooks filled with photographs, calligraphy, collages and drawings. more Long Island by Petra Sedlaczek
For the first time, between January 18th and February 23rd, 2013, Polka Galerie welcomes Petra Sedlaczeck. The twenty exhibited photographs belong to the series "Long Island" which delves into the intimacy of the night on the beaches of the New York bay. Petra Sedlaczeck is the wife of photographe Peter Lindbergh. She mastered her craft and learned how to play with light by watching her husband work. more Donata Wenders: In the SnowDonata Wenders worked in the movie industry for a long time before she started displaying her talent for photography. Known for her work in black and white, the Berlin photographer is inspired by Henri-Cartier Bresson, Alfred Stieglitz and more recently, Peter Lindbergh. Donata Wenders’ photographs use lighting and shadows effects and reflections. She enjoys working with the atmosphere and the light of the moment without following any rules or pre-established dir… more THE DAIDO MORIYAMA CYCLE1 // Hokkaido-Northern // Sept 13 - Nov 62 // Paris // Nov 10 - Nov 223 // Silkscreens // Nov 10 - Jan 12Opening reception Saturday November 10th from 6 pm to 9 pmVernissage le samedi 10 novembre de 18h00 à 21h00Polka Galerie is pleased to announce a cycle of three exhibitions (September 2012 - January 2013) dedicated to Daido Moriyama's oeuvres. Our ambition is to apprehend multiple aspects of his work : his practice of street photography and wanderings, inst… more THE DAIDO MORIYAMA CYCLE1 // Hokkaido-Northern // Sept 13 - Nov 62 // Paris // Nov 10 - Nov 223 // Silkscreens // Nov 10 - Jan 12Opening reception Saturday November 10th from 6 pm to 9 pmVernissage le samedi 10 novembre de 18h00 à 21h00Polka Galerie is pleased to announce a cycle of three exhibitions (September 2012 - January 2013) dedicated to Daido Moriyama's oeuvres. Our ambition is to apprehend multiple aspects of his work : his practice of street photography and wanderings, inst… more ENGDaido Moriyama Hokkaido-Northern « Hokkaido - Northern » is the largest project ever undertaken by Daido Moriyama (born in 1938, Ikeda, Osaka), leading figure of Japanese photography.In the aftermath of World War II, Japan was a wounded nation. The havoc wreaked by the war still prohibited any kind of travel across the country. While reading school books and magazines, young Moriyama came across the names of the cities of Hokkaido, the archipelago’s large northern island. Th… more «Theaters» is an extensive project undertaken in 2006 by Yves Marchand & Romain Meffre, born respectively in 1981 and 1987. In 2005, the French duo came across their first abandoned American movie theater while debuting their work on the ruins of Detroit.Through «Theaters», Yves Marchand & Romain Meffre establish a typology. They first photograph the main auditoriums that have fallen in ruins. Some are still faintly lit or benefit from natural light whereas others… more «To be Elliott you need to have (1) an exquisite instinct, not only of the moment, but what might happen in the very next moment, (2) a sympathetic but clear-eyed view of the world as an endless series of mini-comedies and dramas [...] You also need to have been born in Paris of émigré Russian-Jewish parents, rushed our of Italy to avoid Mussolini, raised in California, speak at least four languages, and be self-effacing to the point of transparency. [...] In Sequentially Yo… more Paulette Tavormina «Natura Morta» «Still lifes remind us that time passes, that life is precious. And they tell us so much about the history and life of a place andera.»Paulette Tavormina, a New York photographer, who also works in advertising, has developed a profoundly artistic approachto culinary photography. Her impressive know-how is used internationally whether on films such as «The Perfect Storm»with George Clooney, «Intrusion» with Johnny D… more Catherine Balet, « Strangers in the Light» «The digital age has been an inexhaustible source of influence and information. Through my photographs, I only wish toquestion how quickly the technological age has dramatically accelerated time. «In her series entitled “Strangers in the Light”, Catherine Balet, who trained as a painter, confronts two seemingly paradoxicalmodern realities: hyper-communication and the profound solitude in which we can find ourselves in… more Sara Imloul, « Black Circus » «Black Circus» by Sara Imloul dives into a strange and dreamlike universe. This young photographer – she is 25 years old –began this series in 2008. She uses calotype, an old process. «This method requires me to contact print my images. Thereforethe sizes of the prints match the sizes of the negatives. I then rework the details with a brush and various chemicals, as ifI were retouching small paintings. Each is unique, the ar… more Alexander Gronsky«Mountains & Waters» Alexander Gronsky (Tallin, Estonia, 1980) dedicates his photographic work to landscapes.For “Mountains & Waters”, he went to the edges of Shan- gai, Chongqing or Shenzhen, these Chinese megalopolis where the agitation creates an almost chaotic disorder.