Exhibitions of Stefan Moses at Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST |
Johanna BreedeDEJohanna Breede PHOTOKUNST +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 MEN by MEN![]() 14 Sep – 22 Nov 2024Eigentlich haben Männer auch ihr Gutes. Schließlich gelten sie gemeinhin als mutig, gelegentlich sogar als durchsetzungsstark. Männer sollen einem gängigen Vorurteil zufolge logisch-rational und mit Interessen für mancherlei Details ausgestattet sein. Andererseits müssen all diese Qualitäten nicht automatisch schon zum Guten gereichen. Schließlich hat schon Jean Paul-Sartre einst spitzfindig bemerkt, dass Gespräche mit Angehörigen des vermeintlich stärkeren Geschlechts auch furchtbar … Johanna BreedeDEJohanna Breede PHOTOKUNST +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 HERBST![]() 29 Sep – 18 Nov 2022
Autumn divides the minds - and the spirits. For some, late September marks the beginning of the uncomfortable, cold time of the year. The days become shorter, the world outside grayer. But for others, autumn is a season as underrated as it is inspiring, full of color, emotion and romance. A simultaneity that many poets have written about. In Hoffmann von Fallersleben, autumn comes with rich gifts and distributes them cheerfully. In Rilke, the last sweetness is chased into the heavy wine. In Ro… Johanna BreedeDEJohanna Breede PHOTOKUNST +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 SOMMER![]() 21 Jun – 16 Sep 2022The year is in full swing, people are drawn to the meadows and beaches, the leaves dress the trees in rich green. And even if we can't see them in black-and-white photographs, the bright colors of summer can still be glimpsed. In any case, Johanna Breede, with her skilful sense of image selection and composition, once again knows how to make colors shine that are not there at first glance.
In the monochrome photographs of Jens Knigge or Marek Pozniak, for example, we intuitively be… Johanna BreedeDEJohanna Breede PHOTOKUNST +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 SPRING / FRÜHLING![]() 31 Mar – 10 Jun 2022
Spring means promise. The last March storms have long since blown away the previous year. The days are green again. Nature is lavish once more. It shakes us out of our winter dormancy and points us towards cheer, light and love. Spring has also arrived on Fasanenstraße, as is evident in Johanna Breede’s luminous gallery. On one wall, a couple is kissing - it is 1955 and the Munich photographer Stefan Moses is walking through the world with observing eyes and an open camera lens.… Johanna BreedeDEJohanna Breede PHOTOKUNST +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 WINTER![]() 23 Nov 2021 – 11 Mar 2022Winter, those are memories. The crunching of deep firn under the boots; wondrous ice flowers on the window panes; the sweet sightings of early snowdrops. But above all, winter is the season when the world becomes quieter. Thomas Mann once caressed a snow-covered mountain landscape with his words as "padded soundlessness". It is not only the world that becomes quieter, but also the colours. Grey light, white fields, black branches. The paint of winter is as monochrome as it is rich in c… Johanna BreedeDEJohanna Breede PHOTOKUNST +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 UNTITLED![]() 29 Jun – 13 Nov 2021When the gallery doors open again after more than a year of Corona restrictions and lockdowns, the question arises: what have we missed the most? What have we suffered the most from?
Under the most modest of all titles, Johanna Breede's UNTITLED invites us to a concert of wishes that holds a whole grab bag of answers. Here "untitled" does not mean without a concept, but rather elevates the greatest possible freedom, for which we have longed for so long. It is the freedom of choic… Johanna BreedeDEJohanna Breede PHOTOKUNST +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 THE ANIMAL AND ITS HUMAN BEING / DAS TIER UND SEIN MENSCH![]() 17 Nov 2020 – 18 Jun 2021
Anyone who observes Stefan Moses at work is suddenly drawn into the maelstrom of that quiet insistent madness with which a great photographer makes the living objects submissive, if not defenseless, to his desire. He smiles kindly. Many gentle, affirmative words create the deceptive impression of a conversation, as if the photographic victim still had a will of his own, as if he still had something to contribute to his self-expression. Last resistances and initial alertness turn into an atmosph… Johanna BreedeDEJohanna Breede PHOTOKUNST +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 MAGIC OF SILENCE / MAGIE DER STILLE![]() 23 Feb – 29 May 2019It is the year 1969: In the French Church of St. Moritz, Herbert von Karajan, then Chief Conductor of the Berliner Philharmoniker, conducts Arthur Honegger's Symphony no. 2. The exact circumstances of the concert are not known. The only thing that remains is the silence. Robert Lebeck has sculpted them on a minimalist composition of light and shadow. But each before and after is cut off: only the genius and the great silence; the moment between two sentences, between two bars or two notes. … Johanna BreedeDEJohanna Breede PHOTOKUNST +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 Artists / Künstler![]() 9 Jun – 21 Sep 2018A man disappears. He turns his face to the camera, holding a mask in front of his mouth, thus removing his person from reality. Only the dark eyes remain, a high forehead with grey hair, wrinkled hands showing traces of age. The rest has evolved – at least for the short moment of a photograph; for the "elusive moment", in which the subject has disappeared behind a strange amorphous object which can barely be identified. Is it a piece of dark wood? An old dried leaf? Whatever it i… Johanna BreedeDEJohanna Breede PHOTOKUNST +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 FAVORITE IMAGES / LIEBLINGSBILDER![]() 1 Mar – 30 Jun 2017
Love loves small things. Love doesn't seek big pathos or emphasis. Love hides in the profane; in the shiny shoes in which one has journeyed or in the perfect fold of a beautiful dress. The really big things often lurk in the smallest of details. "I believe," the American poet Walt Whitman once wrote, "a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars." It is a poetry of dignity and nuance. This is a credo about the interplay of all things and the reverberati… Johanna BreedeDEJohanna Breede PHOTOKUNST +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 A World Theatre / Ein Welttheater![]() 1 Oct – 26 Nov 2016
The world is a stage. In the wings of work and everyday life, against a backdrop of hope and care, we perform our tiny roles in the vast world theatre. Perhaps we’re not aware of the play. Perhaps the stages are too large and the masquerades have become like a second skin. We know neither the title of the piece, nor do we know the author, set designer or any happy endings. We’re just mimes, imposters of social roles, actors in beloved figurations. At certain moments, however, we s… Johanna BreedeDEJohanna Breede PHOTOKUNST +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 Vis-à-Vis![]() 7 May – 8 Jul 2016
There is no photography. There is always only the photograph which gazes back at the viewer. Sometimes with a careful, tentative and questioning look; sometimes with a brisk or hasty glance. But it always offers something: an invitation to brief conversations. The viewer always looks, and the photograph, full of curiosity, gazes back. As in 1966, when the German reportage photographer Robert Lebeck took a portrait of the former German chancellor Konrad Adenauer at his 90th birthday celebration … Johanna BreedeDEJohanna Breede PHOTOKUNST +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 THE WINDOW - DAS FENSTER![]() 21 Mar – 13 Jun 2015
We alone are the insiders of our interior worlds. Within ourselves we feel safe and yet often isolated and sealed off. At the same time, hope is almost always contained therein: evident itself in windows, in the gates of the eyes. Each window is a link, a step between the interior and the exterior. The window functions just as with the lens of a camera - it is the point between the camera obscura and the outside. The point where light breaks through and illuminates another world.
A… Johanna BreedeDEJohanna Breede PHOTOKUNST +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 MEN / MÄNNER![]() 18 Jan – 15 Mar 2014
It’s a man’s world. James Brown even sang a song about it. Men were the ones who had invented cars, trains and ships. Men were the born creators. The “King of Soul” failed to mention however that it was also men who invented photography; men, who first created artificial images from light and chemicals. Technically enthusiastic homo faber. It was small wonder that such types initially found themselves mostly behind rather than in front of their new inventions; where the… Johanna BreedeDEJohanna Breede PHOTOKUNST +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 FRAUEN / WOMEN![]() 8 Mar – 25 May 2013Women are a major driving force of photography. No sooner had French pioneer Louis Daguerre introduced the media to the public in 1839 than it began to be used as a method to portray female beauty. It was American chemist John W. Draper who ushered women into photography with a portrait of his sister Dorothy. And ever since, the suspicion has been that a wooing Orpheus lurks behind the cold technology of the camera - an artist whose intentions are to captivate and seduce women with photographs.
… Johanna BreedeDEJohanna Breede +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 EMIGRANTS / EMIGRANTEN![]() 31 Mar – 21 May 2012Stefan Moses is passionate about meeting his fellow humans and seeing their faces. His portraits are unmistakably sympathetic. They are also marked by the humor and fantasy used by the photographer to achieve his subjects' playful cooperation. His art moves beyond mere portraiture to capture the depth of the person's character and energy.Srefan Moses' portraits are known for their felicitous intimacy and long-range focus extending over decades. His photography has given us… Johanna BreedeDEJohanna Breede +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 Highlights![]() 7 Dec 2010 – 28 Feb 2011In der Photographie gibt es jenen magischen Augenblick, in dem ein Motiv, eine Szene sich zu einer vollendeten Komposition fügt, ein Bild tieferen Sinngehalt gewinnt und die menschliche Seele sichtbar wird. Manche Bildfindungen ergeben sich aus dem Zauber des Augenblicks wie Sibylle Bergemanns Schwarzweißaufnahme ‚Maren’ - mit einer leisen Melancholie und einer einfühlsamen, gelebten Bildsprache. Louis Stettner’s Zwillingstürme des World Trade C… Johanna BreedeDEJohanna Breede +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 Invisible Past – Images of a vanishing time![]() Bilder einer verschwindenden Zeit21 Jul – 28 Aug 2010Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST präsentiert in ihrer diesjährigen Sommerausstellung „Invisible Past – Bilder einer verschwindenden Zeit“ Photoarbeiten von Sibylle Bergemann, Hannes Kilian, Stefan Moses, Louis Stettner, Birgit Kleber, Dieter Matthes, Martin Mlecko und Leo Pompinon.
Unsere Umgebung befindet sich in einem stetigen Wandel in dem die Zeit ihre Spuren hinterlässt. Veränderungen, Fort- und Rückschritte bestimmen dabei den Verlauf. Wahrnehm… Johanna BreedeDEAutomobil Forum +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 Köpfe![]() Ars Nobilis - Kunstmesse im Automobilforum, Unter den Linden 21 Berlin6 Nov – 15 Nov 2009Gute Porträtphotographien zeugen auch von faszinierenden Begegnungen. Zum Beispiel von den kostbaren Minuten, in denen Gundula Schulze Eldowy im Ägyptischen Museum in Kairo die Mumien der Pharaonen photographieren konnte. In der Welt der Lebenden unzähligen neugierigen Blicken ausgesetzt, bekommen die Jahrtausende alten Toten in den Bildern der Photographin ihre würdevolle Spiritualität zurück und entfalten, wie der Kopf Thutmosis' IV., eine eigenartige berührende Schönheit. Die auf Mada… Johanna BreedeDEJohanna Breede +49 (0)30-88913590 photokunst@breede.de Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14 ARTIST - PORTRAITS / Künstler-Portraits![]() 30 Jul – 22 Aug 2009"As a result of the variety of content and the unique personalities of artists the art of portraits appears in many different styles."
Floris M. Neusüss |