“Mountains & Waters” is a series of large-scale diptychs: with an aesthetic close to the Düsserdorf School, Alexan- der Gronsky adds a Chinese conception of… more Raymond CauchetierMovie set photographer“Raymond’s photographs are themselves, central works of the French New Wave.“ (Richard Brody, in Aperture Magazine #197, 2009)Raymond Cauchetier (Paris, 1920), fundamental photo- grapher of the new wave, was also a great reporter during the Indochina war. At the end of the war, Raymond Cau- chetier stayed in Cambodia and met Marcel Camus, who invited him to follow the filming of his movie, produced in Cambodia. This chance encounter with … more “Africas” As Paris Photo celebrates Africa, Polka Galerie presents the exhibition “Africas“, showcasing the work of Françoise Huguier, Philippe Guionie, Titouan Lamazou, Marc Riboud, Sebastião Salgado and Jürgen Schadeberg. Six views of Africa from then and now.Francoise Huguier “Sur les traces de l’Afrique fantôme“ 1988-1990 “Secrètes” 1995 “Durban” 1997Polka Galerie is showing 17 exclusive vintage… more New York New YorkBetween testimony and tribute, the group exhibition “New York-New York” returns to, ten years after, the most important attack of the History.All began on the 9th of September, 2001. Massoud, the leader of the Northern alliance and an opponent of Osama bin Laden, is murdered in Afghanistan. In 1985, Reza, a close friend of Massoud, took the famous portrait of man known as the “Lion of Panjshir”.On September 11th, 2011, the United Airlines flight number 17… more Ahmet Ertug - MONUMENTAPolka Galerie is pleased to exhibit the works of the Turkish photographer Ahmet Ertug. Architect by training, Ahmet Ertug takes pictures of monuments which are steeped in history. “Serenity and power of the picture” are the key words of his aestheticism.Taken with a view camera, Ertug's monumental photographs play on shadows and lights. They unveil the soul of these places full of meaning. For this first exhibition, Polka Galerie shows two series: "Ha… more Ara Güler - The Eye of IstanbulAra Güler- the “Turkish Henri Cartier-Bresson” according to the beautiful tribute that his friend Marc Riboud paid to him – is in love with his country, Turkey, and with his town, Istanbul.His early works made on the banks of the Bosphorus in the fifties testify to the increasing dynamism of the town. In the detroit, the traffic is intense, and the merchandise voluminous. On the billows, some imposing liners heckle the fishermen’s … more Bodies and SoulsBodies and souls11/10 - 03/11/11Polka Galerie is an institutional partner of the 3rd edition of Photoquai, the biennial dedicated to world photography.Created in 2007 by the Quai Branly Museum and dedicated to non-Western photography, Photoquai aims to highlight and introduce famous artists whose works still remain unknown in Europe.For this edition, the photographer and film director Françoise Huguier, represented by Polka Galerie, was entrusted with the artistic direction. For this occa… more D’origine sicilienne, née en 1955, Paulette Tavormina vit depuis 25 ans à New York et se rend régulièrement en Italie.
Enrichie de ses études à l’International Center for Photography de New York en 1986, puis aux Santa Fe Photographic Workshops. Avec son départ de Santa Fe au Nouveau-Mexique, son travail alterne entre photographie d’art –comme pour ses projets intitulés « Natura morta » ou « Sicili… more “Photographs are fossils of light and memory, and photographs are the history of memory” (Daido Moriyama, “The Myth of Light” excerpt from his memoir “Memories of a Dog”, 2004). “Memories of Light” unearths the journey of a wanderer whose only guides while on the road have been, for over half a century, his memories and souvenirs. Born in 1938 in Osaka, Daido Moriyama lived through the Second World War, Japan’s defeat, the military occupation… more |